Friday, March 30, 2007

I am under the worst MILITUFORCE SIEGE that I have seen in ages and ages, kemtrails R all over me, choppers are horiffic, causing the cheating Snyder Flyers to WIN WIN WIN, and the Dow Jones market to go UP UP UP. Until next week when some additional chip memory is installed into this system, it is difficult operating, bare with me, as the Slowsky Turtle’s R in the house, and no one changes their ways as the bartender well knows.
Message to my very best friend Karen:
I as Mountainpen, or MWM as U know me by, is one of nearly unlimited dream sequences that I am having from my more real astral life. On this plane of astrallity, I also have numerous identities that I am aware of when I visit the 6th dimension which can only B accessed if U know the way, and that is to get into the locale of KRASSLEVILLE at the border of the great OP [OLLYMPIAN PROVINCE], and go onto the river with a powerful enough motorship, as this river runs from woust to nest, or in mortallity, here on the mortal world, picture our great Mississippi or Missouri Rivers here in America, running backwards and uphill. Some rivers on Earth do indeed flow in reverse diections from the others, but this is a mere geographical anomaly, as 4 whatever reason, that particular area is lowering from the higher real estate in reverse direction to all other areas in the neighboring parallel and part of the globe, hence no Earthly river runs literally against gravitation, or uphill. However, the great K. River does indeed flow from down to up or woust to nest as these 2 directions R referred 2 on the Astral Plane. When and if U can reach far and high enough, it cuts through a strange area inside a deeply unfathomable gorge that makes our Earth world Grand Canyon look like a bowell that U would eat a can of Campbells Possibilities Soup out of. Up in this part of the inbetween province areas, lies many large fields of void areas that always have been there and always will B, and R controlled by the Great Millionth Council, GMC, the ruling body in total control of phase #2 reality, the ASTRAL PLANE. This deep gorge leads to many labeled fields that this GMC experiments with in their “dream travel” experiments, and is Y we mortals C UFO crafts frm time 2 time that R not our own secret military test covert crafts, which is what 97% of sightings really R, but the other 3% are Olympian dream-travel Airships. In a nutshell, I go occasionally to the mental plane or 6th dimension, and am aware that astrally, I exist as gthousands of entities in seperate individual states on lower levels of astrallity, and that each of these entities dream-down into the mortal realm or physical plane. Very rarely, 2 or more astral entities R dreaming the exact same dream, being comparable to 2 people here on Earth dreaming of the same thing and of each other, and both waking up and remembering their dreams, such as in the famous fictional example with the dream that both Annie and Kevin Costner had in the fictional movie, Field of Dreams from 1988, about the Ebbits Baseball Field. So shortening the story and answering your querry, one of my many dreams that I have, as a dog named ZERANNIS ARTHUR YANCY JONES, is that of me, MWM. Also one of the many dreams that I have, as a great Duke and owner of a large 60 octillion cubic mile area, but a mere speck in the huge Olympian Province, OP, where the mighty GREAT DIANA ZUDLECRENESSIA ARTEEMIS lives with me in the Great Ricktown Manor, click into and click into the RICKTOWN MANOR information, is where my name is Rictafarius and 8 other names after that, that have legal registration meanings in Ricktown’s capitol City of AKOSLEM, the full city’s spelling is shown on my website, this is the shortened mortal world spelling. Here, I am Rick, but never went by this shortened nickname, until one day when the great parents of my lovely blond Diana, a 33 foot pure energy coil that stands 6’ and 3 “ tall with long bright canary yellow hair past her knees, and long eyes that curve up just a tiny bit at each end, but are very long ___________________ each one about this long and no wider than=================== maybe twice this example, at most, one look at her eyes, or her, by any man from Earth, and U never will B the same again. Not a day goes by that I do not think about her eyes and even clearly C them in my own mind’s eye, even now as I speak. She hates it when I call her slit-eyes, so I do not do this, but it does describe her eyes, and when I lose consciousness tonight, just for entering this through the machine mind, I will most likely catch hell for saying this, but that will B when I am RICK. Anyway, her great parents Zues and Lida brought her over 2 Ricktown and after introducing me to her and her 2 me, I told her and my exact words were millions of eons ago, “U CAN CALL ME RICK”. Then she blurted out immediately with such vigor it threw me back, “YOU’RE MY RICK”. Karen, I was never in all my eternal existence, as happy as I was at that moment, when the devil’s sister fell in love with me, but lightning did not get permission to live with me in Ricktown Manor until many long infinities passes. At first, I either would visit her at the God’s Manor in the great Olympia Proper, and watch her play tennis with her family and friends, or we would go down the path to her beautiful CODE CABIN. U can read about this by clicking into the CODE CABIN section on my website, as shown above. So no as me here on the mortal world, I am Rick’s dream, and not Rick, but have many many memories of my truer life as Rictafarius, just in my dreams last night, in time’s illusion, I remember taking lightning to her Queen’s meeting in the capitol city of Akoslem, Ricktown’s capitol, as she was made Ricktown’s queen by a 97.84% population majority vote, when I as Rick, presented this stage A request to our citizens, where later it was unanimously 100% approved by the Millionth Council, the Astral Plane Absolute Authorities. If I were Rich here, U would not recognize me, as I am quite the stud, standing just over 88 full inches high, eyeballing Barkley and Chaimberlain, and am 330 pounds of pure solid muscle. Here I am old, ugly, fat, and stupid, and hated by humanity. There, I am respected, always 23 years old, no matter how many ceecee’s go by, as time on the astral is created 4 the interactions, the reverse from moratal world life where time first needs substance and reality in order for any interaction to thereby come into being. But, as a code between good friends, U certainly can call me Rick, I know lightning will not mind, she knows U are happily married and living as a mortal being on the mortal realm. Sarah-Stacey is the real jealous one of all the gods and goddesses. If I am anywhere near any pretty women, she sends hundreds of crows and ravens and hawks, occasionally flying right over my car and I can even C their eyes looking at me, that is how close many come, if I am too long with anyone too pretty, and U know me, I do love beauty queens, in my human world existence. Hope I answered your question sufficiently, KS, and thank you for monitoring my sites and blogs.
To EP if UR still on the mortal world as EP, Spider:
Sorry I told the great secret, and ever since I let this cat out, the fucking jerk off military scum bags have been illegally persecuting me day and night, it all began at about 11 of the clock ante’ meridian on Wednesday morning, and the bomb blew up right in my face and has been re-exploding all over me ever since. U will C so many fucking Earthquakes, Twisters, Fires, Floods, City and School Violence, Volcanoes, Tidal Waves, Droughts, wild weather in general, and major shit in the middle east, U’ve asked fucking 4 it, so stand back and watch!!!
