TWIMCFTHM------052907.572--------Blog #Twenty-six.
This is now going 2B the beginning of some major new stuff that will progress as ‘time’ moves along. The enemy mince-meated my poor horrific HELLIDAY weekend. And Y not, it is symbolically ‘their evil military’ day and celebrated time to honor the fallen war dead. I am not against any officer in any military unit anywhere in this entire multiverse, unless they R carrying out orders to hurt and horrifically injure me, from the gods only know whom is issuing these orders. As I currently machine-pen these words at Mr. Him’s place, kemtrails and loud aircrafts R all over me like flies on dog shit. I will tell secrets today that may get me down right shot. People that have the money and the power, in the mortal world existence, can have anyone, ‘removed’. The trouble is that to them, it appears that I died, but it all is uncreated and recreated fifth dimensionally in a biblical wink of a raptured eye. The air siege the last two weeks is worse than any time in my entire life, and the year of 2007 is beyond being in totally uncharted waters for me, it is worse than all the Jews put together that suffered in concentration camps during the great Holocaust. This may sound harsh or even racist, unfeeling and ignorant on my part, and so B it. I know how true pain and suffering is measured, and no amount of what all of them combined went through equals what is being done 2 me, and has been done 2 me. Go ahead and disbelieve. That at least 4 me is not uncharted territory, disbelief in me and all that I go through and all that I totally know and proclaim, is a very old and familiar companion. This should B totally axiomatic 2 any Morian, but just 2 a blog reader who is thinking “this space cadet is out so far he is about to name some new stars”, I all ready know how they will receive from the 6th dimension. Remember, I absolutely know that we do not think, we receive from the 6th-D. Even all of our complex psychology and mental processes, memories, emotions, all of it and so much more, is not U thinking or remembering things, or even feeling painful or angry or sad or pleasant things. But now it is time 2 tell U all a bit more about the 6th dimension, in ways that some of the nerdier and geekier amongst the human pop, may B able 2 at least get something wild and fantastic out of it. I want U to picture a room about 70 feet long and wide, perhaps 15 to 20 feet high, and in the center area of this room, on all 4 sides or walls, is 4 elevators. I had to get very special permission from the lightning goddesses of Jupiter and Earth, to tell what I am about to tell. B4 I go on, I used to scoff at astrology, and still do not claim 2B knowledgeable enough in the full details of this ‘science’ 2 act like I am mister know-it-all on the subject, but I grew up and went well into early adulthood in my present ‘lifetime’, actually sequences of current dreaming, just thinking of it as total silly nonsense. How can gravitational effects from large celestial bodies far away determine so much, just because a human being is born at a paralleling time? Well, B4 anyone laughs too loud, I learned the power of ‘parallels’ early into my thirties, a full 20 years back in forward mortal time. Then, think about this, our moon that we do not feel in a conscious way, has the power to pull the giant oceans of our world six or more feet up and down twice a day while orbiting us. U and I can barely put a ton of seawater in a wheel barrel, and make it shake a bit, U anyway, as I have the strength of a small child. We must also in some ways not understood yet by man kind, B affected by these powerful forces of magnetization. Oh, and the gods, we R!!!!!!! Conscious mind is covering it up; as this is its job to in fact B doing 4 us, but it is real and occurring nonetheless. When I lived in a small apartment in Williamstown, NJUSAESMWG, in 1994,5, and 6, called the Highview Apartments, where when I left, I wrote and copy wrote my song HIGHVIEW CHEERS, from where the CHEERS show came from and later mizz over weight Toothless, Alley, ripped lots of my stuff off, an old well charted story as Hellywierd has ripped off well over 1000 things from me in less than 30 years of mortal time, no spellchecker, not Hollywood, I know what I am saying, but back on point with my story, I was living my life, not thinking nor searching 4 the great Sarah, but suddenly a bunch of outside stuff made its way into our solar system, and eventually crashed into Jupiter. As if this was not enough, the owner of the Highview building was Mr. and Mrs. Shoemaker, the slumlords from Philadelphia, and Sarah although out of linear time order, while searching 4 her, was and is a good friend of then, Chief Bob Levy of the life guard force in Atlantic City, NJUSAESMWG, now in mortal time illusion, he is the Mayor of the great city. So the names Shoemaker and Levy R all ready in the mix, or better spoken perhaps, in the ‘cosmic equation’. The comet that impacted Neptune-Jupiter Japtarama Cavelantisocleevious, in the human world atomic equivalent on this physical plane and here in that part of hyperspace, at that time in the evental-fold, was discovered, out of all of the possible persons telescopically gazing and peering out into the heavens of the physical plane, by these two persons, Levy and Shoemaker. As soon as all of this happened, my world changed instantly the next day. My search and quest to locate the great Sarah-Stacey Krassle was born. Naturally, at the time, linearly, I had no mortal way to C any of these connections. All of this brings me right back to the truths that all things R connected, yet