Friday, June 8, 2007

TWIMCFTHM -------- 060707.764 ------ BLOG # TWENTY-SEVEN

I got off the hellevator Miz Kirshty A. at another very super unpleasant stop, Mister Cement business Stewart. As much of these texts R4 the Astral Realm alone, mortals R not expected 2 break all the codes, only those that they R desirous to break, and also, R enlightened sufficiently 2 make this a realizable talent. I got off where I woke up in the year of 2007 and things 4 me have never ever been close 2 being this bad. The evil Militiforce is climbing all over me and has been all month, all year, and words R not there Donna 4 me 2 express it, yes, your soul would B in major efen distress 2!!!!!!

There is no place 2 start, and as time is illusion to me, it matters nothing to me what is out of mortal world time-order, totally without significance 2 me bwaby-wuv. My webmaster, Mister Himacane, has moved 2 where I am living, and it has not slowed down the Coast Guard and other Military enemy helicopter attacks flying at very low levels over my area, nor does it slow down the super loud shitass noisy road vehicles and blotorsuckles, the poison kemtrails R all over the place, utility attacks still R running rampant, and telephone harassment is never ending, they call and hang up endlessly or leave crazy bull shit messages. The Verizon DSL takes forever to get reinstated into a new address 4 whatever reasons, and the list of endless nightmarish shit is non fucking stop. Finally, I get off the elevator ride where big Ed has been living here 4 a week, and at least has the computer set up, and no one is driving me nuts to take them here and there, all part of course of higher [biblical spiritual wickedness in high paces] stuff, pre-planned from even B4 the world was here orbiting around at 25000 miles per day or roughly 1100 MPH. There is unlimited stuff 2 tell, it will not get told 4 many weeks, but it will by the Gods, get told. The ride that took me into 2007 is quite a trip if it takes me 2 say so myself. 2 nights ago, Ed and I and a couple of other people were all outside talking, and one huge kemtrails after another kept going over directly zenithing all of us, pure persecution, and total violation of people’s civil and human and constitutional rights. I am not dealing with a 20th or a 21st century US Military system, I know it, the Ufology buffs all know it, top clubs anyway, we all know that something gigantically huge is happening 2 this human race, and no one big enough seems to care enough to seriously look into any of it. There is no cover up of anything; I am not buying into that conspiracy idea where this is concerned. “Nope, nope, nope”, Mister Jimmy. Not a big one Mister Stewart, and forget about Clarence the angel 4 a minper, I do not buy for one single micro sucks sec that we on Earth R this big, nor that we do not want it out in the open. Logic is not there 4 believing world governments all want it covered up, C it this way, how about our enemies. If we want it covered up, and all governments know something, then enemies would bring it all out on the net today, just 2 fuck with Springsteen’s good ol’ USA. The sightings and landings have been proven 2B planet wide, so our enemies know just as much about any covered up secrets as the rest of any of us do. Iraq would use this in a heartbeat 2 wipe our imperialistic asses out of existence, so buy into that cover up by Earthmen’s nonsense, if U like, my money is on the opposite bet there bro Green, of L&O, and funny is it not, that BRO GREEN is reversed to almost mock Mayor Levy, with his phony Green Beret Hero story. Planes R one after another, the aerial siege is off all scales and dials, 2 attacks today crash level by the Coast Guard, where is the water or the rescue, it sure as sweet Jesus Moses ain’t in the Hammonton, NJUSAESMWG Lake. What is going on is far bigger than all the stars in the sky exploding simultaneously. What is going on is that up line above us, an entire world with its many alternate universes, has a girl in it somewhere who was thinking about her days at 16 years of age at a seashore resort, and as all thoughts do, it down lined into an entire group of separate atomic universes, all held tightly but not solidly together, in its own new 5th dimension. All 5th dimensional multiverses R here due to a thought from another one’s upline, one quick thought, and boom, and remember that once a down lined reality is created, it is protonically fixed, there is but one proton to an atom and one world to a universe. Unless more protons R in atoms, no more than one concentration of life can B in the entire 4th dimensional space-time-system, evolving into biological carbon based life from its nuclear up spring. This is Lawtronic, and is non transmutable law. The beginning of the week was when I was parked at Hammonton Shop-Rite food store, while Ed went in 4 a few groceries. It was about 3:40 in the afternoon. The stock market was 20 minutes from closing bell time. The second Ed went inside, a car went by blasting illegally loud music from his vehicle, and he parked somewhere near me, I could not C where, but the music was miserable. At precisely $ PM when the market shut, off went the loud persecution, alagazam, like fucking magic. What no one will B kind enough 2 believe is that this can B a series of coincidences 2 a point, but not constantly every day for a quarter of a century. When I tell my blog readers that I am doing serious hard time in an awful viscous evil prison, U may all B just a bit 2 quick 2 start yukking it up. Laugh all U want, every one of U will eventually get your chance 2B me and go through this, if it takes literally googolplexes of years. Think I lie, well, go to a top think tank Quantum Mechanics Professor, and ask him/her, screw me, I count 4 shit. The 6th dimension is not upline. Upline and downline R all 5th dimensional multiverses that lie in the realm of the unfathomable sixth dimension. I have told all of U the simple way to practice the [FASCITAR 6 and 10] method, to B able to have your physical body alive, as U, in this mortal world; while exploring astral realms. This can take U to some far out places, and both there, and here, is loaded with what Eckankar followers label ‘maya’ or illusion, or said better now by me, untrustworthy realities. U know nothing, and U can trust nothing. Not one organized religion will make U guarantees, they say that we need [faith], remember. Faith in what. Some power or god, or perhaps in ourselves? Faith also means hope, that what U wish 2 believe, has in fact some substance of reality 2 it, but that it may indeed not at all. Translation, all of it is subject to MAYA, illusion. The only person on this planet that can claim 2 know some absolutes is me, and if I sound whatever, 2U, sorry, it still is true. I can prove 2 a blind ignorant human race that this is all here because of the reason I claim that it is. No other thing can explain how the Dow Jones Stocks and I endlessly parallel event each other in a reverse directional mode. Not one broker would come out a year ago and say buy the Dow, it will basically go straight up to record highs, then into the 12, 13, 14 K’s and on and on and on, but I said it, and I KNEW IT. I said 20, 30 40 and 50 K, and I mean it. Just do the fucking math starting with 770 points in middle 1982, so to arrive at 1983 U simply take a Wall Mart calculator U can buy for under 10 dollars, and hit the keys X110%=. The next price U get, hit those little 6 keys again of [ X 1 1 0 % = ] not real complex, but you will C that as the twenty first century came in undervalued, it had to go up, and my life had to go to major hell. Also, when any little side effect thing relating to this parallel event thing such as Phillies being around 500 ball, the persecution picks up every time to get it to go back under and stays under, further raising the fucking stock prices. Certain mortals also on to this teck use it against me to get their way, such as dirt ball Trump. When he needs to get his way on something that could go one way or the other, I notice every time for 25 years, they pick on me and harass me, and it is done with precision clockwork regularity. Other big shit shots, not just Chump boy, R in on this, and continuously hurting and wrecking my pathetic innocent whittle life. U know U ain’t nuts after years and years and years of this shit, it does not matter if 33 quadrillion people tell me I am, they R not suffering through my hell, and they do not know. Hell is relative, just as is Einstein’s theories. Hell is not cemented in location; it is a condition-interaction. This is YI hate the guts of most church people and organized religions, as they R the meanest and harshest with me out of the bunch. People were meant 2 go on individual spiritual journeys; it never was intended as a collaboration adventure. All this shit is legend and myth. I should know, I travel continuously out of body, using your mortal concept of things, and I should know. Yes the Fascitar or the Fasitar, spell it any which way that U wish, can let U move around aware of being beyond-the-dream so to speak. Most people that master it get caught up in this cool eternal realm where they realize they all ready exist in anyway, and can re-enter into the physical at any time or place they choose, as they get more savvy, or become a [master] in these occult or hidden arts. When I left an elevator and stepped into a place where the great disco diva was working as a lab technician at what now is called Atlanticare, and then was known as the ACMC, [Atlantic City Medical Center], I never was able to re-enter into the life I was living in the same way. Somehow this elevator took me to an interactive ness where the very act of returning to where I lay asleep on the night of August 15 of 1986, caused me to come in where I for some reason, must have done either some things that I cannot fathom doing and no record of any of it exists such as not being a convicted felon on parole out of the blue 4 example, but something was indeed radically different, and in an extremely negatively exaggerated way. This has been discussed on numerous previous blogging texts. The reasons for re-entering into something this bizarre could range from a dozen Twilight Zonish things and concepts. I used the I-Ching on 3 occasions in my life, once in 1986 on this night, once in 1997, and once in either the end of 1969 or the start of 1970. No genius mind is needed to figure out that the daytime famous soap show of the times, “Dark Shadows”, gave me the idea to play with this nightmare. I said N I G H T M A R E. I meant nightmare. Babies and fools and poor whittle me, have done some dumb shit in their life, my dumb shit was messing with I Ching, and copying the great Count Prtofi. The first time sent me months into the future in a day-trance, where I saw June of 1970, and me there, on the beach, with my friend Ziggy, [Zigmund Malyska]. I could hear my own brain saying that the third day of my 26 day vacation would B pivotal, and later, it was, when 1970 in late June caught up with the I-Ching trance. Only the 3rd usage of this tool in the mid 1990’s served any real good, or did it. I was going out of my mind, in my frustrated search 2 find the great Sarah Krassle, the Lord Jehovah, whom was never lost in the first place. My blog, the ‘Morianity Bible’ tells much of the story, and definitely not all the story. James Patterson would ejaculate if I ever permitted him to write a so-called fictional story of me and all of these beach and Tennessee Avenue characters. After which time, he would die of a massive coronary thrombosis. Hay JP, if U’re ever up 4 it bud!!!!!!!!! Without going into details, I crashed into Governor Florio on the Atlantic City Expressway many years ago when he became governor of NJUSAESMWG. I speak of course not here in the waking world, but it was real. In 1984 I went to sleep and was suddenly playing a loud audio tape of the Space Shuttle; it took off and blew up. A year later, it did, as did a future governor get into a terrible crash on another major road, not far from where I rear ended Florio. No one understands dreams, realties, life and death, and maya is the culprit. Only in the 6th dimension is where it clears up, and the maya dims under the brighter REALM OF THE MIND. But when U finally know that U have been in the elevator room, nothing I can upload to the Blogger site in text words, can prepare U for the unbelievable enlightenment that will follow. All that is ever real is ride after ride, going from interaction to interaction. UR only as real as the 6th dimension creates U2B and all of your loved ones as well. No one is ever lost or found, alive or dead, or part of anything tangible and believing in anything at all tangibly, is being successfully fooled, or overcome by maya, [illusion].