Message to MAGNESONIC:
All general and special orders, all tecks, ZDT & ADT, carry out my orders, your gain is at 11.8 infinity flux, your I&D is at 11.5, your desire key has been reset from normal neutral J position to the I position. Cosmiputer, ON AN I TO D, A/B TONE PHASING PUNISHMENT SEQUENCING SYSTEM, SCAN USING G13 AND G14, and CG5555, CG2, CG39, and CG18-TOTAL IONIC HYPERSPACIAL EXIM UNCREATION IF ANY HACKER TRIES TO INTERFERE WITH YOUR IMPLEMENTATION OF MY MACHINE-MIND ORDER, NOT USING TELEPHONE SEQUENCING SYSTEM, UNDER CRUSH AND SINGE TOTAL DESTRUCT DESTRUCT DUMA FLEET-ALL- DESTRUCT, CODE CG 18 ULTIMATE.
Well, when the meteors and asteroids and comets tear this rotten rock to pieces soon, only Maggie can stop it, so you’ll come running time then, and maybe, just freaking maybe, I will have mercy on this miserable cosmos.
Message to anyone following me on my side of the army wishing for a 50% law suit jury award cut of the action:
Help me prove this nightmare being done 2 me is indeed real, and if I get 20 billion, after legal cut is paid, and any state federal and sur taxes, my net jury award will B split in half, and this half can be split into 20 or 50 or 80 or however many wish to form a covert group and help me from the shadows. The enemy will never know 4 sure when they’re gonna get caught with their hand in the fucking cookie jar now, and get their private parts placed in a Sharon Stone Casino Vice Mobpain machine.
Message to parallel event gamesterscum:
Ok, U turned March of two thousand and seven into total fucking DOGTOWN 4 me, and I lost 12 units last night after your chopper attack hit for about the 10th time in the past 80 hours. Flyers win-cheat, and dow up and away with beautiful baloons. CHEATERS, CHEATERS, CHEATERS, that is all that all of UR, Synder puker, U coudn’t take that godshit awful team of yours and win one legitimate game without choppering me to death, for all the love and money in the MWG. U’re notin’ but pure cheatin’ scuz!!!!!! Big man huh, picking on me, bullies will never B heros, only loose smelly shit pudding, all of U, and my covert army if they ever awaken and C the $$$$$ potential in helping me, will someday bury all of U sick diseased maggot sucking turds.
Bye-Bye, jag-offs, bigger secrets than EP are soon 2 come, build bigger closets, bastards!!!!!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Good day 2 you all, I am under a major death siege this morning, started getting super freaking bad at eleven of the clock this moanin’. Super chopper attack, super kemtrail attack, planes all around, noisy cars, yesterday was just some trail sky action, but thousands of biker pricks with their thundering pieces of deciaballity. One dark colored sports car after I left a 7-11 store came as close to my car as possible while I was pulled over on a side road looking 4 my passout revenge tracts telling people 2 visit my site, nearly swiping me and no opposing traffic was coming down the road 2 cause this driver 2 do this to me, and he slowly came up on me, then gunned off with deafening sound, and I flipped the mother incestrallite the mid-bird. The mid-bird is being flipped at your mothers and daughters, and all of U right now through this web log [blog], and 6th dimensional usage of the machine mind. So U all want 2 play with me, fine. Just keep track of everything in a roulette game, and do not look at it as playing seperate games. The time U begin, record every single number, color, order, range, dozen, column, and then take 20 or so groups of 4 or 5 numbers, your choice, whatever, and group them as a package number, and give them a letter or number code. Then remember, never lose track of your TOTAL SPINS SCORE, as let us 4 example say that your total spins after 30 games played and recorded, is 6400. U go home and see that in this total, there R 730 hits on the number package of 10-13-30-35. This package or grouping of 4 numbers is always measured in run run change by the total spins divided by how many times this package comes out. The equation is done by taking the 730 hits and multiplying them by 100, and then dividing this prouduct by the 6400 or total amount of spins. As the magnetic percentage of this package moves up and down, it becomes mathematically magnetized so to speak in ranges, and when a package is at a bottoming of a range and starting to climb, this is when this 4 numbers needs 2B played, so grouping many packages and keeping track of their magnetic percentages, [MP’s], is an infallable way 2 endlessly know which numbers 2 play that R positive 4 coming out more than the long run outcome average of 9.5:1 for each of the four on any given spin, as 38 numbers R on the wheel, hence 38 divided by the 4 numbers, or 9-1/2. Grouping 4 or 5 numbers in packages is one way to play, U also can just use the RED, BLACK, ODD, EVEN, LOW, and HIGH, or the DOZENS, COLUMNS, STREETS, LINES, hell, U can even package up what gamblers refer to as corners or squares which is the four numbers anywhere on the roulette layout that all mix together such as the 1,2,4,5 or the 32,33,35,36 and so forth. All of cosmic reality is already flowing inside and within fields of preset magnetic percentages, and keeping track of anything in one long or as one endless event, allows anyone 2B able 2 predict above the normal ratio of long run math norms, again such as 1:38 for picking randomly any next outcome in the game of ROULETTE. Picking 18 numbers at random gives a player a ratio of 1:2 for picking a correct number, and so forth. Computers can B programmed with varying software programs that U or a programmer, would need 2 write, and tell the machine exactly what is the maximum best single number, outside bet out of the 6-choice, or whatever, 4U2 play. U can spend 3 hours a day 5 days a week 2 keep up with a hundred things and calculate it all seperately yourself, but getting your PC to perform the mental-shoulders 4U is naturally what I would advise. Anyone can keep their fucking mouth shut, do this, never admit 2 doing it, go into a casino, place your bets, stay a while, record every number, leave, go home, and re-enter all of your newest number outcomes into your endless one long game equation. U may not now or ever sell 4 any money or other valued equivelant, any of this top top sectrt 22nd century knowledge of applying the LONG-RUN-EVENT-CONCEPT, to roulette, or 2 anything else 4 that matter. U may however, feel totally free 2 use it yourself, and B careful,m as they R not there in the casino business 2 continuously hand U their money, and the only ways 2 get it are these cheat-sheet methodologies, this one, and the proper application of using QUANTUMCARDECKS, and waiting 4 two CORRECT STRINGS or two INCORRECT STRINGS to occur, and then bet a 3 stage MM against the C-5 or I-5 strings. As I freaking speak at about 12:40 Post Meridian, I am here at Eddie Himacane’s place getting a super 2nd nasty very low helicopter attack. Wow, your moms and dauts were super fantastic last night, WO WO WO WO and WOW WOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Want another secret out in the open? I have told over and over again how anyone can prove there is no such thing as death, not at least the way U perceive it 2B. This method I have repeatedly described as the F6/10. This is the FASCITAR 6 and 10 method, where U can go anywhere U wish, and B there as real as it is 2B here, neither R really real, only the true void infinity, is what is real. Go to my maps section on my web SPIDER ELVIS site,, and see the map of the Province of Olympia, or the OP. Most physical-projectors, and regular dreamers, and phase-4 entities R from the OP. Just use the 6/10 method, and 10 times, daydream yourself in my Great First Hall, in the great Ricktown Manor, in Ricktown’s Hovahahn regeion, 61,000 Earth type miles in sensory illusion, from Ricktown’s great capitol city, Akoslem City. Then command your soul [astral body, or glorified body, or light starry body], to keep numerous religious and mystic and psychic people happy with a more elucidated nomanclachure; anyway, tell it to leave U and appear in this hall. All persons doing this will C things differently, as nothing is real except void infinity. One will say my wall paper is loaded with yancies, [astral word 4 polkadots]. Another will see painted colors, still another will C more of a cylindrical tunnel with light at the end of it that U never can get 2 the end of. But here on the physicallity or the Earth realms, human life, whatever, no difference rabies and germios. NONE. The proof of what I say is when the great Sarah-Stacey had 4 different people tell what they saw and heard regarding her son’s life on the Earthworlds, leading up to his eventual mission-planned ministry, crucifiction, and lazor-trace [ressurrection].