separate, and this is what U must know a bit more about today. No 2 subatomic particles can touch and remain attached. They can make contact, resulting in a massive devastating transfer into energy, from the mass or matter that these separate pieces of reality were B4 they touched. So Y is all connected, when basically unless forced together, I am saying that all really is a reality of separateness? Forces in higher spatial dimensions operate in strange ways as they also R added to this cosmic mix. There R an unlimited side-band reality of the three dimensions that contain normal length, width, and depth. In these side-bands, R forces that control lower spatial dimensionality. Einstein never put enough spatial dimensions into his many famous tri-force equations, until almost at the end of his dream sequences as Einstein. He realized that all of the math and models of the laws would bit in a bigger box, not bigger in size, but in dimension. Time and HS will always B the true 4th/5th dimension, do not mistake what I say, as there only R3 ‘TRUE’ spatial dimensions, L-W-D. Side-bands to them do not count in this. However, they count in many equations where man and science is starting their journey to learn whether the temperature is correct in the universe for proving ever expanding verses eventually contracting future-universe, and also data is connected regarding the existence of extremely dense matter, as without it being there, the proof of ever expanding would B the case, as how could the great explosion lose force and B greeted with gravimetrical pull back or inversion, causing eventual universal contraction and collapse? This entire thing is still is meaningless, as interdimensionally, there is sort of a slip through-effect, whether it compresses back to absolute temperature at just beyond zero-dimension, or escapes away, it is meaningless. All of the matter and energy would in a three dimensional box concept, either B blown into annihilation, or dissolve into oblivion. However, 4 the conscious collective that does not remember that this is what we endlessly wish 4, escape from endlessness, a prison beyond mortal concept, and many of the gods as well, I can alleviate your mental anguish and absolutely assure U all, there is no end, nor any beginning. First of all, even while alive and viable, all universe, spin off sort of ‘daughter universes’ all the time, perhaps said better, humans have offspring, animals do, universes do. They leave all of the prior dimensions and become new ones in their own system. But doesn’t some dimension or place or something have to exist and B in order to sustain this? My answer is that it does not have to, no, yet it just happens to. This is why this example, when mentally placed into a microcosm, indeed, the smallest bits of sub-reality is one ‘A-dimension’ and the spaces that surround all of this is one ‘B-dimension’. This A and B is complex, but simply stated, it is Y wave-particle duality is similar to dividing by zero, and also, is why there R 3 dimensions spatially in a so-called A-fluxing field, and then there is the B-fluxing field. It is why wormhole juice or Quantum Foam 2B more accurately in scientific terminology acts as it does as well, in various interdimensional fluxing states. We have other days 2 move further along with all this, but 4 right now, shall we again discuss the 70 by 70 foot room that is 15-20 feet high, with 16 elevators, 4 of each of them being centered at each side of the room on all four sides. When U walk into any of these elevators, the doors close and immediately it always begins to move either upward or downward. At this point, you can control whether U wish the elevator 2 move forward or backward, as well as to the left or 2 the right. Do not try implementing logic and saying 2 yourself, how can IB in elevator 3 and move left without crashing into elevator 2, as this is mortal logic. Once UR in an elevator from off of this elevator room, and the doors shut, U go up or down first, but can then direct your elevator to move in any of 4 other directions, as well as up and down again, and as many times as U wish, and U will never crash into anything, there is only the elevator, as nothing else anywhere exists. When U push the open button, the elevator stops and the doors open. U walk out and think nothing changed, as again UR in another elevator room with 16 elevators, 4 of each centered on each of the 4 walls. When U walk out of the elevator, the doors close behind U, and in an instant, UR in a place that could B a mountain or a seashore resort, a home or an office, anything, it has no limits. When U wish to leave the place U came 2, U must turn off the place by shutting your eyes and then seeing in your ‘mind’s eye’ a new elevator room, and keep thinking of it and seeing it until UR again back in the elevator room. This is the 6th dimension. It is real, and everyone U know and everything U could ever know is all at the exit of some elevator ride. Now the other thing is that elevators R what we in 2000 AD can relate too, so we would perceive this elevator room. If U were an Algonquin Indian 300 years ago, it would be the top of a hill on a flat clearing with mountainous rocks around U, and 4 braves on 4 horses would B on all 4 sides of this clearing, for a total again of 16 riders. If this were 140 years from now, it may well B that U would identify this with 4 Skytorcycles on each side of a room or a mini-hanger, on all 4 sides, but for reasons even I cannot pull up, there is always an astral 20 total or half of an astral ten on all 4 sides. Astral 20 is mortal world converted to the number 16.