Mr. Himacane was almost placed under arrest, through no fault of his own, yesterday Wednesday the 6th of June, 2K7. Attacks, near accidents, violations against him and me, R unspeakable and unconscionable and prosecutors in 3 counties as well as assistant governors and state attorney generals, R all complicit in allowing this torture to endlessly happen to an innocent American citizen. This is YI know I died and went 2 hell a long time ago, as in any ‘real’ world, it behooves me that this could ever happen to anyone. But what is dying and going to hell? It is what every blogger believes in his or her mind that it is, that is it pure and fucking simple. Just because the great Sar-ah Krassle Jehov-ah was thinking of me and her days at 16 at some upline world seashore resort, and it then downlined all of this, still does not supersede my beliefs and thoughts over any of anyone else’s. It does make me literally the center of the multiverse, or universe as perhaps we all, as alternates in HS, get our chance 2B THAT BOY, but being the center means that I can know major paralleling events that will show me ahead of time things of importance like the stock market’s direction, etc., but, this still makes me a suffering victim in all of this, not some mighty powerful entity or god. They R not stupid. They know that should I come into enough doe, this is not forgivable, U do not totally wipe out 70% of a mans adult life, and his basic childhood as well, and think that forgiveness is a possibility Mr. Campbell’s Soup. They know I would buy out 2 things if suddenly I won the power ball lottery and had 9 figure USD2 play around with. One would B an entertainment company so I could do my best to bring my message of truth to this ailing MW, and two, to get this all fully investigated, and the perpetrators eventually caught, and brought to justice. I do not care if they R the flowers from Beta Sigma 200. No, ‘they’ know that I can never B permitted 2 have any money, as I would turn it into more and more, and they know what I would then do with my fortune, and that they’d B fucking TOAST. This is not a threat blog-flaggers, THIS IS A MOTHER FUCKING PROMISE BABES!!!!!!!!!! All my promises R legal and all actions taken someday by me will all B within the framework of the laws of the land, don’t even think of trying to shut me up. Persecute me, and I will at the very least continue to blog and try to get my message out to as many as will listen and laugh, and maybe someday, the right person will say, wait a minute blowhard, this is not one bit funny, this poor dude needs some real serious help, and not sike shit. Karen S., I hope UR able 2 have a nice whittle mini-vacation. When U get back, a DYING UTTERANCE will B on your voicemail, please keep it. If U do not hear from me, go to the authorities and do what U can for me, pweeeeeze!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, the great F-6-10 can get any practicing mortal, into the realm of the gods and the land of the ‘dead’, a silly word. To reach the elevator room, the Krassleville River has a branch that runs towards it, but few get there, they just think that they do. I can tell by the way they write things in mortal world order. Once there, it is no longer possible, even though while alive, your conscious mind still forces linear focus, riders with awareness, write as I write, in the vein that mortals C time in an order, but we know it is not so, and no one forces our poetic license to B re-written, their way.

