TWIMCIFTHIM---Blog # 29---062507.670
Wooopdeedodoodledo, this elevator is riding me to some far out shit here in hyperspace, [HS]. Ed Himacane’s Verizon DSL service is promised 2B on 4v today, as of time and date shown above, he gets billed, but no WIFI INTERNET. I knew that this weekend would B beyond putrid because I came back from what U would call a vivid dream, where my mother and I had a bad argument in an apartment we had lived at back in the middle 1960’s, and I slammed a door into her head and saw her brain go right through the back of her head. Some time ago, I would find myself referring quite often to reality one two and three, or A, B, and C. I believed that basically, both the dream world and the waking world, using your forward-mortal lingo descriptions, were sort of a combined resulting factor that came 2B as a result of the third truer or higher ‘reality’. Some truth exists 2 this, but some parts of this thinking R not at all the truth, hence, rather than me attempting to pitifully describe in elaborate details what I now have come to know of all this, we simply will abridge the discussion with my saying simply this 4 now: U must C the true hyper-spatial effect on things first, B4 ever even hoping to get any of this. 4 example, biblically, the concept of Christianity cannot B mortally understood totally by anyone not able 2C that linear time is pure illusion that consciousness creates in order to sustain mortal world life as we know it 2B here on Earth In addition 2 that, we in this universe R no more than one thin slice layer of an onion with rings that would B the size of galaxies. Not any one of these universes has any greater or lesser importance than any other. All is also relative one to another; it always was this way and will B. B4 I go on with this, permit me pweeeeeze to correct a previous blogging error that I made a couple of weeks back in mortal maya. I said that only one world can come 2 exist with carbon based creatures, [homosapiens], in each of these universes in the multiverse. I told U that the reason that proves this is an in transmutable law was in the atom, and that it was a proton singularity law. I meant nucleus, not proton, no there R not only one proton atoms, sahwee, in reiteration, there is only one center or hub or [nucleus] to the atoms that make up all of what illusion sees as solid reality. This endless size dimensional reality, both above and below any relative center point, always shows that one Earth and human race only exists per universe. But getting back to Christian teachings in the bible 4 example, there is the chosen elect that [God] supposedly chooses to save from damnation, and this is done B4 the creation of the world as well as long B4 our even getting born. Can U as of yet C how looking at time in linear fashion, makes all of this so inconceivable? Now add HS knowledge, and watch all the biblical mysteries hidden in so many layers of shrouds simply freaking vanish like a morning mist in the bright summer sunlight. If 4 example 24,875,944 R chosen 2B saved from [hell & damnation], and all other carbon based entities by the process of elimination R2B lost and cast into hell, Y is this fair, when [God must by the nature of this entire equation, B totally just and fair, as the ultimate judge of the Earth, and King of Kings, even Paula, Dawn, and PK-L&O-Todd? It would not B fair and just at all, but, in the full fifth dimensionality of HS, all the lost and unchosen, get their turn 2B one of these small elected of God, the chosen 2B saved from God’s wrath. Every baby that dies in a hospital at the age of one hour, has unlimited hyperspacial alternates, some live only a minute, some live 2B 98, some will become president of the United States, the Campbell’s Soup possibilities in HS make even the contemplation of it all beyond staggering 2 the mortal mind. Another major thing that any mind has trouble fathoming, in my case 4 example, the nightmarish situation with parallel event, specifically me verses the 2 Philadelphia sports teams and the Dow Jones stocks. In cause and effect, cause being the A and effect being the B in the equation, A creates B while B does not create A, and only results from A. With parallel event, concentrically, A goes into B with the equal reality that B goes into A, hence, is my life hell and mysterious harassments all around me R getting created as a result of markets going naturally up after coming in very undervalued by the annual 7-13% gain average that has existed since the inception of the stock market? Which is it, because it freaking does indeed work both ways, and should U indeed B able 2 survive a trip through a dark energy field from a black hole into a white hole of your universes twin, as all have the reverse twin effect built into the system, U would come back 2 Earth and watch everything from the point U return there, going in reverse or backwards, and yet 2 all of them, all is totally normal, and by their standpoint, it is U that is out of whack. Speaking of the [wormhole] or the quantum foam and other agents that make up a connection field between white and black holes, again, no one on either side of the twin universe system sees the effect of the