Must close out, things R bad, but some people have witnessed things, and R now on their way to tell a local judge what is going on. Some body out there in Callio/Levy/Matino-ville can get ready real damn soon to shit in their pants. I have major news 4U all, in thbe Lamistrashy Scuzbuckets Club of ACNJUSAESMWG, exposure is closer than U know, as someone in a very high position examined my VHS copy of Shadows, the soap, the section dealing with the Levy-athans, and has made a major hidden discovery that indeed pertans 2 all of this in a super way, you R soo fucking HISTORY, that is T O T A L H I S T O R Y, Bye Bye brown eyes, my covenant with U will remain forever obeyed and unviolated, I am not like my lineage thousands of years ago, I keep my promise 2U Sar, my endless love, and U will B forever mine, and that is not written in the astral cities, it is the astral cities, and beyond that and all of 5th dimensional HS, beyond the thought-D or D-6, and all of it. I will always B that dog, your big firedog, ZERANNISS, THAT BOY, U even named me that on the streets of the physical plane here back in the 1960’s, and I never forgot those lovely things U spoke 2 me, nor will I ever, nor will I ever forget your lovely smile, huge brown eyes, and long light brown hair, UR my SCYLLA, look at the name SCYLLA, S as in Sarah, Y is an interchangable I, only the O is missing from Callio, and the O is not for C yall soon, bank on it, right after the tidal wave strikes, grow back eyes all of U as you’ll need them.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

I have not been burning the midnight oil writing web logs recently. The story of my life can never really B properly told, and no way, in its fullness. Trying 2 say certain things is a total useless endeavour. If I say 2 someone 4 example that “U won’t believe me if I tell U”, and they keep insisting that they will, then I wonder, if they will not believe me in the smaller thing when telling them that they won’t believe, how the devil can they believe the bigger thing that they wish 4 me 2 tell. Not a single soul will take me seriously when I say that everything down 2 the smallest enth degree, is cosmiprogrammed with me in the following manner: Whatever things I like R always repelled from my proximity, and whatever things I do not like, R totally attracted into it, without exception, and definitely without my needing to exagerate this. It’s all simply 100% true. Society, at least here in America has altered in several major ways, although mankind has not changed at all in its basic and fundamental existence. With the passing of every year and decade, people that were 30 R simply as those that were 25 a decade or so ago. This is not coming from a person normally aging and born and died, but from someone existing throughout HS. Again, I feel the need 2 specify, that all of U also R in HS in infinite or near infinite existences, but if U do not know it and I mean know it totally and completely like the way U know your name and telephone number, then it is for all intense and purposes, meaningless, as 2 your sence of it all, U got born, U are living your life, and heading for a certain grave. Nothing about this last sentence is untrue, yet due 2 lack of enlightenment, all but a few hundred people alive today know what I mean when I say that also U exist in endless ways of dreams in the great unimmaginable HYPERSPACE, [HS]. If 100 people all have 50 million dollars worth of jewells hidden in a secret area behind a panel in their attick, and one out of these persons stumbles onto their secret panel and opens it up and removes their treasure, and pays the taxes on it, the rest is theirs to live like kings and queens. In reality, the one is no different that all the others living inhomes with similar treasures hidden behind a panel in their atticks. Yet the one will now live a totally different life. If he or she then tried to tell the others that they also had treasures hidden in their homes, and could not prove it 2 them in any real way, not a one would start wripping apart a costly nice well arranged grouping of attick rooms. They would laugh and tell U that U’re a nut, and get lost. Right? If I tell every one in the world that byfollowing me around and documenting exactly what I say is true, and all form a club that will lead to sort of a covert future class action legal suers in a future litigation, as I would most definitely cut the group in, they would never do it, and it never will happen, as they all R2 busy telling me 2 take sike meds, see a counselor, and get psychiatric help. I know beond the shadow of any doubt, that I can never not B, I exist, always have, and always will, and that the GMC is persecuting me in every way possible night and day, and that this hell will never ever end, not in a year, not in 10, not in 100, not in 1000, not in a million, and this I swear in front of any court or tribunal, worldwide, and will state under oath under penalty of purjury charges, right in the United States Supreme Court. I absolutely know that if right this minute, some beauty queen fell madly in love with me, and I was given an opportunity to make 200 grand a year in some business capacity, or if someone legitamately promoted one or more of my many songs or inventions or ideas; the Dow Jones market would fall forever until a 4-sale sign appeared at the property at Broad & Wall Streets in Manhattan. The Phillies would win almost every game like magic, and the Flyers would go endlessly swishing down the toilet. No Mensa genius is needed here 2C that this entire thing has 2B someone’s upline world thought, and theis basically is backed up in the Christian scriptures whether Mountainpen says it or not, and that the thought was about me, or else, there just could not possibly B this powerful of a connection or parallel event between these things. The machine I type on in the Word Perfect Program, adds an [N] to ratio, changes the word casino to casion, over and over, and then I come to learn at the SORA classes legislated by the Governor and conducted under the New Jersey State Police, is also getting their program effected when the typist of the test wrote the word RATIO, and machine mind added the famous N. Lots of people think they R at the center of the universe, but they R simply not. It is a recognized psychological disorder. But the shrinks in my case R all wrong, but I can never hope nor expect 2 get them 2 tear apart their expensive attick tiles and find their 50 million in jewells, on the say so of a nut case mad man.