One of the reasons the oh seven year was so bad 4 me here on the MW, is that the media, totally BRIGGBASE controlled and owned, saw the tongue tie syndrome kick in, over and over, when things were said on TV and radio, that in any way connect anything on my blogs and website, just as I promised would happen, and did any of U out there catch the deal with the Fort Dix Terror Plot, wo, U gotta know I speak truths, or Y not just deny anything is real and jump off your local bridge head first into a nice soft rock????? Just ask yourselves, Y would this crazy mother fucker lie, what does he really honestly stand 2 gain with all this Morianity shit? I do not want money or fame, other than to create an anti-harassment organization, and things like that do take mucho bucks.

We were but 10 on Ten-nes-sea and now we R old, or at least is me, but Ex. Sen, I wish U all the luck in the world, even though I admit to basically being a split ticked democrat. UR the only entity on any realm who ever did something huge 4 me, such as when U stuck those electrodes in that young lads mouth who stole the only evidence, some cassette tapes, proving I did not commit murder in the year 2000. U never got me mixed up with a horrific criminal from Rising Sun Avenue, in Philadelphia, PAUSAESMWG, by the name of Jonathan Schau.

I never claim to B some know it all, just a sad little shit with a nightmarish story to tell, to a sick ugly evil sin cursed world that just will not listen nor pity me, nor give me the smallest benefit of the doubt that this all just might B real and true, and happening around me, just as I claim that it is.

The 6th dimension is mind, and the 7th is the circuitry of the system, the mechanical parts to it so to speak, and when U dream or go through life, it all must begin at and in these phases, and sort of filter down into what scientists see as the space time continuum. To reach the 6th dimension while physically alive and in body, biblically speaking “present in the body and absent from the Sar”, U first must come 2C that bibles talk on mortal world levels and thereby cannot reveal the truth to mortals absolutely, that U first simply exist at void infinity, then dream out and away into phase #2 or the Astral being ness, and then further dream downs occur onto the mortal realms all along virtually unlimited times and places in the great 5th dimension, or HS, HYPERSPACE. Maya or illusion, in each mortal “lifetime” U occupy in HS, sees the astral as some sort of afterlife, and until U reverse this and C truth in the reversed immortal reality that it in fact is, the 6th dimension could no more B reached nor understood than could trigonometry by a 2 year old fish. The biggest secret of all is that U do not have to ever do one damn thing, as the knowing of what is going on, is entering the 6th dimension, as now U no longer receive thought and robotically accept maya. Now, concentrically, U can properly and much more efficiently interact with thought. U will fall asleep at night in no time at this point, within 1 and 10 years tops, and just find yourself in the sixth dimension, forever, where U always have been and will B, wandering around, interaction and ride, to interaction and ride. By my mortal memory while back here in my Earth world dream, an entity that I in my perceived memory, is a nice lady of late thirty or starting forties in age with mildly red hair of shoulder length, talked 2 me 4 a while, stating that she has been “wandering around in here endlessly”. She, and yes me, and all of U, we all R endlessly existing in the 6th dimension. This is now another date, Ed as previously mentioned will not have his Verizon DSL up and running for uploading my text-blogs to the Blogger site, for at least another full week, so I am back at enemy territory at the Library across from the school that is more satanic and evil and violent than the famous Columbine High, being of course our own area’s famous Winslow High, here in Camden County, NJUSAESMWG. This is where close 2 a year back, the huge teen aged African American teen male sumo wrestler practically assaulted me without any freaking provocation, and verbally abused me and assaulted me, and the library guard, also A.A. in race, whether this factored in or not I do not make that judgment call, but she did nothing, and would not properly and adequately do her job. A giant A.A. female was standing outside as I walked in, at least 6’4” in height, beefy and husky, probably able to bench press 600 pounds without breaking a damn sweat. Over the past days and weeks the giant huge and tall pussies R on a tremendous ridiculous roll again. As stated many times, this is done as an intimidation since Paula and Sarah and her filthy gang, raped me at the Trinidad, and is it not fascinating that the island of TRINIDAD also plays a part in recent terror plots, as do all the areas that I have been blogging about and referring 2 for a year and more. Seems my Buena, NJUSAESMWG life as a paramedic that I discuss on my website on the part regarding where I astrally live at the RICKTOWN MANOR, type in or level five programming speak into your PC microphone, and read about all of it. Remember that the night B4 Iraq invaded Kuwait around 89 or 90, memories of unpleasant shit gets intentionally fuzzy, I tell the story in early MORIANITY BIBLE blogging texts; of how the very next day after I had left D.S. DESTRUCT TAPES on the Atlantic City boardwalk, it happened. I left these tapes, 3 or 4 cassettes, on benches along the AC boards between the area of the Showboat and Taj Casino’s. These destruct tapes were me on the phone, a fake conversation, usually with altered voice for my co-arguer, sometimes just left out and blank all together, but the kicker that made the stuff that I would say on the [A] side of the tapes, was the incredible [B] side of these tapes. This normally was stuff that no one could have normally had, audio demos and major things that helped to back up claims that I made of a far out nature, such as now in my blogs, so the 2 tape sides would sort of compliment each other to more powerfully to some degree, authenticate things I was saying, at least this is what I hoped and believed was a possibility.