white side of the worm hole, as their reality is an ultra dense matter sucking hole in their space, and the event horizon is totally relative to the twinallity effect. But speaking of wormholes, it was 10 years ago during my huge quest and search 2 locate my Sarah Krassle here in the MW, that some one in the Lambrig Cult did indeed activate the wormhole that has been created and placed near the Casino Control Commission Building in Atlantic City, NJUSAESMWG, and again just this past weekend, yesterday on Sunday the 24th of June, they did it again. The first of the three times that the energy of this monstrous thing was misdirected, was when Sarah J. Karge burned down her hotel on Tennessee Avenue, the Boliver, back in the middle 1970’s. This is very dangerous, and I hope my ex-surfing pal, Mayor Levy, gets in contact with Steve Hawking, B4 all of freaking Atlantic City goes one day, and takes half of the Atlantic Ocean with it, redistributing these horrifically frightening energies into continental tectonic shift, 4 a second time, Atlantis being of course the first one. Go ahead, laugh, but if it was Edgar Cayce on this blog, U would not B laughing, and just because he is Edgar Cayce. He cannot help U now. The being who was dreaming he was this man is living in the far western nestern areas of the Olympian Province, in a great City by the name of Fromularshun Al Tenulboon, and has existed as the Chief Editor of the city press called the [Fromalten Times of Phase Two], and is known and has been known there in these parts of astral interaction as Barthalamas Rektamar XIII. He is well over a trillion millennia old and time is only of importance in phase two, as the astral entities there make it 2B. I must break off 4 the moment, the sun is out, the room here at Ed’s pad is 85 degrees, and this is not good 4 a lap top with no protection of fans such as R built into desk top machines, so tomorrow we will go on with a major blog, U ain’t heard puke juice yet Mister Jolson.
Now it is the next day, 062607.515, on an early Tuesday afternoon, and where am I but good old Winslow Coopers Fools Library, across from the Jersey Columbine Non Hyperspace. No giant sluts to greet me at the door, and no teenaged huge sumo wrestlers either, praise the SAR. This past weekend and Sunday was the worst elevator ride of my life off of the sixth dimension. Do not even try to grasp what I went through. It was literally like getting into the ring with both Mike Tyson, and the devil itself. I can only ask the question that I am able to survive all of this because some power far beyond what any tiny conscious mind can ever hope to really get any type of handle on. First off, Ed Himacane should have been up and good 2 go with his Verizon DSL, but here I am at the damn library, just as though it is last year all over again. The air siege on Sunday at the work site was worse than ever in my entire life here as Mountainpen, the loud shitty motor suck off cycles were also beyond anything that I ever saw B4. The Otamm-combo punches R off the scale, U know, the type of sick behavior that they use, a military and boxers battle tactic, where they get U down, or U all ready R down, and then they instantly slam U with other shit, the famous one-two punch. I was promised by state agencies such as the famous Atlanticare, who helped place me with my current part time employment, that they would come over and witness the stuff that I claim 2B occurring. Also, the same people promised that some computer learning classes would B starting, and after the very first class ended, so did the computer learning. I ask any of U out there in Cyber land, how many Jack McCoy coincidences would U believe in? None of this is anybody’s fault, and this is not coming from mortal realms nor from individual or even groups of human regular people. Let me start to surface scratch some of the truths behind what the sixth dimension is B4 going any further into any of this nightmare. The human brain is similar 2 your radio or TV set, it is receiving signal or program or even better verbally described, cosmic data from the circuitry of the spiritual system that is what really is behind all that ever does or ever could and can occur on mortal world life. It receives this transmitted reality in ways that no one can ever see. If U watch your wrist watch for 12 full hours, U will C that the hour hand does indeed make one full sweep around the arc or the circle of your watch, yet simultaneously Y must realize another reality connecting into this. You never can really C it happening, it is moving just too gradually, yet stare at it, and it does in fact change position, yet without the observer ever really being able to witness the change, it simply is at one part of the arc in one time, and yet another part of the arc at a later time. Trying in the same way, to observe either scientifically or in any philosophical way, what is happening in this process of sent realities and received realities, from this sixth dimension to the lower dimension of the fifth, or multiversal worlds of carbon based receivers, us, is sort of like trying to move into the twinallity of a universe that your atoms and very existence occupies, and