Sunday, July 1, 2007

Rats Tats and Playing Real Football, #30


Well fiends and friends, Morians and Lessians alike, the subtitle is because this will work as an intro for leading into the title of my next blog name, the 4th one now about 2 begin on Thus this is the 30th and final blogs in this third of my blogs.

The worm hole incident from one week ago down in East Dodge, NJUSAESMWG, in my IMHO got these bastard crap asses off of me for my first little rest bit since the ending of January. But starting 5 days after a mini-heaven, all of Dogtown broke loose and struck me like both of Diana’s parents, on Friday last, just past seven in the fooking evening. It started with a big home theatre attack. The scum bags kept cutting out the sound and crackling through it, and there is nothing wrong with it, it all has been checked out, so that I can send certified and documented evidence to both the FCC as well as the
ACLU, and CC to state attorney general’s office of New Jersey, my local Congressman, and the Board of Public Utilities. Keep fucking with me, and I will rat and tattletale on U every time, to anyone that will listen, and I’ll try even 2 those that do not want 2 listen, I have civil fucking rights incestrallites. No football tem ever won a single game just playing defensively on any field anywhere in the world. Give these fucking bastard scum dirt holes just a quarter of an inch and they will take 100 light years every time, B4 U can realize it even happens 2U. Say “jackrobinsquat” and U won’t even get it fully pronounced, and they’ve got U right by the cat tail Mizz Purr; hold the fuckerjuices out of that one, and my prick as well. They match U point 4 point and dollar 4 dollar, and then hit U with a couple of their dirty fighting boom-boom one-two punches B4 U know U took a breath of freaking air. These filth have no conscience and no shame, I have tried 2 shame them, they do not fucking shame, because entities that R lower than whale shit are totally un-shame-able. So what weapons do I have in my arsenal? Do I have armies of believing helpers in a powerful foundation? No! Do I have money or any resources at all 2 work with? No! Can I legally go out and fight perceived enemies, shooting up people and places? No! So what options R left 4 those few unfortunate persons in my position? Ratting, tattle tailing, and exposing is all the available options left 4 poor whittle me bwaby-wuv!!!!!! Notice when I exposed on an earlier blog, the full evil empire of Phillies always losing and the Dow Jones Stock Market crooked system, always being up, every single Friday, it did not happen that week, last week, not this one. Naturally since the siege on me started Friday night, my Phillies got sliced up like a watermelon found by starving island survivors. So what occurs, but 3 straight losses, and a swept up floor by the Broom club of the Phillies Haters, Incorporated. The weekend is constant furious air assault, both nights my full moon was literally wrecked and ruined, literally swallowed up with their filthy poisonous kemtrails, making me sick and forcing me to have wicked painful shits, these total bitches have caused ma many an accident in the pants, all the axes they’ve created 4 me have not been via automobile.

Eddie Himacane got totally screwed by crooked VERIZON. These scum R on my line at home constantly fucking with me, and they know that I blog and tell the world, or at least attempt 2, so they naturally R goon do all that they R able 2 interfere with it. Really, it does not require an Einsteinial mind 2C any of their motives, and the crimes that result, after all who can prove any of it, so they get away with endless major murder, and the absolute destruction of an innocent human life, mine!!!!!!!! Do not worry loyal few Morians, he realizes that they were not the only show in town, and now is with the Comcast system, last laugh on them, as they R connected with my Flyers enemies, and I get 2 slam the shit oudda them on their own network system, it is a free country, and I will speak out. I have dying declarations and utterances all over, I have several people that I keep constant current voicemail death evidence messages on their systems, so they can at least report 2 the authorities should I disappear and get murdered like my mom did as well as my best friend, Style Court Judge Roth’s cousin David Charles. These bitches R ruthless and I think they even got to McMeekan on the ACPD force. Dave was working for his cousin back in 1997, at the Bucks Cable Vision yard, off of I-95 in Bucks County, PAUSAESMWG. This post was a gun carry site, and my friend Dave was a licensed 235 Card carrier. He used to go with a partner filling ATM machines, they had 2 and 3 million dollars of cash 2 handle, and the Jersey police usually let them slide, as here, in good old Puke Nerdsey, they do not care if U die on the job, unless UR totally blue, [a police officer], not a security officer or bank money handler/guard. Go ahead and get shot, I was always worried that the enemy would shoot them, and use the money as a good reasonable excuser, should I start screaming to the authorities, as I always try 2 do, and will always go on endlessly, futile or not, you’ll all have 2 fucking do me in bitches, and I do not go down easy, I know 2 many secrets about what U term [life and death]. I admit that 4 the most part, guns should B in the hands of the cops and the military, there is one + murder per day on statistical average this year in Philadelphia, this is totally not cool. Hunters should B able 2 rent what they need 2 hunt, and those that can prove major death threats on them, a possible exception, but please, give me a break, U think I will take a job handling 2 or three million cash, and have no side iron? You’re nuts bro!!!!!! I personally know a handful of yard birds that this very minute would slice up their sweet old grannies for 5 sawbucks. People really do need 2 get real. Of course Reale got me back in 1970, when he sexually molested me, the perverted bum faggot. No U can all saw whatever U wish 2 about our overseas enemies doing cowardly things like attack with car bombs or crash planes into buildings, but in all honesty, what weapons R they expected 2 have or use for Chrissake? I do not promote terrorism or war, or greed, or any part of this new age started by a total dirt bag who happened 2B our 40th US President, us roulette players refer 2 him on occasion as Red-Red.