On prior blogs, lots of typo or Ettos corrections now need B amended, as normally I do not find 128 year old women that cute, nor have I known any, I have been in love with some between 80 and 110. I meant that if some cutie pie of 28, do not know how the one got in front other than to make me look like a fool. Yes Karen S., I need remind the readership more often what my obscure abbreviations stand 4, ETTOS = ELECTROMAGNETIC THOUGHT TRANSMISSION and OMMISSION SYSTEM. HS = HYPERSPACE, OP = OLYMPINA PROVINCE on the astral world, MW = MORTAL WORLD, SSJKK = SARAH-STACEY JEHOVAH KARGE KRASSLE. We can quit 4 now, come on smokers, if I can, ------. On my website,, I will B soon adding the real way that my 1980 or ’81 song, called, “Love Is 4 Carpenters” really went, as I tranced out at work months ago, and re-listened to the great SSJKK sing it 2 me from the meeting square at the boardwalk and Monalazarium Boulevard. This is sort of the Astral World version of Atlantic City’s area at Frailenger’s Salt Water Taffy beyond the Casino Control Commission building entrance, on Tennessee Avenue. Scylla is known in Earthly legends 4 her beautiful loot, an astral world common instrument, but her playing is anything but common, it makes me cry like a baby to hear her play it and sing to me, while I gently run my hands through her ling-long lovely light brown hair, going from 6 feet and 7 inches down to nearly her ankles. I will B singing it, but it is word 4 word, as far as how this song really goes, and is not the copyrighted version from the early eighties, and I needed 2 use a guitar, no loots, nor good astral musicians where I am living and dreaming at here on this MW, sahwee.
Yeah, KS, they freaking mince meated my holiday helliday, I had to work an extra and extra long shift, for a total of 34 hours, much of it in the miserable hot bright scummy sunlight, which I detest second only to mister Vaudeville Frid, from my Flower Wing, in the great Ricktown Manor. C more on this at my website, read the text telling about the great RM, oh another abbreviation, sahwee, RICKTOWN MANOR. Lightning and I live here together, we always have and we always will. The I-Ching is the closest knowledge for mortal worlder’s to access into the sixth dimension. I saw a lady there Saturday morning or whenever I went to sleep by mortal terminology who told me she has been wandering around in here forever. Move over honey, we all R, and as soon as anyone walks out into a reality that matches a close enough one 2 being normally ‘awake’ from where U ‘went off to sleep’, U will forever B totally enlightened, and know what I know, and B as I am. Speaking of enlightenment, Diana was so good to me at work, she hates 2C me suffer at the hands of such evil and monstrous scoundrels, so she came real near me and flashed her scrumptious lovely colored lightning, and then returned immediately 2 me as her beautiful giant gibbous waxing moon. I cried like a baby that she cared enough 2 do this 4 her whittle boy, who is suffering in eternal infinite HELL, [Dogtown]. Diana, U will always B my baby blond, and I will take U to beautiful waterfalls and all of your favorite parks, and make powerful passionate love endlessly, my ravishing delicious colorful giant coil. Thank U so very much, and please B sure to thank cousin Stacey 4 permitting U2 come over 2 me when I needed U so very desperately. When the astral/physical white private loud piss bubble came zenithing over me at 4:21 PM when I got off the elevator into the beach where the ocean was so surf-able and beautiful, I was so wanting 2B with your cousin, tell her please that I would have stayed there with her, the plane did not chase me away, I wanted 2 get back to my dream and remember truths about the sixth dimension. No, phase four’ers, your cube is not the invention of government agencies; they cannot even find the fucking front doors to their main headquarters in Fort Meade, MDUSAESMWG. The cube is a square with 16 thought ride interactions that offer the rider cubic 6 directional movement rides, into connection circuitries where interaction is and becomes one with the closing doors of the elevators.
