Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Good day 2 you all, I am under a major death siege this morning, started getting super freaking bad at eleven of the clock this moanin’. Super chopper attack, super kemtrail attack, planes all around, noisy cars, yesterday was just some trail sky action, but thousands of biker pricks with their thundering pieces of deciaballity. One dark colored sports car after I left a 7-11 store came as close to my car as possible while I was pulled over on a side road looking 4 my passout revenge tracts telling people 2 visit my site, nearly swiping me and no opposing traffic was coming down the road 2 cause this driver 2 do this to me, and he slowly came up on me, then gunned off with deafening sound, and I flipped the mother incestrallite the mid-bird. The mid-bird is being flipped at your mothers and daughters, and all of U right now through this web log [blog], and 6th dimensional usage of the machine mind. So U all want 2 play with me, fine. Just keep track of everything in a roulette game, and do not look at it as playing seperate games. The time U begin, record every single number, color, order, range, dozen, column, and then take 20 or so groups of 4 or 5 numbers, your choice, whatever, and group them as a package number, and give them a letter or number code. Then remember, never lose track of your TOTAL SPINS SCORE, as let us 4 example say that your total spins after 30 games played and recorded, is 6400. U go home and see that in this total, there R 730 hits on the number package of 10-13-30-35. This package or grouping of 4 numbers is always measured in run run change by the total spins divided by how many times this package comes out. The equation is done by taking the 730 hits and multiplying them by 100, and then dividing this prouduct by the 6400 or total amount of spins. As the magnetic percentage of this package moves up and down, it becomes mathematically magnetized so to speak in ranges, and when a package is at a bottoming of a range and starting to climb, this is when this 4 numbers needs 2B played, so grouping many packages and keeping track of their magnetic percentages, [MP’s], is an infallable way 2 endlessly know which numbers 2 play that R positive 4 coming out more than the long run outcome average of 9.5:1 for each of the four on any given spin, as 38 numbers R on the wheel, hence 38 divided by the 4 numbers, or 9-1/2. Grouping 4 or 5 numbers in packages is one way to play, U also can just use the RED, BLACK, ODD, EVEN, LOW, and HIGH, or the DOZENS, COLUMNS, STREETS, LINES, hell, U can even package up what gamblers refer to as corners or squares which is the four numbers anywhere on the roulette layout that all mix together such as the 1,2,4,5 or the 32,33,35,36 and so forth. All of cosmic reality is already flowing inside and within fields of preset magnetic percentages, and keeping track of anything in one long or as one endless event, allows anyone 2B able 2 predict above the normal ratio of long run math norms, again such as 1:38 for picking randomly any next outcome in the game of ROULETTE. Picking 18 numbers at random gives a player a ratio of 1:2 for picking a correct number, and so forth. Computers can B programmed with varying software programs that U or a programmer, would need 2 write, and tell the machine exactly what is the maximum best single number, outside bet out of the 6-choice, or whatever, 4U2 play. U can spend 3 hours a day 5 days a week 2 keep up with a hundred things and calculate it all seperately yourself, but getting your PC to perform the mental-shoulders 4U is naturally what I would advise. Anyone can keep their fucking mouth shut, do this, never admit 2 doing it, go into a casino, place your bets, stay a while, record every number, leave, go home, and re-enter all of your newest number outcomes into your endless one long game equation. U may not now or ever sell 4 any money or other valued equivelant, any of this top top sectrt 22nd century knowledge of applying the LONG-RUN-EVENT-CONCEPT, to roulette, or 2 anything else 4 that matter. U may however, feel totally free 2 use it yourself, and B careful,m as they R not there in the casino business 2 continuously hand U their money, and the only ways 2 get it are these cheat-sheet methodologies, this one, and the proper application of using QUANTUMCARDECKS, and waiting 4 two CORRECT STRINGS or two INCORRECT STRINGS to occur, and then bet a 3 stage MM against the C-5 or I-5 strings. As I freaking speak at about 12:40 Post Meridian, I am here at Eddie Himacane’s place getting a super 2nd nasty very low helicopter attack. Wow, your moms and dauts were super fantastic last night, WO WO WO WO and WOW WOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Want another secret out in the open? I have told over and over again how anyone can prove there is no such thing as death, not at least the way U perceive it 2B. This method I have repeatedly described as the F6/10. This is the FASCITAR 6 and 10 method, where U can go anywhere U wish, and B there as real as it is 2B here, neither R really real, only the true void infinity, is what is real. Go to my maps section on my web SPIDER ELVIS site,, and see the map of the Province of Olympia, or the OP. Most physical-projectors, and regular dreamers, and phase-4 entities R from the OP. Just use the 6/10 method, and 10 times, daydream yourself in my Great First Hall, in the great Ricktown Manor, in Ricktown’s Hovahahn regeion, 61,000 Earth type miles in sensory illusion, from Ricktown’s great capitol city, Akoslem City. Then command your soul [astral body, or glorified body, or light starry body], to keep numerous religious and mystic and psychic people happy with a more elucidated nomanclachure; anyway, tell it to leave U and appear in this hall. All persons doing this will C things differently, as nothing is real except void infinity. One will say my wall paper is loaded with yancies, [astral word 4 polkadots]. Another will see painted colors, still another will C more of a cylindrical tunnel with light at the end of it that U never can get 2 the end of. But here on the physicallity or the Earth realms, human life, whatever, no difference rabies and germios. NONE. The proof of what I say is when the great Sarah-Stacey had 4 different people tell what they saw and heard regarding her son’s life on the Earthworlds, leading up to his eventual mission-planned ministry, crucifiction, and lazor-trace [ressurrection].
Must close out, things R bad, but some people have witnessed things, and R now on their way to tell a local judge what is going on. Some body out there in Callio/Levy/Matino-ville can get ready real damn soon to shit in their pants. I have major news 4U all, in thbe Lamistrashy Scuzbuckets Club of ACNJUSAESMWG, exposure is closer than U know, as someone in a very high position examined my VHS copy of Shadows, the soap, the section dealing with the Levy-athans, and has made a major hidden discovery that indeed pertans 2 all of this in a super way, you R soo fucking HISTORY, that is T O T A L H I S T O R Y, Bye Bye brown eyes, my covenant with U will remain forever obeyed and unviolated, I am not like my lineage thousands of years ago, I keep my promise 2U Sar, my endless love, and U will B forever mine, and that is not written in the astral cities, it is the astral cities, and beyond that and all of 5th dimensional HS, beyond the thought-D or D-6, and all of it. I will always B that dog, your big firedog, ZERANNISS, THAT BOY, U even named me that on the streets of the physical plane here back in the 1960’s, and I never forgot those lovely things U spoke 2 me, nor will I ever, nor will I ever forget your lovely smile, huge brown eyes, and long light brown hair, UR my SCYLLA, look at the name SCYLLA, S as in Sarah, Y is an interchangable I, only the O is missing from Callio, and the O is not for C yall soon, bank on it, right after the tidal wave strikes, grow back eyes all of U as you’ll need them.

1 comment:

klslee said...

Mark, I've read each of the last 3-4 blogs you posted.The roulette equations are very hard to follow: I know I'm not enlightened enough to understand so I suppose others wont' be either. I'm going to RICKTOWN next to check it out.