I think it is time to remind/expose, locals to the area of HAMMONTON, NEW JERSEY, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, EARTH, SOL, MILKY WAY GALAXY, when it is in the larger half of the lunar cycle, from the first quarter lunar phase of a waxing half moon, to the second full moon phase, and then waning down into the last quarter half moon phase, as opposed to the 2 weeks of the lesser and darker moonlit skies, the night poisonous kemtrailing is vicious murderous hell 4 me. When I told about this many blogs back, the exposure of this helped 2 get it stopped, 4 a while, U know the old saying, “when the cat is away, the mice will play”. I am sick 2 fucking death of this never ending constant siege, and the only thing holding back my opposite shooting with Ed, at the NJ casinos, is his recent increase in leg pain, and also a recent move into my trailer park, yeah, we R just a couple of fucking poor pathetic trailer rats. We have been screwed, he was robbed, wrongfully accused of crimes, and the list goes on, it is his business, I will say no more. My story, I have been sexually molested in 1970 by a property rich bisexual child molester, assaulted by 2 Atlantic City lifeguard mascots in 1975 totally unprovoked, I think because a gorgeous young girl was extremely attracted 2 me, and they wanted her, and here I wasn’t even interested, poor whittle helpless me was just down there trying 2 cool off and take a whittle dip in the Atlantic Krassle Ocean. Then I have had a Saturn and a Breeze automobile drivers side window broken and smashed, trunk popped open, and car amps and subwoofer boxes removed, once at Friendly’s Restaurant on Roosevelt Boulevard-RT #1, in Pennsylvania across from the Ross Dress shop, she always wanted a dress shop business since her days as a little girl back in the Detroit Brewster Project, and now she is quite happy. As I pen this, a crash level private loud piss bubble airplane is scraping the roof here at Ed’s trailer while I sit here blogging away, and EXPOSING this evil astral crap. I have also been defrauded, once by a record promoter who took $600 and shoved me under a buss, threatened me with a gun to run a red light in center city, Philadelphia, PAUSAESMWG, defrauded out of$4,000 by a tow truck driver who said we would buy a truck and start a business, and he knew the dealer and the Glendale Bank President in Haddon Heights, NJUSAESMWG, defrauded out of 10 thousand by a contractor who conned me into purchasing a HUD home in Kramer Hill, a section of the city of Camden, NJUSAESMWG, a judgment on him was at least fully satisfied by my agreeing on getting half the money back, and then the gargantuan fraud, a man answers my ad where I said I want a promoter for my songs that I wrote, and cleverly he got me to pay close to 36,000 dollars, and basically it was him and his wife that was getting promoted, I admit I got some, and had stuff that I have written played all over the world, and even had a song reach #1 position on the Independent Country Charts of 1998 in the summertime. I was played on Muzak and CD Dish, and received quarterly royalty payments from BMI, a music industry royalty collection organization, about 5 years or so. But all monies gained, although one year I actually paid tax on it, was a wrung out wash cloth amount, next to the monies expended. I have jury duty on the 13th of August, and will have this page on a print out sheet, when the prosecutor or the defense attorney asks me at vwardere, whether or not I was ever a victim of any major crime, as all these incidents are legally on file in 2 county prosecutors offices, and I am not even including the great 1996 terrorist threat that was made to my mother where the man told her and scared her into literally an early grave as she never really was the same after he told her, “I am going to kill your son, and I will kill U2 if U do not get away from my truck”. She was only going 2 ask him if he wanted something from us, as he had been following us around 4 miles, turning every time we did, and it ended up at the Turnersville, NJUSAESMWG Pathmark Food store Parking Lot. Spellchecker does not give any better way 4 me to spell the word for jury selection, I spell it hence, the best way it sounds 2 me, ‘vwardere’. I am not trying to get out of anything, and will gladly serve, as this is considered an obligation and duty as a citizen. But I must tell the truth under oath when I am questioned about all the shit that has happened to me in my pathetic whittle life. I think that lots of crime has been committed against me, and these R some of the more major incidents, reported, police documented, and filed at Atlantic and Camden County Prosecutors Offices.