I am sure that the AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION, or the ACLU, would B fascinated to get a copy of a tape I have of U Robert McGuire, in which on repeated occasions, U quite angrily and vociferously tell the darker skinned part of humanity whom wander into your miserable stuck up bar, ‘WE DON’T SERVE N****S IN HERE” Even machine mind sees the SIN here, U arrogant prejudiced prick. Just because your pop and the clan come from literally the most beautiful land on this planet, and this is just fact like 1 and 1 is 2, but who RU to think U can break the law, and people’s heads too, U and the crooked Mayor, and ACMUA, and your partner at the pub, and all the wife cheated concubine friends of all of U, what a land of SIN, and they say it stays in Vegas, right, it all leaks from there and comes straight into East Dodge, and I am glad to get the hell out, and Happy New Year 2 all of U2, and screw your dauts.
Yeah man, some of the recent siege over the last few months, is due 2 the enemy seeing I am on the money over and over. Last nights hell siege caused my Phillies to get burned up by the Rubyshacks as I would have bet a billion bucks on. Dow will B 20,000, just as I said it will B flying to record highs and then into the 12K’s, the 13K’s, and B4 June ends, the 14 and 15K’s, everything I say comes true in every shade of black and blue, yet still I wait 4 them 2 state, that I am here, Toothless Jenny. When the siege is super super bad over time and never lets up, especially in the skies 4 me, I get as stated in prior text, major pussy command, as I not so politely refer to it as. Also, a simple thing happens repeatedly in roulette numbers, which when not under this much of a gun, makes me lose my shirt and my ass when played. Simply put, I play all three parameters, and the first 3 on color, order, or range, non green or from 1-36, whatever the majority or unanimous-ness of each is, I play that for two non-green spins. I flat bet only, and ignore house-edge green outcomes, [zeros]. All day today, last night, the entire weekend, air siege is beyond the beyond. If I were 2 walk into a bar tonight, and knew the rules of how 2B a real player, I could walk out literally with a fucking gang of young but legal honey’s, and don’t think I fucking couldn’t.
The last time I was half aware upon returning from the 6th dimension 2 here in hyperspace and where I live as current mortal me or Mountainpen, I was about 8 years of age. My last ride was to a room where I was in a high rise apartment with a gorgeous view of some large modern city, high up in the George Jefferson sky. I laid in the bed and fell asleep, only to wake up quickly and think I was awake, only suddenly I knew I had not awakened, and walked out of the apartment to find the elevator room. I had fallen out of one interaction but instead of mortally turning on back in this mortal system here, I was still stuck in the hypercube, as the McGuire movie storyline Phase Four Club goes!!!! Believe me, mortal man did not create the 6th dimension, nor the circuitry of this thought dimension {LAWTRONICS]. Lawtrons R really us, from a prior system that re-circulates endlessly as we now recycle shit on Planet Earth. No one ever gets away with, nor gets over on anyone, as in the great HS, if U mug me and hurt me and rob me 2-nite in a gutter rat alley way somewhere in an inner city, there R an equal amount of universes where the same act is also being carried out, the difference being that UR me and I am U. The Lawtron, [law and prophets, biblically and christianly], is the rule and the circuitry of the system that is all of this around us and much more. Most Lawtrons become gods on the Astral, or the unconscious up line thought wave that downlines into its own unique 5th dimensional multiverse. The elevator room [6th dimension] [Eckankar’s Mental Plane], is what the Lawtrons create, so that we can enter into rooms, [interactions], the I-Ching equivalent is that we can pass through doors. Once U go to the 6th dimension, for real, this ain’t no fucking bullshit, I have no time to sit here at a computer keyboard wasting words and energy on made up stupid un real delusional crap, but U will believe that that is precisely that, until U go to the 6th dimension. The Fascitar 6/10 an take U only as far as the upline thought wave, into its unconscious merging state to what it is creating with its own energy, and never can U go any farther. U have 6 directions of north, south, east, west, nest, and woust, but U do not have the other two in the 8 that can bring U in and out of the system, life, and death. On Earth, without a high-tek society with air travel, there is movement only in the west, east, north, and south, as U would endlessly and forever make your way around an eternal seemingly flat surface of this world. Blow the planet up to the size of the universe, and cut away the living only on the surface edge, and U have 6 directions, but never enough to come in nor go out, endlessly in the hyper spherical prison, unless you also have the final two directions of life and death. Life is entrance into the hyper sphere or the fifth dimensional up line thought wave in conscious down lining, while death is exit from the hyper sphere or the 5th-dimensional up line thought wave in conscious down lining.