I know that many have fallen for the great one as she lives here in this dreamality, or physical life. Many have met her and written their songs about her, I am but one, but I am her special dog, Zeranniss. Many have written many songs about her, and many have made it to the top of the musical charts that rate music. In 1983, I met a dude named Bob, and he still is right here in Lindenwold, NJUSAESMWG. He introduced me to his good friend the SPIDER, back in 1985. Originally, I was led 2 believe that he was the greatest Elvis Presley impersonator in the world, and worked as a dispatcher for the NJ State Police at the HARRAH’S MARINA, in ATLANTIC CITY, NJUSAESMWG. On many parts of the enormous and unfathomably gargantuan hyperspace, this is located on Tennessee Avenue, where Mick-Gee’s shit hole building stands on this atomic signature and intraphasing. He was the coolest dude I ever met. He lived in Berlin, NJUSAESMWG, and one day Bob and I were over at his place just down the block from the Fleetway car dealership. He got unbelievably intoxicated and sat down on his bed and began to cry like a baby. Bob knew or must have that he was about 2 let one more person in on the hugest thing in the history of the news media business or poparotcee or however U spell it. Bob kept shaking his right shoulder gently and saying, don’t tellem Elv, don’t, U can’t risk it. He went on 2 let me in on the fact that he met a giant brown haire beauty queen that he referred 2 as the ‘water-queen’. It took until the 21st century to run around, 4 me 2 realize he had met Sarah. Making a very long and secret story short, he wanted her and she was happy with her new husband whom she married in 1977. The situation grew ugly and Mister Claridge top of the escalator restaurant’s son, Sar’s Earth realm hubby, said he was going 2 make a huge scandal and wreck his career if he did not leave his wife alone. He met her at a show he was doing. She had driven him as mad as she has driven me. He decided 2 fake his death and surface as a fantastic impersonator, so he could B near her, and without her knowing it nor trying 2 nor having her hubby stop him. He planned it out very well over years, and didn’t care how heartbroken the whole world would B, not even his own daughter. He made powerful friends as his real self first, so as 2B able 2 get his position with the NJ State Police, as their Harrah’s Marina dispatcher. The world knew this great man 4 a long time as the Spider, and other innitialed hailings for more closer friends, that had meaning, and is why Michael Jackson married his daughter, as well of course as a rouse to attempt to show the world that he really isn’t a little sick child abusing skuz bucket. But much more was connected in all of this. McG loved the power of controlling a powerful deity living on the Earth without her full memories available 2 her. Elvis found about about the matter sucking Kargehole, and neither McG nor Sar’s hub were going 2 ever again let Spider B who he was B4 the nightmare of all of this. All spiritual and hypernatural things occur on the astral plane, which at times can blur, or said perhaps better, the fields between the planes of what mortals call life and death, [physical/astral]. I told all of U that my friend Sally, who hosted Popeye Theatre decades ago on WFIL-TV, Philadelphia channel #6, before it became WPVI, did me a favor and called the Mayors office in AC, NJ, and spoke 2 a dude named Rick. Levy had a cousin working on channel 10 in Philly, who got with his radio buddies in Trenton and started viscious lies about Sally, all because she helped me against Levy and his gang of cohorts, back when he was the Chief of the Beach Patrol, and these people will wipe anyone out that gets in their way. They R worse than any known maffia or black file goverment agency, and have merged into one group called the LAMISTS. They also exist astrally, and with this name, the Dark Shadows soap opera uses the word LEVIATHANS, but it is the LAMISTS, the one third if the Great Millionth Council that broke away from the other two thirds, and have a hage astral headquarters called the BRIGGBASE, its Earth realm twin is BRIGANTINE, NJUSAESMWG.
As long as they have me 2 pick on the DOW WILL B UP UP UP UP UP. As long as they have me 2 pick on the PHILLIES WILL LOSE LOSE LOSE LOSE.
2 any group that may someday or perhaps has secretly formed as the future class-action suit witnesses:

I will share 50% of all my after tax monies awarded, split up between U. If UR out there, may the GODS B with U. They have done serious body damage 2 me in the last week, and if I die, my murderers R listed, go to any of my blogs on or that R on my website, [spiders make webs] and all of these scum R listed. They killed me, my mother, Dave Roth, and his mother, 4 brutal murders. If I was not 100% sure of my facts, would I dare 2 make such claims and face liebel and slander charges????? Think about it!!!!!!!!!!

Message to the great SSJKK
In human form, U have had great and small people alike fall madly in love with U. In your upline world, as U dream at night, and go into your down-lined thoughtwave, [your creation], U must know that some part of U loves me, and that I am always THAT BOY, or that dog, from DOGTOWN. I was jealous of my brother in my dream, and am so very sorry that I split his head open with a rock.
Message 2 Dorian Wallbanger:
Wish U would put your great theme back on, I was just busting your balls when I would sing along with the LL arrangement. The real infringer was prick cock-head Bobby Brown.
Message 2 the elements:
Bring the wrath of the great SSJKK upon this wicked and sin-cursed evil planet, please, they deserve non of your great mercy, only judgement and Dogtown.
Message 2 Morty Mortino, {death}:
Please take me out of this you rotten prick. Stacey won’t let me visit U at your building in the Great SDK. I know UR near me and I am ready to give U my spirit. Have mercy and get me out of this awful nightmare, if Stacey will ever let U. She says I must do something first, I have not yet figured out what she wants me 2 do.I asked her last night while she was flying her big kite that I got her 4 her birthday. She just giggles and tells me she’s gonna dangle her lovely long brown hair all over me and then take me iut to Viqueen’s Island and make me scream like a wild man.
Message to the great hispanic break dancer dog of Dogtown:
U may B able 2 avoid the paddles better than me, but I am dreaming out of there now, while U still R dreaming that UR there, suffer ya growling fangface shit licker.