Now, I said that things would change, without ending the blog called, 4 short and in abbreviation, TWIMCFTHM, we now R all going to stop this silly space time continuum nonsense, and enter into the truth of the S I X T H D I M E N S I O N. Good-bye to the old and welcome to the new, rapies and germiblows. First B4 I go on, happy retirement Frank Callio, hope your golden years go a lot better than the last million for me have. Morianity Bible began in 1995, and ten years later, U turned in your shield, Now we enter D-6.

I exited an elevator and found myself talking to a maintenance man named Walt, one of your buddies Mayor Bob Levy, and Retired Sergeant Frank Callio. Hope U had a nice time at the fallen officer viewing last Saturday, or at least as nice as can B under such circumstances. He and I talked a lot and I learned a few things, such as your 1995 retirement from the force Sarge. Wonder if I now will C the license plate THESARG, when leaving this library and driving back home with Eddie Himacane. A man was talking 2 me and telling me that he enjoyed working in the cement business, his precise words. I walked off the elevator and he vanished along with the elevator, and the room that the 16 ride-boxes R in. After Walt and I were done talking, he told me that he knew secrets about me and my magic mirror. I do indeed have a magic mirror. When I get a person 2 look in it, the real person is reflected back 4 me 2C, he may B smiling and nice outwardly, but if he or she is thinking negative thoughts or planning to injure me in some way, an ugly reflection of them appears 2 me in the mirror, they C what they C, but IC the true picture so 2 speak. I told him that it is in Ed’s apartment and he could throw it out with the trash as Ed had moved out hours ago, and that I was merely back there 2 check his mailbox and get any residual mail that he may have. The following morning I got off an elevator where many things were strikingly different, and I learned beyond any doubt that the enemy wants me to know and believe that I am being persecuted, and that I’ll never ever B able 2 prove my plight to a soul, nor ever get it stopped. When those near me try 2 explain things away to relax me and alleviate my paranoia and fears, they want me not 2B relieved, but miserable and scared and up tight forever instead. They know every possible way of making me miserable and live as much 2 do this, as the scum bag Dogface Donald lives 2 make endless money and capital. The gods R all totally bored 2 tears, and play endless games 2 keep from going ballistically crazier than shit. Even mans greatest thing, sex, is not sufficient to properly endlessly distract an entity that is totally and absolutely aware that they simply exist and time does not, they in fact therefore never really started existing, nor R they ever able 2 stop existing.