UTAH, where the MORMON CHURCH is headquartered, is the only state out of all of our 50 states that ends with [AH]. This is no coincidence. Reverse U to covert to I or I AM, and the T is for TENNESSEE AVENUE. SAR is the force that created the interactions and visions that started all of this, so SAR-I AM =U. Tennessee Avenue’s queen is the great Sarah, hence U-T, and AH, given by SAR, the GREAT ALL MIGHTY LORD [SAR], U---T---A---H. This is the groups that is keeping a careful record of the families of all humans world wide, go ahead and “ASK” or “GOOGLE” all about this, Y would I fucking dare 2 lie about things with eternal value, and take a chance on angering Jehovah and burning up in endless hell? Gawky Gaukawk the giant Astral Panther cat or LOTTERY CAT from the Great TECK BAY MYSTERY School, told me half a billion Earthly years or so ago, that Professor Mystic UTEE as he is simply known by and referred to there by, said that after Earth’s most recent Roman Empire new cult is started, 2 final revelations will finalize the full meaning to it all. Nothing new is added in either revelation, but mortals unable 2C spatial reality and that live linearly only, will perceive it as new added revelations, hence a blasphemous thing, as it is written that plagues R added 2 those that add to the holy words, and that if words R removed, the remover will B likewise removed and no longer will have a City name or a City pass in the great Sahasra Dal Kanwal. Last night, Callio took me to Dogtown, and guess who was there to bail me oudda there? Ol’ Gawky, the Lottery Cat. Amazingly if U Google up Lottery Cat, I am by no means the only Earth Mortallite that has cyberspace text regarding this. Subjects may appear unrelated, and this is topic for many future discussions and discourses, but they R not really different. The power of illusion, MAYA, is so incredible, Roddenberry the great Star Trek creator knows much about Ettosian teck with the powerful illusion creators, the Tallos-4 beings. Remember the show with all of this was what originated the entire shows, both of the Star Trek’s, all of their great movies, and all of the spin offs beyond the first two Trek’s. The problem with too much sci-fi is that disinformation syndrome gets spawned into the mix, and wrecks any chance for me and what I try to tell the world, to ever get believed. Error on prior web logging text, I typed in or machine mind did, 40-8- years, when it should have read 40-80 years.