Message 2 all my lovely dee-dee ravens and hawks:
Keep following me and watching over me and tell Diana 2 come 2 me soon. I am going nuts without her flashing around, I need her so very bad. How I would do anything for the privelage and honor of dying in the electric chair. Oh JB, let me just sit on it and run some of Diana into me. When I was ten or so as Mountainpen, I would stick an electricians double pole into the outlets and put each hand on one and feel her lovely warm vurrent moving all throughout my entire body, how I love U so my electron, and happy birthday in your human form, yesterday. I still treasure the tape I have of U calling my house and telling me you didn’t need this, no how, no nothing, back in the spring time 24 years back in ’83. Light bulbs have been blowing left and right in my residence, is it U, or MILITUFORCE scuzzers?
To the residents of the astral city of HYDROGLACIA, the physical plane world pulsar star in the MWG:
What do U want with me? I cannot stay dead, so Y keep killing and fucking with me? Ass holes. All stars here in physicallity, not the man-made ones, R in reality large densely populated astral cities. Light is astrally thought energies, and the astral plane is crowded and hence mostly bright. The faster things move in the dream worlds here, the smaller they R and the hotter they R. Concentrically, the larger things R here, the slower and colder they R, and R all perfectly and accurately measurable by the use of the kelvin temperature scales. People think it is a made up word from Star Trek, it is not. 0 degrees kelvin is the same as saying that no motion exists on a molecular level, and as motion begins 2 occur, so does vibration on many varying scales, causing a basic heating up and speeding up and shrinking in size. The Kelvin race on the show from the AG, Andromeda Galaxy, is just phase four entities trying to exist in the third phase and not lawtronically being able to, hence ending up as characters on the fictional show called Star Trek. I have a special weapon that will cause U pain and problems Hydroglacia, if U continue fucking with my ass. I like U much better as a beautiful pulsar star, quit enlucating through the Bickwad fields in the void areas past the OP, or I will use my Magflector on U, and the world will get a taste of science fact and fiction that will really blur the lines of science and church philosophy’s, and screw up society so bad, it will take 500 years to pull out of the 2nd dark ages, I ain’t bluffin’ ass holes!!!!!

All systems went into failure on roulette during this super March attack and MARCH SADNESS. But hoops B damned, the QUANTUMCARDECKS have done well. But 2 add to the efficiency, always stop for at least 20-30 hours, any and all gaming, once getting two 5-strings of CORRECT’S or INCORRECT’S. Once when I did not, I went on to get 5 of them in one 3 hour period, and lost the head of my dick for the day. Also, if U monitor just 10 cardecks, and get a magnetic percentage of total verses amount of five’s, and play the lowest cards, and running out the higher MP cards for getting 5-STRINGS using what some gamblers refer 2 as [paper games], U can always play cards that R giving U the best odds 4 getting the 2 and 3 strings, and occasional 4 strings, and there R many more secrets I will show the entities of the multiverse in this great HS, as we move and march along in this blog, but 4 today, FINE’.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


March 20, 2K7, Tuesday
Well, I have, as always, lots and lots of things 2 tell. Message from the GIANTPUSSYS CLUB:
U all impress me like a ton of loose goose smells. I have the ability 2 just think your heart stopping, and it will. Ask the Mayor of AC, NJ, and his LG pals, if I cannot think and move. I try 2 do nice things 4 people, and all I ever get back is shit. Kemtrails all over me every single day, never ending Milituforce Otammscum non-stop planes, choppers, trails, and loud road sounds. All through March of oh-seven, this is in all honesty the worst wirtz siege I have ever been put through since December of 1991, when I remember telling the Camden County Prosecutor, one of the men supposedly working my case, Mr. Ron Wirtz, that I have not had a single day all month without pure horiffic and endless hell. I told him that I would take things into my own hands if necessary, and he said over my CIA/NSA/BFA bugged up telephone, exactly what U hear Jack McCoy on L&O say, to the parents of the New York high school, not HYPERSPACE, on the school shooting episode, that I had 2B careful of my choice of words, that he is an officer of the court and that talk like this would cause him 2 have to bring the bracelets over and get me, just as when McCoy said “talk like this could get U into a world of trouble”, and it is just that sample. Not at all intricate nor complex, very totally sample.
Put all the giant slutty Paula and Sarah look alikes U want around me, it impresses me like tons of elephant snot, mixed with snake venom, and a pinch of monkey happiness. Paula and I were talking about some wild crap when she told me that she nearly had the baby in the taxi cab, and was crying in pain at 1802, after my mom left and drove somewhere, she has a drivers license and is much younger in that part of the great HS. I told U that U did not look a day older than when I last saw U, and that included in my part of hyperspace on the early afternoon of 12 July in 1977, 27 years after last seeing Uand all of Sarah-Stacey’s other friends on the public New Jersey Transit bus, in the Atlantic City terminal, on Arkansas Avenue, where it was located at that time. Paula, I know the big secret of both your baby and Sarah’s baby, and Y she never had others. After what she did, that wasn’t bad enough, I should have had a say in the taking of my own kids life. McGuire has no other reason 4 all this hostility if this is not what occurred. It is not like I marched into his cruddy bar just over a decade ago and told him he is a rotten no good ansectrallite, his whisky sucks, and his daddy was a shit head. I went in there all nice and he acted like the world had just come to an end. So after my brutal rape, can there really B more than one conclusion 4 me 2 draw? Obviously, I stirred up quite a dern hornets nest when I came back on the soon looking 4 ‘my’ Sarah. My mother went behind my back with the algebra deal, the sending me to summer school at Lower Merian High, in Narberth, PAUSAESMWG, leading to her Faith/Church Farm School deal in Exton, PAUSAESMWG. I did not ask for one dern bit of any of this crap. Forces as I speak R trying 2 totally end my miserable fucking life, and I will not stand idly by and let them, I am not going anywhere, nor making any changes. U can all go screw yourselves. Soon, my lightning will B around a lot more, and you’ll all B sorry. I have asked her 2 hit some filthy enemies, and she will. Hopefully someday, she will ground through me and end my miserable hellish interaction here.
Message to Gordo: What U told me about the stock options, and other things, I will check into all of it and C what part of all of this can B done in this location of HS. As U many or may not B aware of, there R so many universes in the 5th dimension, that any one could buy any number on a mega jack pot or power ball lottery, and take it to the correct universe, and it will match the winning ticket. The real trick is beyond worrying about material crap. If I can get into the 6th dimension, all of my thoughts as well as Stacey’s, all of them, exist there in their true and pure form.
