My last #27 blog has errors, some I will try to correct today, others on a future blog, using mortal [forward mode thinking process], will B corrected when U think it is later in some deluded reality. B4 telling a thing, I will mention that never has the shit around me been this continuously bad, not in the more than 105 semi-annums of my life as Mountainpen. Karen, U have 3 dying utterance and declarations on your voice mail. Just keep one, and remember to give the ACLU, and the WORLD TRIBUNAL COURTS AT THE HAIGUE, my website address, and the Blogger dot com address, my site as U may know, and is on your PC favorite’s, is The MILITUFORCE has been relentless, taking me into yet another roulette systems failure, the one where while under death siege by these turd-scuzes that normally wins many chips, where I would bet the two following outside bets on unanimous or majority three groups, such as RBR, or RRR, or BRR, and RED being the bet 2B placed, I would make RED BETS two times, betting all three parameters of the 1-36 numbers, and flat betting only, and ignoring zero losses. Anyway, the system always failed when under quieter times, but finally this caved in 4 me, during the late oh-seven spring hell death siege from this evil Briggbase cult, the MILITUFORCE, again creating 3 words into one word, combining military, UFO, and force. None of U regular humans have a simpleton’s clue what is going on nor do U need 2. For those being assaulted and continuously attacked, it is an entirely different matter. Thank U Diana 4 coming around the other night 2 visit your whittle boy here in this miserable human world realm, as always, your lightning was filled with grand and glorious beauty and color and splendor, literally strikingly ravishing and gorgeous beyond comprehension. We were at your Great Forest just outside Olympia, in one of your so many lovely cabins there, and U said 2 me that UR all around me both here and in my dream. Then I thought a tree came crashing down, only it was me waking up to a loud thunder crash back on the mortal world, and sure enough, my lovely baby blond was all around me both there and here, just as U had told me precious. Last night, I remember the green printing inside Stacey’s book, somewhere in the Psalms that I wrote when I was King David so long ago. Then U gave me a phone number and told me 2 call U in human form, it had 8’s and 9’s in it, just so the world knows I make nothing up, and I called U twice. My first call was 2 tell U what the green writing said, but my second call was important, but U made me forget most of your number, so that when I returned to consciousness, I’d never B tempted 2 break the rules, and call my queen up one day. U came 2 me at Clarence Harris’s house across the street as the tall lovely long haired blond 18 year old that 4 no reason came over and waved 2 me and kept starring over at me, and again years later, in Kargetown-Trenton, NJUSAESMWG, as the Noonan girl, again real tall and long bright yellow hair, just like U ‘really’ have. U really were becoming quite a young lady, as your then Earthly father told U at Hibb’s, ‘member my queen? It was on a Friday afternoon in late July or early August back in 2K2. KI knew U were my lightning the second that I saw U, and the way that U looked at me, I was worried I’d B taken off 2 jail. Throw a rock and I’d B right there at the Constables On Patrol’s place. Police officers like Detective Fontana do not like citizens abbreviating these three words, but it is not a disrespect, COP = CONSTABLE ON PATROL, just as FUCK=FORNICATION UPON CONSENT OF KING, and Paula and Sarah and her gang did more than consent at the Trinidad motel in 1967, it was me that did not, but got gang raped anyway.
I would B lonely at this point if everyday was not filled with kemtrails, planes, choppers, motorcycles, loud music, Muzak teasing in stores, property damage, utility attacks, body attacks, and the list is like a greedy kid’s letter to Santa Claus. I got off Kirshty’s hellevator in 2007, not to lose Jenny 20 weight, but literally any hope of ever living my life as me in this sequence of dreams. No year is like this. When it all began “Resorts”, shortly after U did, at least I had a mother to fall back on when the pressure became totally unbearable and totally intolerable. Now, I cannot just walk off of a job, take a short sabbatical, hide in a closet, and lessen the torture for a small time. Not any more my fiends and foes, “nope nope nope, Jimmy Stuart Clarence”, no freaking more, ya dirty whore. Now I must face the music, and very loud music on top of that, as I told yalls about at the Hammonton Shop Rite Grocery Store, until the market’s closing bell went ding dong, and then off it went, not at money of the clock, error, sahwee, but 4:00 PM. 4 and $ are the same key on a keyboard, one is the number 4 when in the lower case mode however, my screw up.