This ecological horse shit is a pain in my royal ass, because what is really causing all the shit, is my enemy harassing me, and this is true so help me under pain and full penalty of perjury in the US Supreme Court. Greenhouse gas and CO2 emissions, environmental studies, on and on, it is crap. Any meteorologist knows that a clear blue sky will B there many a morning, but follow me when I go out on my errands, and watch kemytrail after kemtrails as they form, dissipate, and eventually fill the sky and literally turn it ugly grey. This is reality, and all U need 2 prove it is a video-cam, a VCR or DVD and then set up on a clear morning, and when it happens, speed forward simulating a time-lapse photography, and C this evil Briggbase Milituforce 4 what it is, as they truly R destroying our environment, and wiping out not only Kendall and Ryan’s Blue Sky days, but everybody’s. We all have to suffer, and if I was off this world tomorrow, it would all magically just go away, and this is simple plain truth, that I legally swear before the Hague World Court Tribunal. Before the late autumn in 1987, 18 years after Count Petofi, not Perofi, another prior blog error typo or MMH [machine-mind-hack], none of this was real. Sure, as all my family and friends, and associates and acquaintances tell me, there always have been vapor trails. They would quickly show up, never spread out, and would go quickly into evaporation and die. Now a blue sky turns grey, and we have to all put up with this forever, and now I am telling U all what really is fucking up this ecological system, our entire environment, THIS IS NO FUCKING JOKE, AND SOME ONE HAD BETTER BELIEVE ME, or the gods help all of us. The final course for getting THIRD DEGREED at the TECK BAY MYSTERY School, is called [Tour through Life] and if I had more time today I possibly might start telling U about this, I observed the class for just a few periods, MW entities think of the word HOUR in English translation, for Astral Plane “period”, and as I observed it, I fell deeper into the interaction, as unlike Earth physical plane classes, U move right into the deal, learning is so cool here, it as U well know can occasionally suck here on this ;lower plane dream world. I have an invention that will let people do this, why would I share it with a world that only wishes to rip me off and hurt me, it would turn Trump and Gates into trillion Aires, screw U, I’ll never tell any of it on pain of torture 2 the death.
4 now BROWN EYED GIRL KAL, CALLIO, ANTIECK, but still my lovely great SAR, U behave yourself, I am watching U. Come back and C me on the AP at the job as U did 2 winters ago, and B friendly, ya luscious giant teen queen. U know U wanna knock me down and give it 2 me until I scream. Remember that I know the realer U, that your conscious mind is blocking out from U, I know all about U, low tide, high tide, flowing all around U, lose a ride, win a ride, it matters nothing 2U, don’t hide, U can’t hide, I can C right through U, C-Mountainpen-1997.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Thursday, May 24, 2007
help me sarah -stacey Krassle, Goddess Scylla!!
Lads and Lassies, and other dogs in general, from now on instead of writing out the full blog-title, from To Whom It May Concern From The Head Morian, permit me please, 2 abbreviate as with the above example, thank U.
Starting on the 15th day of shit eating May, out of the blue like McGuire/Sarah witchcraft again as with my chocking glandular condition that came suddenly on me with no rhyme nor reason on the night of 4 June in 1983, again I find myself physically and magically attacked, only this time, it is my legs, back on Tuesday the 15th, my right knee totally stops functioning, and that was not bad enough, as these UFO/WITCH/WARLOCK/HYPERNATUTAL scum wipes wiped out my left knee also totally 6 days later on May 21, leaving me only 2 get around with a walker, which fortunately, I did not need 2 buy, as Ed Himacane had an extra one, he has leg troubles and has various types of canes and walker devices. Nothing they do 2 me will last forever, even the attack on my thyroid gland back in ’83 will correct 4 itself eventually, if it takes 40-8- more years, and this shit will go away in a week or 2, or 10,000 weeks, but it will go away. When Sarah married Al Martino’s cousin back when Pressley faked his death in ’77, I lost all 10 toes at a print shop, and they all grew back within a few months, I always assumed, believe it or not, that people’s toes all grew back, and only recently found out they I am the only one. I learned from Diana and Stacey that I am a phase 5 entity here in physicality. There R only a few of us. Don’t go thinking it is like the movies, forget the Mac Cloud shit, and the Hollywood grandiose life of all of this, it is a horrific nightmare, that I will find a way 2 wake up out of somehow if it takes me millennia, and speaking of phased entities, let us talk about this subject 4 a while after first updating the Morian readership on a few incidents. Muzak is under total control of the controllers of the phase four entities, so who R they? On the astral plane, there is no literal phase 4 group, but there R energetic patterns with a motive, that totally R aware that they may or may not end up in a phase 3 physical dream here in this material world, on some level of existence in the great hyperspace. They plan in their energy combined reality 4 lack of a better description of their being ness, to create a power structure of a sorts on the physical world in phase 3 reality, should they not make it as phase 3, but still will B able 2 control much 2 close of all of phase 3 through their entertainment world creation, such as for one main example, the American Hollywood.