Message to the 6th dimension and machine mind:
I want major earthquakes, volcanoes, twisters, lightning storms, floods, fires, wars, pestalence, and all forms of vibratory unrest and scramble 2 occur. I want this miserable hell 2 end. I want an end 2 all of this shit. I want Shorty MacInvondi, Professor Theodore T. Jackson, and all other 4th phase entities that have influenced me 2 create them in the fifth dimensional HS and let them exist in their third phase of reality, to get what they all deserve, An eye 4 an eye, and I agree. Tell Gordo, thank you 4 helping me with all the info he gave me last night in this time dimensions physicallity. Tell Paula, that whether she or Sarah had the kid, or both, U had no right to abort it without telling me, and big McG and his car-gun from the McCoo 5th D can burn in the fires of Dogtown’s sulfur pits 4 all I care. Yes, I hear U, the computer went nuts, and Ed said I pulled a plug out, but we know what is going on, don’t we 6th D? We know exactly what combination of these alpha keys lets the secrets out that you do not want out, tee-hee.
Come to this lovely world of mine, come, I invite U. Please feel free 2 come and visit our nice hellish place here, and come in quickly, and avoid Sarah Jupiter Stacey from 2 worlds out from our fusion reactor, she is our vacumn cleaner, and will try to suck you in to spare her creation, but I want U to come and smash this lovely place to bits, and end my hell forever. You hear me through the machine mind of this system, no differently than Magnesonic.
Yes, unless one long game is played, and a total game MP is kept of every number and dozen and color and on and on, no system based on mathematics can hope to reverse the power of negamagging. Every single day in this March attack, my quantumcard decks have made me either one or two units, but all systems keep failing. My betting could B 10,20,40 dollars, or it could B just as easily 500,1000,2000 dollars. The base levels of the minimum and maximum NJ casino amounts, vary only because of bankroll, or lack thereof. Every 95 bets placed will lose 5 times on house edge green numbers of 0/00. With a three-stage MM betting strategy [mini-martingale, not martinogale], the units of 1/2/4 average roughly out to just under 3 units lost, as U may lose half of your bet on bet one, or on higher bet 2, or even higher max. Bet 3. There R slightly more 2 and 3 strings than there R4 strings, so the average is not a perfect 1+2+4 divided by 3. Anyway, 5X3= 15 units lost to house edge rougly every 95 spins, or approximately 16 lost per hekaspins, or [-160] units/kilo-spins. For me, roughly 5-7 strings in each 100 group of bets, again do not confuse bets and spins, as not all spins R bet, will generate a 5 or more string causing a loss of [-7 units] to occur. An average of 6 times the 7 units lost, getting 6 from the average of 5-7, is minus 42 units. An average of 70 to 100 units of profit occurs by getting 2,3, and 4 strings, in each group of 100 placed bets. It gets confusing here, but if you record string numbers on paper as 2,3,4, or 5, never recording singleton ones, nor is anything 5 more than 5, it is just recorded as a 5-string. Then actual bets made has nothing 2 do with actual spins, although it averages out fairly close in longer running plays. In any event, each hundred group of bets, not spins, using 85 as an average of profit units, we subtract the average of loss units, 42 and get a subprofit total of85-42=ing 43. Now subtract 15 for an average green-house edge loss, and the numbers become 85-42-15 or 43-15 which = +28 units/100 bets, which a placement of 100 bets averages out 2B roughly 310-356 spins. This is pretty much a rough one third of a KS, kilo-spin, not Krassle Sarah. So 28 X 3 = 84 units profit, and rounding it down in a pessimistic average, say, 80 units profit per KS, or DKS, DEKA-KILO-SPIN---- [10,000] spins, this comes to 800. If I can keep making anywhere close to 800 units per DKS, even on a $10 base betting level, this is $8,000.00 and on the 100-200-400 dollar or 1-2-4 black money-chip level, this is $80,000/DKS. 40 hours at average casion table playing, produces about 9-11 thousand spins, an average of one DKS. People average a 40 hour work week. I am not greedy, and have no fucking dern desire 2 earn 80 grand a week, wouldn’t know what 2 do with it. I am just telling the neggamaggers that this is so far impervious 2 their attacks on me, so I politely say FUDGE-U, and your lovely mama’s, and daughters. Hay all whom know me, know that I am a nice guy, but if you’re gonna fudge with me and wreck my life 24/7/365.2422, watch out, because I will develop ways 2 piss off the suit-punks, and freely teach these mehods on the friggin net.
Message 2 Robert McGee:
U ugly old white slaver monster, here’s 2U bud. Raise your glass up with Martino, and her daughter in law and the Mayor, and drink one on me tonight, this night may B your last, as when U least expect 2C me, ask big S, I can B right there in your face and hear what U say, and U can’t even C that I am there, but ol’Sharkey is here, ya drunken old fool.

Friday, March 16, 2007


For the future law suit attorneys: March of 2007 has been the worst attack on me in my entire life. Ed informs me that Stage # 58 of prior blog is not up on the Blogger site, so I will have a cut and paste job ahead of me, I know I posted it, and it was hacked off, naturally big Eddie doesn’t C it that way. All yesterday, Thursday, a chopper flew over my residence, and late in the afternoon, blew out my bowells with one of their fucking nuclear death beams. I have not ever suffered this bad, and is obviously being done by the MC that R living here in the human realm. They as they do on many occasions, told Dianan that she was not allowed 2 come near me and B with me 4 moral support, I have witnessed this 4 over 21 years, all throughout this hell. When she is all over, buildings burning down, people taken to the Cyclopse caves 2 make her coils, storm all over, yet nothing near or around me. She even told me that she is told that they will hurt and persecute worse if she tries 2 come near me and console me, so she figures it is better 4 me if she keeps her distance. Logs and journals of places I go, all recorded and meticulously retained by me, will show an undenyable pattern that rules out any chance of this being a possible coincidence. I do not blame my lovely blond love doll, she is only looking after her little boy, go to and click into the RICKTOWN MANOR section, and C how she always takes wonderful care of me, and loves me passionately and endlessly. I can admit to a dual awareness relationship while being a US citizen on the mortal world, with her, as stated herein, as she is, always has been, and always will B, 18 years of age. With Stacey on the other hand, it is always her 16th birthday, and if I admited to the dual awareness of what goes on with us, it would B but a matter of time B4 legislation would B enacted on a pshchic level, just 2 get @ me. I know that what I say is all true.