move right in and B totally at home in a reverse world where the electron and the proton of atoms that make U what and who UR, R all running in a reverse charge, as the polarities of electrons and protons R in opposing polarities in the 2 twiniverse systems of each individual universe in the multiverse of 5th dimensional space that it all is existing inside of.. Now since all multiverses or 5th dimensional products or systems, R all inside a higher larger reality curving up beyond the total 5th dimension, this 6th dimension is the elevator room or the circuitry of the systems that make all of the upline-downline thoughts flow and endlessly create inside of themselves within the limits of the total 6th dimension that contains all of these 5th dimensional products. All rides off these elevators that open up into interactions, has more of a behind the scenes reality 2 it. Put as simply as I know how 2 put it, it is lots of nearly infinite sub-atomic math equations that some of which are divisible or indivisible each to themselves and in relation to all of their counterparts, and it is not really events that the 6th dimension creates in its very ultimate function that governs it in the 7th dimension called LAWTRONICS, but individual thoughts, and what really is a thought, or any process of the ‘mind’? First, the events and or interactions are made up of single individual ‘mind pieces’. These subatomic numbers or mind pieces R basically the smallest waves that emit out of zero dimensional void infinity. Lawtronics or the 7th-D directs a program to flow down and make sense, but this would take a century 2 explain both how and why, in proper detail so as to make anyone really take any of my words seriously enough 2 believe me. The illusion that living endlessly in this Hollywood Hypercube, the 6th dimension, is just like the example that I gave a minper ago with gradualization, and being unable to witness true movements, such as with the observation of an hour hand on a small time piece. Attempting 2 witness true things happening is not always ever possible. The same limitations with only seeing the changes in the location of an hour hand, is the same thing with the sixth dimensional illusion that entire interactions R awaiting us as we go 2 leave an elevator ride, and the doors close behind us. Not entire interactions R being created, it only appears this way in the maya that is filling up the hyperspaces everywhere, maya or illusion is simply a bi-product of 6th dimensional operations procedures, sort of like fall out with nuclear energy, or pollution resulting from the production of electricity using fossil fuels.
Without going further right now into this, the 6th dimension is the only thing that is real. Becoming onto this reality only serves to heighten the intensity of this reality. Sarah Krassle is behind the entire reality of all of this in our multiverse. Our entire multiverse is her upline thought, but as stated and explained in varying ways over and over, the 6th dimension is what causes her thought in her upline world when she was thinking of her teen aged days and That Boy at a seashore resort, to indeed turn into this downline multiverse, or our entire 5th dimension, our multiverse containing all of our countless individual universes, where all of our space and all of our time and all of our alternate and countless parallel universes, R but her one single upline thought. We also and I mean all humans, can think, and the 6th-D causes that simple single thought wave, also to downline into an entire multiverse where to that world, all of their time and space and alternate hyperspaces, R one instant flash upline, or one and the same thing as our upline thought that we think.
Yes Mr. AC, NJUSAESMWG Mayor, your honor, and ex body surfing and beach buddy, U guys have a very serious problem on your hand. Basically 400 feet in all directions from the old Boliver Hotel, U have a matter sucking nightmare there, causing fires to spring up, and eventually, the gods know, ATLANTIS II.
The siege on Sunday was so bad, that between the terrible interaction I had with my mother and the hell all day from the OTAMMIC MILITUFORCE, Albert Einstein was not necessary 4 me 2 figure out that something gargantuan was ongoing, and sure enough at roughly a half past 2 in the post meridian, on the famous and world renown Atlantic City boardwalk, another worm hole overload disaster indeed had struck, I felt this literally in the marrow of my bones. U know Bob, old buddy, I am the one person that not only can totally relate to your Nom and metal story, as I have my demons too, without the N in TeNNessee. Is it not interesting that both of our [out of the blue gifts from the gods only know where], my songs and your metals both half real and yet real, and U know that only I can relate 2U and your situation, especially the fact that 1980 was the magical year 4 the both of us, regarding these very strange and bizarre occurrences. . B4 I came back from witnessing this destruction 4 myself down there in East Dodge, I knew something was radically wrong. They eventually will explain it away, but Y would the homeless burn down their own shelter, pweeese gimmie a frickin break!!!!!