We can come back 2 this part of the conversation, the immature scum R back with their combo-attacks, U hear a private plane and go 2 look up at it, and a little thumb in the ass kemtrails is also in the sky at the area of the plane, so freaking mature, it makes me think 3 things, and they think it only makes me think the one which I will obviously admit 2 thinking, and that is that this never ending persecution is a major huge pain in the pussy. But the 2nd and 3rd thoughts R how honest 2 the gods sorry I am 4 your total immaturity, and that I would rather B me under your shit, than BU, the rotten bully and total piece of shit lowlife that you and your dauts and parents must also B. I was in Atlantic City, NJUSAESMWG, today, getting some help in filling out some bull shit forms. The computer was supposed 2 replace all of the paperwork, and the internet and plastic money was supposed 2 totally eliminate coin and currency all together. Tell me another one, Bra Green. As I said at practically the start of all of my blogging, we live in irony, and the unusual is really quite a frequent occurrence. Strange how in prior blog by the way, state had no [E], leaving the quick-stat word that I jokingly had recently referred 2, there is no way these things R ‘coincidentally only’ happening. When I said something about my torture and mentioned I was blogging about it, and it came out [flogging] as in getting flogged or whipped, or tortured, common, no machine mind, right, sure, uh-huh!!!!! Yes we endlessly drive on parkways and park on driveways, and think of colored as dark such as in the ancient description of African American skin tones, when in fact black is the total absence of color, and concentrically, all color in the light spectrum when merged together, is white, yet white or Caucasian skin tones R those containing every color, the opposite of the absence of any color, or black. Life is always if nothing else, totally filled with ironic realities, usually that become truer as they R shuffled into a reverse mode. Let us get back to phase four entities.
First, the sixth dimension is a reality of mind, the mental dimension of pure thought or mind energy. Eckankar followers label this the MENTAL PLANE. We disagree somewhat in our belief systems of directionality as well as the various realms and why they R what they R. The difference between me and most all other things anywhere, is that I base the truth both on what goes on around me, physically and spiritually. Most people get drawn to spiritual things, let’s get real, because of fear of death, fear of hell, the money that can B made in it with psychic fees and collection fees and etc., and some because of owning a personality that would label them a curiosity seeker. I, on the other hand, well, let’s say that things started with me, and then kept right on continuing to happen 2 me, totally unexplainable and weird, on a life effecting level that is so gargantuan, it never really could B properly told fully. This is Y the forces got Russell T. to come over and get me to burn my BOOK OF BEACH at one in the freaking morning in December of 1969. Here was a kid’s version and interpretation of the spiritual things ongoing around a human being, something never B4 done in human religious circles, at least totally not 2 my knowledge. Not in Mormon’s Church, Christian Church, Buddhists, Judaism, or any of the cults. But here is the day we dare to go into some shit better left alone perhaps, but I am not going to leave it the fuck alone, today is the day, now or never, bully Mick-Gee. Cults supposedly abuse children, the innocent, both sexually and mentally, both emotionally, and physically, but how about spiritually? Also, did one cult owner as of this day in time, ever yet admit to doing this evil? Let me answer all of this, in BOOK OF BEACH terminology, as I attempt with all my living might, to remember being just 15 again, and seeing all of this through those eyes. They think that the most intimate act or closest bonding possible on the mortal world between male and female human beings, actually complements and worships, hence they look at sex with kids as worshipping in the ultimate way, the very energy force of INNOCENSE itself. Now innocence indeed is biblically backed up with a comparison to children, such as Jesus Christ commanding that the children not B forbade to come unto him, near as U can get to a word 4 word quotation from Aramaic to English/American. No, he certainly was in no way referring 2 being bad. However, cult members for 200 years or so now, have all come to believe that Satan Worshippers, harm and torture and murder and sacrifice the innocent children to Satan the devil, Apollo-Lucifer, and that concentrically, getting as close as is humanly possible, to the innocent, or ‘children’ is actually a totally absolute holy act. They R misguided, and hold these truths and tell lies when caught or closed down; this is the hugest secret that I have ever let out of the bag in any Morianity