To those interested in things I learned @ the TECK BAY MYSTERY SCHOOL OF PROVINCE OLYMPIA, throughout my infinite existence:
All events, whether they B laws that get passed, or eating ice cream at the SUBS & SWIRLS stand in Red Lion, NJUSAESMWG, back in the 1980’s with my now deceased pal, Dave, have both natural and supernatural forces acting on them. This is why on certain very bad days, anyone, not just me, should U have a stereo, a washing machine, an automobile, or whatever, with an intermittant problem that acts up occasionally but at no regular nor particular time, it will B cosmiprogramed so to speak, 2 mostly if not just about always, do the acting up on times and dates where UR already in the middle of a monstrously botbar, [BAD] day. Botom-Of-The-Barrel-Allready-Rated is the word BOTBAR when the innitials to these words is pronounced. Hundreds of years ago I wrote an entire book of words that I made up, it is just something that I as the real me, does, sahwee if it turns anyone off. First, the Flyers Hockey Team has always been the total fucking shittiest team in the NATIONAL HOCKEY LEAGUE, and has been unable this 06/07 season, 2 win one single game legitimately, or without cheating by harassing me 2 death the day of their game, sometimes even the night B4. Not One SINGLE GAME so far this year, one without using major persecution on me 2 get their evil monstrous way, through the use of PARALLEL EVENT TECHNOLOGY OR PET. Using Pet, in 12 decades from now and beyond, and getting caught, is punishable by death by slow torture in most countries on this planet. This bill passes into law in most lines of hyperspace around the AD year of 2128-2130. This PET is a viscious thing 2 do, and destroys the innocent who never do a damn thing to deserve what is being done 2 them. It is being done simply because through secret tests in a lab of the real world, ‘they’ learn who 2 bless or curse, 4 lack of a better way to put this, in order to make things occur in a preponderance, or simply put, more times than not in a significant amount. This is LIFE-CONTROLLING, and the term becomes used around 94-99 later in this century. If my ‘BACK IN TIME LAWSUIT” now, needs B pulled 2 do nothing more than 2 assist some poor innocents going through my damn hell up in the freggin’ future, then so B it. Lawyers and whores will never go out of business, the oldest 2 professions, and the ones that will B around when this old world says good night. As long as covert LIFE-CONTROLLING is ongoing with me in this backward and non-believing time period, my only hope is that the ACLU will believe me in the tinyest way and check it all out, follow and shadow me 4 a year if needed, they never will back it off 4 very long, watch me long enough and U will C that I speak the total truth, and make this claim that this is all true and accurate, under full penalty of any and all purjury charges, now or ever.
The longer the Karge wormhole is sucking matter in down in AC, NJ, on Tennessee Avenue, the stronger it gets, don’t believe me, just order last nights copy on the HISTORY CHANNEL, of the show on the BERMUDA triangle, the Pacific Ocean’s Marriana Trench, and all the stuff they R allowed 2 tell UB4 they would get stopped, remember, it all is under regulation, through some agency, in this case it would B, the FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISION. No matter what U ever would attempt 2 do, UR under one agency or another, and would run fast and hard into a brick wall, should U ever attempt 2 tell the real truth, but I say this NOW, MESSAGE 2 ALL THOSE TRYING 2 GET 2 THE BOTTOM OF UFOLOGY AND COVERUPS:
When I try o get help and bring real world legitimate evidence to the authorities that someone or something is making my life a constant never ending living hell, I start out OK some times, but sooner or later, the brick wall slams U helplessly into a defeated and stopped position, and there is no wayaround it. So let us argue the logic of human world verses hyper natural world controllers, in all of this fucking sordid mess. The military, every branch, uses a word SNAFU, or situation normal, all fowled/fucked up, with the more polite civilian translation on the left side if the slash. They admit that it is routine to have fuck-ups. Then look at the attempted Watergate coverup with our 37th president, Richard Millhouse Nixon, SNAFU, and step down, bringing Mr. Ford the late, into office. How about Monica Lewinski and Bill Clinton, our #42 guy? He would have sold rotten fruit to his lovely grandma to make that one just go away, Mr. McCoy, would he not? No, humans R not covering up this hypernatural stuff, includes the psychic realities such as Ghosts and astral communicating, and on and on, the UFO shit, the being medically examined on the crafts and other abduction phenominon, the secrets kept by top controllers of the basicly 3 major largest wealthiest church denominations/organizations, and on and on we could go. All of this, from now I will call, the HYPERNATURAL. What is supernatural in 1922 is old discovered reality 80 years later, and so forth, so this does not cut it with me 4 the points that I will attempt 2 convey as we endlessly move and march along with MORIANITY. If the wormhole is not Y the Atlantic City property thing is transpiring, then what is? Dya ever get the real or true story, will anyone ever talk about it? Does anybody know? U can bet the casinos, somebody knows!!!!!!!!!!! Prove me wrong, and put up a structure, ga’head. Just prove me totally wrong, I Billy Mahoney dare any of U, at the risk of poor Kiefer Sutherland getting his face turned into punched fruit again. Speak of people knowing things, how about FLATLINERS, the movie? Someone who is behind writing and getting this show into reality, knows more than U and maybe even me, about major physical/astral connection realities. My life was never the same after coming out of the 1986 mid August interaction with my lovely friend Donna from Ohio Avenue, Mizz ACMC Lab Assistant. Talk about getting the Kieffer crap knocked out of your life over and over, the minute U come back, I do not wonder, UC, I know beyond any doubt, that someone behind the making of this great movie, knows a hell of a lot, besides how 2 make a profit in the physical world. Yes SUBS AND SWIRLS was the name of the ice cream place where my car was shut off and turned back on, on many occasions back in ’86 and ’87. I remember all of this hell like it happened last fucking night. U do not forget squat when it stinks as bad as my squat does. Going anywhere near the Atlantic Ocean’s true property at 30 South Plaza Place, and the punishment from the GMC is not mentionable. My mother and I had a fight in the car back during my search 2 locate the great Sarah-Stacey in the 19 nineties. The fight was so bad I had to leave the vehicle and go into the woods along the Garden State Parkway and scream and hollar and break soda bottles against tress, to get the anger out of my system. Hypernatural forces definitely surround this whole damn bloody mess. I will B telling personal secrets of horiffic deeds that I know and witnessed people do over the past 40 years, most of it all connects back to Italy and India, and to the great KALI, and her son, who now exists as DONALD TRUMP, and is what the ‘believers’ would call if they knew what I do, ANTICHRIST. I know that attempts were made on my life in more than 28 incidents, and more than 100 intimidations and clever threats were made 2 persons in my family and small circle of once close friends, to get away from me, and 2 forever keep their mouths shut, OR ELSE!!!!!!!!!!