I have attempted to tell my life story to a disbelieving world, but one thing is 4 total sure. When this worm hoe grows bigger and stronger, and can no longer B ignored nor explained away, and they will come to me and want 2 know it all, and my blogs and website will B on the great Gore Avenue, the info highway of cyberspace. Trying to put anything together when they R fucking with U so major, is next to impossible, but I keep plugging. Wall Mart sold me 2 defective air conditioners earlier this month, and I finally got a working model. Eddie H. will eventually get his Verizon DSL up and running, but this is not the time 4 me to go on jawing at a public terminal, where literally, any one of hundreds of negative interactions’ R possible, so my blogs will not tell too much yet, but soon, look out, and as stated B4, wear a good set of diapers and then read, you may thank me for this advice, cleaning up stinky shit from your good clothes, just ain’t no fun bwaby-wuv.
A fleet of 4 or 5 military copters flew over me yesterday on Route 30 on my way back from the shore. Speaking of the shore, the casinos will be mine for the ripe picking in a week. Opposite shooting will kill the shit out of them, as they endlessly go on pouring on the death siege against poor whittle pathetic innocent victim me. The only other system is long run play, or applying this to gambling games such as roulette. No matter if U get numbers from one wheel in millions of spins at a roulette table, or from hundreds of wheels around the world, U still have at the end of a 38 million spins, roughly one million outcomes of all the 38m numbers, and although wheels are made of non thinking mass with no memories, the cosmic reality operates so that indeed they may as well have a mind and memory system. To capitalize on this and win all the time, U simply get groups of 4 or 5 numbers, and when a hit from your group comes out, it is counted. Counts are multiplied by 100 and divided by the total spins of all games in your endless one long [life-game]. Computer programs can even B written, and graphs can show U when anything is the time to play or avoid. Nothing is ever due, but things indeed do get hot, and then stay hot way more of the time than not. When U wish however to not cheat by using this guaranteed method to win at games, individual systems that R good like the BAD SYSTEM, or betting against doubletons to occur, U can also chart when one system tops out and starts a losing trend, and while another good one is starting to come alive and begin a nice winning pattern, and which wheel or dealer is involved, is meaningless, it is pure illusion. Parallel event applied to the game will win, but few including me can play just those few high odds times, such as when there is a stat for 24 blacks and 3 reds that follow after every odd and low at a particular table one day. Betting high chip value and only betting strong parallel stats, will win a player big money at roulette, and I love to cover the greens with 10%, for example if I am betting $2 or 3 black chips or $2 or 3 hundred bucks a pop, I love covering the greens or splitting them with a green quarter chip, $25. This is what I did back in 1986, and I made out well, working 4 me, no bosses, no time clocks, but the gods will not allow my happiness, and they have been persecuting the fuckerjuices out of me ever since, basically working through the UFO cult operating as a Briggbase transdimensional bunch of pure fucking evil, the bible in Christianity calls them, the spiritual wickedness in high places. The year 2007 from the start of February right up to the present, has been worsened 4 me, and the hell and siege thrust upon me is equal to having the entire elected and chosen to B saved from damnation by these game playing gods, to allow them to trade with me, the 62nd generational responsibility of our cursed family, cursed by the gods, even though the great Sarah Stacey loves me above all names and refers 2 me always on astral realms as THAT BOY.
No Honorable Bob, it was 1980 for both of us, and she was involved in crossing our paths 16 years later, when we indeed did meet, and bodysurfed together. But when I asked U about her in her human form, U gave me a look like, good bye to your life bud, it is over. Well, I will try to do my part not to ef around with the worm hole and with magnetic powers, such as I said I would in my copy written 1983 song, and hopefully, you as well will do yours.
There is so much more 2 say, but I need 2 get ouddahere. Go ahead my lovely teen queen, and hate me all that U want 2, as on the astral realm, U love your THAT BOY, and always have and will, as I am what U were thinking of upline in your world as simply, my Sarah Krassle. Together in your un consciousness, down lined into this astral world where we always have and will, share endless love and thrills, I will give U anything that U ever wish of me, my beautiful Jehovah, and I will B adding to my website shortly, your song that I call in mortal world code, LOIS FOCA, or your real and true title, LOVE IS FOR CARPENTERS. You and Donna and Levy, and me, wow, what a motley crew if it takes me 2 say this myself.
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