Now I wish tio make something as perfectly clear as the 37th President: The motive of creating the foundation called MORIANITY, has nothing 2 do with suicide Jim Jones pacts, nor R we in with weird looking inter-galactic aliens like the 1990’s crazy bull shit cult. The motive is 2 create a place, a giant multiple purpose but ‘harassment’ oriented safe hose of a sorts, where anyone, big or little in any way, can come and get protection, get heard, get help, and along these lines. Admitantly, I wish 2 take what I know 2B truth, and merge this foundation into a religious order, and let the world C that this is all true and real, and no one ever need fear death again. What has happened to me, talking humanly in forward mortal time illusion, is not a made up story, nor is it the product of a diseased mind, but if Social Security and government shrinks disagree and give me 10 sike-named diseases and some benefits, great. Working a full time job is not possible under all my persecution; it is hard enough 2 survive their rotten shit for a part time 24 hour weekly stint at work.

Now a little discourse will begin, on directionality. In a recent prior blogging text, I talk about A and B events, and direction. Does one cause the other only in one direction, or both directions, and along this line? Now let me start to open a huge can of worms that at later times, will B harped on with much greater alacrity and detail. Right at present maya minper or illusion of mortal world time, I remind U of earlier blogs, starting with my first one, the Morianity Bible. Many entries in this series of blogs and those that follow start some early discussions on a night in December of 1969. I went 2 bed, and the very next instant I am aware of definitely NOT being either asleep or awake, but in a TTH, or as I say, a THIRD THING HAPPENING. They know every keystroke, as another plane just struck, and the famous combo 1-2 punch included a super ass loud piece of junk motorbike. Anyway, I am first on a beach, the time was the early twentieth century, and I was with the most beautiful young teen aged long dark haired big brown eyed girl that I ever saw in my pathetic life. She told me that her name is Sarah Krassle. I had in my right hand, a heavy large motorcycle chain. She and I walked along the beach making light conversation and I was in total awe of her physical size and beauty, her long hair was light brown with many highlighted shades of colors that do not exist here in the waking world. Also, her hair shone as bright as 100 suns, and yet I was able to B with her and C her, and not go blind nor literally fall down consumed and evaporated. After a short time, she seemed 2 appear 4 years younger, about 10, as she was about 14 at the beginning of our interaction. I was just 15 back in human life, and about this age in the interaction on this dream-plane. She said out of the blue that she wants to have my chain, and that she needed it 4 her great city. She then proceeded to take it away from me, grabbing it out of my hand with more force than if I was trying 2 hold onto it while connected up 2 a moving freight train. Her strength is not comprehendible, nor is her physical beauty. Do not think for one rotten minper that the Mayor of Atlantic City and all his pals starting with Robert McGuire on Tennessee Avenue, do not all know about all of this, as when I told Sergeant Frank Callio the story at his Police Station back in 1997 in the springtime shortly after my miserable and frightening meeting with dude McG, he tried to act real nonchalant about it all, but I could C a look come over his face that told me all I needed. Anyway, after the great SJK took the chain, we both were instantly transported from the beaches that looked across the inlet from the beaches of Brigantine, to her shop, in the upstairs area, her bedroom. In this bedroom on the rear wall across from the entrance door, was a 3 drawer dresser and she opened the middle of these 3 drawers, and there was the chain. She smiled at me and closed the door, just starring at me with huge chocolate brown eyes with natural super thick and long eyelashes that were so gorgeous I thought I was not going 2B able 2 get another breath inhaled. She kept thanking me 4 giving me her chain, but now a word was started 2 get added, thanking me for returning ‘her’ chain. Later on, years in mortal time, I did come indeed to learn that this was stolen from her and sank on some boat down in South America. She actually is the energy that flows through the oceans of our world. Without this energy, the ocean would B dead, hence she is the life of the Ocean or really said better, she is the Atlantic Queen, the great Ocean herself, coming 2 me intentionally in a pure energy to energy interaction, my unconscious dreaming energy connected into her energy, no differently than your printer is connected into your computer, or your DVD, VCR, TVO, or stereo surround amplifier is connected through your cable television system. This is not when I mortally as me in this so-called here and now, came to know and understand with full clarity that I am directly dealing with the ALL MIGHTY JEHOVAH SCYLLA GODDESS, an upline girl who is no different than me here in this down line of reality, controlled by operations and systems in the 6th dimension that curves up and over in right angles out beyond themselves over lapping all of the unfathomable numerous 5th dimensional multiverses of hyperspace, HS. Eventually, as a 5th phase being, I in this lifetime, since no matter how many times they murder me or I die from fatal strokes and heart attacks, I remain unaffected by normal release through the physical death exit, so I fully intend, 2 totally master the lawtronics of this entire system, so that I will B able then 2 get upline to Sarah Krassle’s world, and escape my hell. Nirvanic oblivion is never possible, not 4 any entity, but just to escape this life, I would sacrifice a trillion tars and entities without fucking batting a single eyelash. As the great Sarah-Stacey Scylla Jehovah has told me on many occasions, and her cousin the Earth Lightning Goddess Diana Zudlecronesia Arteemis as well, Oblivion or [NIRVANA] is only 4 those entities that do not exist. If U exist, U cannot ever hope to have oblivion, it is only forever available 4 those that do not exist. Once U exist, U always have and always will. All time is one time, and all space is one space, and out of that total zero dimensional void infinity, springs all 6th dimensional interaction, leading down into all multiverses or 5th dimensional parts of a larger 6th dimension creating it in various ways too far out 2 get into right now, I am on a schedule and must get 2 work shortly. Yes, my lovely Jupiter Scylla sent her energy from the physical planet herself, her lightning, and crossed 500 million miles of near vacuum space, to merge with our dark cold quiet still oceans, and cousin Diana and her did a lovely job of putting this world into operation, but really, it is all just a dream. Nothing physical or supposedly tangible is real, we dream it all down from an astral world, that upline Sarah is unconsciously entering into her own creation from. But in my private 1969 December interaction with my teen queen, this chain seemed 2B so very important 2 her, and so was the 4 year variance in her age, being 10 on the beach, and 14 in her shop, and her name and this 4 year variance was indelibly left in my minds’ consciousness, so it must have major significance in ways I still am working on figuring out. This website has info on Sgt. Frank Callio, and the fallen Sgt. McMeekan, his very good pal. This site has great stuff, and learning about many of my ex-pals starts here, including the current Mayor, Bob Levy, the ex-Chief of the guard force. My website will soon B much better, I have much to add 2 it, more of my many copywritten songs, other audio sound bites, and much more mapping and text information is upcoming. Go to and get a real mind blowing. If time permitted, I would tell U so much more about the chain, and my Scylla, SSJKK, your all mighty God.