Finally, I got off an elevator where Ed and I now R practicing for our opposite shooting casino attack that will begin this very month at the shore, ACNJUSAESMWG. The higher the Dow, the more the Phillies fuck up, and the more U skuzzy incestrallites keep persecuting me with endless shit, the more ten dollar bets I will lose at the table, and thereby the more 300 dollar bets that Himmy will win at the table. U do not believe me now, but You will all B so sorry when I get back into the 19chips, get a beauty queen girlfriend, or 2 or 3, and start 2 live like a fucking king, your whole damn crooked economy’ll go to fucking total SHIT. BY-BYE lighthouse girl with the ling long hair. Where’s Sarah, the race horse, just another koinkedink huh, back in those wonderful days when I began my search and quest 2 find U great Sar, great all mighty Lord Jehovah, I will always love thee. No, not bye-bye to the blog text number electricity [27], just a quick mention of my great lovely teen queen, even though she and her friends scared the hell out of me at 12 or 13 and used my own cousin to accomplish this brutal and viscous rape. Y was all this a reality? Y did the Middle East care so much about the great Sarah and me? Very very Columbine Law and Order Semple, Mister Henry!!!!!!!! Abraham did not trust SSJKK to bring his Earthly wife Suri a son, and this led to things far beyond the time and energy available today 4 me 2 blog. Sarah-Stacey Scylla Krassle, my big teen queen, big J brown eyed girl, told Aby Baby to rename his wife after her, SAR, and she became SARAH. Hagar was the Egyptian girl slave of Suri and Abe, who due to no one ever believing in things that R the tiniest bit out of normal human belief ranges, went into the love tent with Abe and she became the Mother of all of the troubles over there today, people do not believe in things, and U may say, so fucking what? I say 2 the contrary, it can sometimes cost U a price that millennia of time must pay for with their damn blood. Humans have a very narrow belief range. Edgar Cayce was believed in, a few R, but most rear true honest mystic or endowed master types, such as high Earthly degreed Eckists, [C] Eckankar, will go unrecognized in the worlds of the obscure. That bothers me in the least, I only want to get what is being done 2 me exposed, stopped, and punished. Anyone doubting the rationality of a person who would say this, my response is, GO TO DOGTOWN. C MY WEBSITE AND CLICK ON Dogtown, and then tell me if that is where U would ever wish 2 share interaction in.

I got off an elevator on Easter Sunday in 2000 on this Earth and part of HS, on the 15th day of March if memory serves me properly. One of lightning’s best friends Hijika Rooanne, and she has 5 other names, one a secret SDK City Name, found me wandering around a park near a beach on the Krassle Atlantic River, and she was carrying a large blue and yellow striped gorgeous surfboard. I also had a board and was not using it, since I was busy exploring a deep cavernous type of stream with beautiful vegetation and dense forests all around as it wound and sank deeper into the woust direction of the Astral Realms. She used the excuse that she saw me picking up my board, and wanted 2 teach me the proper way 2 carry a board. It was all a big rouse just 2 get me 2 go with her miles down a road that resembles here on the mortal worlds a place in Philadelphia, PAUSAESMWG, called Route #1, or the famous to this area, Roosevelt Boulevard. Eventually, we entered a soda shop, she told me that she just wanted 2 stop in for a minper 2C a very good friend of hers, and then we both proceeded to walk into Murray’s Soda Shop, on Ondaoxten Road. About 2 minpers went by after she got talking to a long haired very tall blond with almost line eyes, long and thinner than any oriental eye on the mortal world would ever B. The blond suddenly walked directly over 2 me and stared at me, and it was Lightning goddess Diana Z. Arteemis. I was unable 2 remember in my projected-ness who I really was, and who she really was, not that anything in really real anyway. She stared at me and I stood looking up at her frozen, but madly in love, and I kiddingly tell my Lightning all the time at the great RM in Province Olympia that it was like falling in love with her all over again.

Since I have blogged out the information about the 16 elevators and elevator room or the 6th dimension, I have met many people, and have spoken in some length with them, in the 6th dimension. There is much more to say, but the evil empire has been warned, and now I tell thee all truly this fact, U will C a huge abundance of war and crime and violence, pestilence, earthquakes, twisters, volcanoes, hurricanes, tidal waves, wild fires, droughts, plane and chopper crashes, and U have really asked 4 it, and nothing that I do, is from this natural world, where currently all of your laws bind and stop me, so get ready to fucking cook, and U cannot do squat. N O T S Q U A T.

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