To the lawtrons fucking with my luck, ya scum:
I knew that if I told the blog and my tape recorder about my 15 grouping roulette system, U would wipe it out and send it into systems failure, as U did the other day, UR all as dependable as freggin’ clockwork. The reason U cannot stop certain tools used in the ASAP- TEK, is that it is coming from cosmos, and not through a mathematically pre-set system, and hence all throughout this abominable month of March SADNESS, with the use of QUANTUMCARD decks, and applying the wait for correct or incorrect strings of 2, and then betting for either a 2, 3, or a 4 string to occur, a making 4-stage MM bets, MINI-MARTINGALE; I still could keep generating a profits unit of just over 10 and a half before losing a set via a 5 or greater string of [I] or [C] strings coming in. No system can ever beat the negative hypernatural fields that surround me while under these fucking extreme death sieges, but this is not a fixed system, and appears 2B impervious 2 the attack of what U have heard me refer 2 as NEGAMAGGING. In 1986 when I played professionally at the ATLANTIC CITY, NJUSAESMWG casinos, this started getting real bad. The 177th AIRBOURNE in Pamona, NJUSAESMWG, flew over me @ trree-top level over and over every trip I made down and back, scaring the living daylights out of a legal citizen. This was and still is a total FUCKING VIOLATION OF MY CIVIL RIGHTS AND CIVIL LIBERTIES. If I am so wrong about the warp on Tennessee Avenue, prove me wrong somebody. As small controlled dark matter electrofields of hyperdensity continue sucking more mass into them, it is like a baby feeding and breathing, and GROWING bigger and stronger all the time. Eventually, these magnetic sounds of a sort will throw our entire orbit off, unless the system is deactivated, either by the GMC [GREAT-MILLIONTH-COUNCIL, and within less than 230 decannums, periods of roughly 36.75 days to one decannum, short 4 DECI-ANNUM, or tenth of a year, and R all ready used in many sections of the great gigantic HS, anyway, they will knock us into a new orbit entirely, making our years and days of new and different durations. Weather will become very extreme, and sea levels will B way up as well as way out and down, despite temperatures, which also will fluctuate more irregularly and with more intensity. The only way to deactivate this built tunnel between Sarah’s dream city warp, and Tennessee Avenue where I originally met her in this series and sequence of dreams that U would call my human present lifetime, is to bring her memories back 2 her by forcing her friend McGuire to release her from his controlled brainstun over her, a system that works not all that differently from a keyword that awakens a patient from a very deep hypnotic trance. She instantly would make the proper adjustments that will save our planet from literally self destructing, but if it is not done within the next 300 decannums, it will be fate sealed. This and many close versions and variations of us in HS, will perish. Actually, in the grand scheme of it all, it will not really make a hill of beans of difference, we R not 3-D beings, but 5-D.
To The Local Authorities:
So, I am not the only one U guys enjoy setting up, at least I know I am not crazy, or the only one this shit ever happens to. My 1994 accident that U set up with the Mexican-American driver and the MA police officer responding to the intentional, U would call an accident, along Kessler Hospital Road that starts with a five, running northward & eventually intersecting with the twisted crazy Starburn Starburst Route #9 of East South Jersey. If ‘she’ calls me to testify about the spurious way things happen in this town, I will cooperate fully with her attorneys, I do not like police corruption, or any corruption, and have the upmost respect 4 all good honest law enforcement personel. I detest people who think a badge of any kind is a license 2B a rotten criminal, we all have 2 share this misery we call human life.
This blog today would B much longer, but a major storm has struck the entire area, and was predicted 2 occur, so it is not hypernatural, but I will B sharing huge secrets soon, and wripping off huge closet doors from their hinges, all these fucking secrets make me sick 2 my friggin’ stomach.

To the entities of every type while I close out today, 3/16/2007:
Do what U want, but when I start telling what I know about the details of NEGAMAGGING, LIFE CONTROLLERS, the true origins and invaders humanly of the LAMIST BRIGGER CULT and tie it drectly to a mob boss in Chicago, ILUSAESMWG, and tell proof of the dark matter controlled spots, the absolute secrets of AC, NJ and its direct ties to IRAN, IRAQ, and the entire descendants of the middle east through the tribes of Ishmeal and Hagar his mom, and how the great Sarah fits into all of it, and on and on etel Estelle, Bassler, that is, and about her and her adopted son Chester, and the CIA/NSA connection to the real man who blew New York up, Bush’s good buddy, Mr.O. BenLaden. All this recent shit UR getting is total crap. He and all of them do what O. Tells them 2 do, and the B’s and O have been pals 4 ever, and the truth is that we have all been totally skunked. The reason the lid stays on this one is because the MILITUFORCE and my entire Sarah situation R the forces behind this super cover up. If humans tried 2 cover it, it would eventually have SNAFU’d and ended up another WHITEWATER, WATERGATE, and MONICA LEWINSKI, don’t fucking tell someone who know, that he doesn’t. The pulsar UFO is a real astral city that the BRIGGERS took over with another of there very successful astral plane invasions, and is all part of Y the Shaw of Iran in the 1960’s told his very good lady friend, my Aunt, Ms. Geraldine Snow Mason, from Narberth, PAUSAESMWG, to get her daugher 2 come down to AC, NJ on vacation with mom and me and get in with Sarah and the Viqueen teenqueen gang, named on Earth by the local guys, the QUODDY MOCKERS. They all hung outside the Quoddy Moccasin store in front of the existing at the time, MAYFLOWER HOTEL, with the time warp running through it and zenithing in power at the center on the top floor, on the north facing side. It is Y the place had 2 come down, and no other place can ever go up, and the power of it, under the control of ROBERT MCGUIRE, is used quite frequently when he needs 2 do one of his big miracles, such as kill me and get away with it, just go to my website and click into the pictures part, as I have nothing to fucking gain by making anything up, but the ice and snow storm will grow monstrously bad if I do not break off my machine mind counter attack right now, so this blog today is fine’, but much more will soon B said, I have a ton of evidence that I am soon sending to Steve Hawking, although they probably have him and his family on pain and fear of death, all ready controlled not to take my stuff and examine it and prove beyond any doubt that it all is real, and answers every damn thing that has been going on since B4 this universe ever even got started.