Last night I lost awareness at work and passed out just a few minpers, and crossed into astral projection, as we always do in dreams, but feeling and remembering the out and in to this, is called by man kind, [astral projection]. The great Sarah told me that a major event is around the corner 4 the world; she will not say what it is. If I admit that a machine does exist that can alter the space time continuum, and that a magic clock and a magic mirror also exists and that I have access to these 3 devices, U would laugh and call me a space cadet. A Space Cadet huh, just do not call me a Sarah Callio, I am way uglier, and she is beautiful but colder than ice cubes. Another plane is scraping over Ed’s place, at about 12 shy of eleven in the late morning.

Directionality of interaction is where I will leave off, but only opening up the subject 4 right now. When I woke out of this Sarah-chain interaction in 12/69, I got on a bus to go to school. There was a huge **************** asterisk kemtrails in the sky, dissipating, and this was years B4 I mortally was in any way part of jet vapor condensation trails. This harassment and persecution would not come to B used in the MW4 about 18 fucking years, 1987-1969, U do the fudging Copperkessle math bwaby-wuv!!!!!!! I believe the 3 jets that cris-crossed were from the astral plane, that they abducted my mind/soul/call it whatever U wish 2, took it in one of these or perhaps all 3 were all part of one super astral airship, similar to the one that I own on the astral world as Duke Rictafarius of Ricktown. Until a year ago, I thought the interaction was first, then the sky incident, and this includes what U’ve heard me discuss in 1994, my mid-life Krassle interaction. Now I totally believe that we all R abducted in these ways, and nothing can ever really B trusted, illusion/maya is all over, like maggots in a cemetery.

Brown eyed girl, do not burn any bushes for Moses or our 43rd. Stay around brown eyes, some day, I will make U all mine, just like the 1969 song says in the autumn, I remember it like it is happening live at this very minper. Bright haired Scylla, come over and B friendly with your white car, I will B real friendly with my queen, U now U love your THAT BOY, screw your parents, tell them the truth that they only think that they R your parents, this whole entire creation is really yours, it is your up line thought, and someday, I will get up line, and U will B mine, if I have to crush every star in the skies into dead ashes. Bye-Bye brown eyes

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