People in top UFO clubs talk about their abductions, and I say, “bully for U’s”. My entire experience on this sick rotten diseased sin cursed evil satanic wicked planet has been one huge abduction. I live with 2 lovely giant goddesses as 2 separate astral entities, and do not want 2B here another godsforsken minper. I am getting treated like shit by everyone that I know. Everyone is taking what little money I have and all I am is a disabled poverty stricken pathetic nobody to start with. No Senator FT, [EX, from TN], I am not a split ticked or even a split ticked off democrat, but a split TICKET, sahwee, another blogging prior screw up. I am ticked off a bit that Ted Turner is slowing down my evening L&O enjoyment, replacing it with garbage next to this great show, second only to the great Perry Mason. If U run, I read in the paper that the show may stop all together, oh well, in one realm U helped me escape a wrongful murder charge and in another U remove my favorite show, I always said things balance out unless colbodots R placed in a sphere of inverted magnetic shielding, causing endless motion until the gauss energy runs eventually down and out. My blogs R all copyright by MOUNTAINPEN’S true name, and I can tell U about SKYTORCYCLES and FREEZERFANS and OPTICAL-TV, and SWIS, before it happens, jeepers, did I just wreck the space time continuum for the Trekkers and the Sci-Fi buffs? Portable air conditioners, what a joke, when in the next decade U can get a freezer-fan, © MARK MOHR. If does not recognize the symbol B4 my name, it is the symbol of US COPYRIGHT. A freezer like the one above a refrigerator is placed on 4 ball bearing wheels. Various models have an opening panel that adjusts in several ways on varying models, to let out small, or large or in-between amounts of the cold freezing air, and then in the front instead of a door that opens, is a fan with 2, 3, or 4 speeds, and the freezer temperature adjusts with a dial. Small and large models can B wheeled around room to room or kept in place, all neat and clean, no venting, no windows. WO, is this ass hole going to tell the whole future, or steal it? It has all been first stolen from me, and remember that I did not ask 4 any of this; I do not even belong here. I by your concept should have died B4 the sun started burning in space.
Week after week after week, every Friday, FULL EVIL EMPIRE, with Phillies going down hard and the Dow Jones stocks flying to the fucking stars, all as predicted, and all by making my life a fucking living cock sucking endless hell. At work, I get choppers and kemtrails and crash level morning planes, and I will go on writing it all up on Sora orders from Governor Corzine. I, unlike yalls, am simply abiding by and obeying the fucking laws of this great land, so screw all of U and your ugly moms and dauts!!!!!! Same thing on all my off days, at home, on the road, constant MILITUFORCE HELLSIEGE, never ever ends. I would B lonely at this point should it go away.
And the good part is now bwaby-wuv!!!!!!!! Ed Himacane and I will B starting our casino counterattack very soon, and on paper, in just 2 games per week averaging a total of 80 spins, and on the 10/100 $$$$ betting level, we R fucking averaging taking home more than 1800 smacks each, so staying twice as long and playing 4 days in the week would quadruple this to more than 7 fucking grand in our pocket each every week, just by me losing my ten dollar bets and him winning his 100 dollar bets. I am more than happy at 7 grand a week and do indeed plan to legitimately file my taxes, as a loss. Hopefully Ed, will honestly file his on his gain. Think I’m fucking stupid, huh, well just ga’hed. Hay, I am legitimately losing money at the casino, and the eyes in the skies will B verifying it, eat my urinated dust. The more U harass and persecute me, down goes my life, my lick, and up goes anything betting against me or that I hate such as Flyers and stock markets. Fine, and up goes anyone betting higher amounts, against my bets, U really just cannot have your fucking cake and eat it too OTAMM, again this stands, Karen, for ORGANIZED TRASH AGAINST MICHAEL MOUNTAINPEN/MARK MOHR © BOTH OF US. Told U all the Dow would go straight up a year ago, and I am always RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT all night, and day as well, in the morning light Donna!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, “and on the night of 12 July, I saw my giant love go by, I knew we’d B apart that day, until we’d meet again at John Kings parking lot 27 years later, JK”
No Mister Hendershot from Flagstaff, U missed my clue as did the others. Mac and Less Citer know about the secret of the red X and the kemtrails, the extra line making up the tri-ex asterisk is an entirely different story. I may look like a damn jack off jack ass Adam and the other Schiff on TN Avenue, but that is where it stops. I know the wormhole is real, Thomas J child molester real or not. Some people in that city get away with murder, sexual abuse, robbery, U name it, and quit blaming it the fuck on Vegas, man, you’re all being hit with a ton of major maya. Closest clue U came to is I am on low and Eddie’ll B on high, so abbreviate the low and high dumb-dumb.
Day after day, Dow Jones goes straight up, Phillies lose string after string, and color me so non-shocked Lennie Briscoe. I knew all this a year ago, and when I got off the elevator ride leading me into the oh-seven shit, I needed not B hit with a cotton candy mass 2C where all going. 770X110%=1983, and this amount X110%=1984, and this amount X110%=1985, and do the math up through 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, and tell me the Dow will not B 30-50 thousand points. Then where will my hellish reality B at these points, since I have long established the parallel of the market being up and climbing, to my life being hell and falling, literally into Christless shit? It really and honestly does not take Albert E. 2C any of this, but if U come to my blogs with the mindset all ready made up that this is all bull shit, then Y come up at all. Ask yourself Y anyone would waste this much time and give so much attention to nothing but trash and crap. Also, get 2 know some mental patients, and U will C a pattern, none of them speak in a straight and organized manner. Some do not maintain cleanliness, some have strange quakes and blinks and facial expressions, some cannot look at U or keep their hands relatively still, the list of patients’ symptoms is virtually as long winded as my blogs. I on the other hand, am well groomed, have no criminal record, am a SORA registered private security officer, and speak straight and clear, just think about it all B4U race 2 judgment that my claims cannot possibly have any validity 2 them because they sound so way out, and it just therefore is not possible that they could B true, based on this. Yet is U saw a 300 foot super tsunami coming for Atlantic City, U would believe your eyes and most likely get a heart attack B4 the wave would kill U. And what if I told U that the NSA has successfully completed, and even in the 70’s had some version, of holographic tek that could fool your senses 2 believe the tidal wave is coming, provided several of the NASA satellites R all in a proper alignment and orbital operating position? Can’t fathom this either, I’ll bet, but I will swear that under penalty of full perjury charges, I swear this 2B the entire and total truth with no omissions nor subtractions. I have had literally hundreds of holographic road attacks, and once not long ago I tested it. I knew it was not really a car, as it just was not there, and one second later out of nowhere, it was, and it appeared 2B barreling along at a high clip. I cut out and it went through me and vanished, just as I knew that it would. Do not try this if U think UR getting this experience, UR not me, remember I cannot die the way U can, and most of U want to B here, so don’t fucking do this, and I am blameless should U not heed my advice.
Optical TV is so much better than large screens and high definition, It is a small box like an old cable box, that receives the stations, and with a wireless comfortable helmet, brings stereo surround to the ears, and the visual reception directly in front of the eyes, the room is gone, there is just a crystal clear bright image 5 times that of the best 2007 regular plasma big TV screens. © MICHAEL MOUNTAINPEN/MARK MOHR.
Could I tell more? PLEASE!!!!!!!!!! Don’t even fucking get me going!!!!! I have not started with the 6th and the 7th dimensions, inventions of the thirties, the song out in 2029 called “The things We Can Do in 2029”, and so much more. I will tell U that when I get into the Phase 4 Club, the Lamist-Briggers, and many other related topics, wear diapers B4 reading, you may damn well B glad that U did!!!!!!!
Walt old buddy, saw U working hard over at the judges place the other day. Thank U for telling me that Callio retired back in oh-five. Some tell me the gods R punishing me 4 telling secrets. No, I am part of a family line that goes straight directly back to the tribe of Judah and to when I was King David. Now I am him as well as his own grandson. SSJKK never let me remember what she lets me remember up here in AD2007. When I said “back in the 19chips” on my prior blog, the machine mind screwed up and hacked me, I meant 2 say, when I get back into the 1986 chips, or back 2 where I was in my pro-gambling days. I could say a million things right now, but until I put an air conditioner in here, the computer may overheat with the heat of this first 2007 scummer day, so I will say SO LONG BROWN EYED GIRL KAL CALLIO AND ANTI-ECK NIRINGIN. Just because U have done things 2 me that I do not understand, thou art Scylla Goddess, mortal mans words [GOD], and I will not question thee, Shit, anybody can speak Shakespearian, this is not holy, just the way they talked back when Billy S and the King got together to translate the holy words into old English of their day, King James that is.
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