text, ever!!!!!!! It is NOT THE TRUTH, but it IS WHAT THEY BELIEVE, and is based on lots of human symbolic reasoning. U can fault them for being misguides but I as a molested child, can tell U, first hand, that the real true cult leaders, do not engage in this because of the human pleasure that normal sexual encounters derive, as this indeed would make them sick molesting bastards. U need 2B told these truths and C them clearly. This is the reason bibles and many things can B so quickly and easily misinterpreted, as unless U carefully examine the entire total whole text of the written work, and C it spatially as the one work that it truly is, U will do evil things and think UR doing it in the name of the great Jehovah God, and as biblical texts say so clearly, Christ will tell many who think they have a City name and a City pass, I never knew U, get lost, and U will make a hard U-turn on any of the twelve 240 lane astral highways, [LINELANES], that lead into Sahasra Dal Kanwal, the great capitol city of phase #2 reality, dreamed out and away from the phase one void infinity. Careful study of any religious study says that if in any way UR causing harm 2 another, it is wrong, and this simple spiritual truth, instantly cancels out any cult’s idea that it is a good thing to have sex with young children, but do try 2C where these cultists R coming from. Learning even the ugliest truths, helps a society to advance properly and evolve and grow spiritually. In deeper realer truth, no one is evolving nor changing, it is all a huge game that bored gods R playing 2 distract them from the nightmare that there never ever can B oblivion, the great Nirvana is unreachable and obtainable. Sex was used on a child, no matter how U look at it, with the nightmare of Haddonfield, New Jersey, USA, Earth, Sol, Milky Way Galaxy. Mrs. Goodfellow abuses my schoolmate Russ, he comes over drunker than a drowned man in a booze tank, gets me going good in a real sixties rap-session, I tell him all about Atlantic City, NJUSAESMWG, and he says, “wow, ya gotta burn that book”, speaking of BOB, as I call it occasionally, standing 4 the Book Of Beach. He read most of it, as it was only the length of maybe 3 of my average blogs today in adult life. He then proceeded to tell me things like this have 2B burned, an old crazy bull shit so-called spiritual truth. I know now, it was Diana’s brother; mortals call this entity 4 short, SATAN, that inspired this whole thing, starting with using sex. This is why sex involving children, can never B the correct thing, it is always wrong, no matter who says what. People get angry or feel this way or that, or believe this or that to feel good or alleviate a fear of hell or death, or whatever, but in simple truth, stay calm and focused, and think out and reason all the way through the entire thing. Satan was a real prick 4 getting my boy-hood version of events with powerful gods, all burned up. Likewise cult leaders R pricks 4 not more carefully examining all the total reality and spiritual truths involved, but yes, there hearts were not totally in the wrong places, but what was done was misguided to say the least, but so much more than just this was part of Satan’s plan in lots of this wicked evil. Pendulum’s never stop at mid-center point, always swinging eventually too far 4 their own good, one way, or the other way. Now, a grown up sees a child in trouble, and must think twice B4 even trying 2 do squat. Balance is so gods awful important. Just ask the planets and stars of the sky if U don’t believe me. Take humans and water for an example. 70 to 80 hours with no water and a human dies 100% of the time. Drown and also, 100% of the time, a human is dead. Put a billion tons of brick on a large balancing scale, 2 buckets out from the center of the weighting sea saw, and then add a pebble to either side, and the huge machine will go up on the lighter side, and drop down on the pebble added heavier side. Not trying to say the obvious things here nor insult anyone’s intelligence, U know that we do not often stop and think however, about these obvious little things. We all try not to think about how people use us and hurt us, and we end up doing more than our share every time, or else end up getting new friends and associates. We try to put unpleasant things out of our mind. I heard 2 guys talking a long time ago, and one was telling the other that he forces himself to forget all the people he encounters each day in elevators or in parks or stores or wherever he happens 2B, as he sees so many people including most women, who can kick his ass, as he was only 5 feet 1 and 115 pounds. If he thought about it every time he is in line at a store and saw all the taller and stronger women and children than he was, let alone all of the men, he would go nuts, and this is a true philosophy, as I did this in school once around March of 1970, and it was 4 full months later B4 I would let myself ever dwell on a similar type of thing, it was a 7 year old girl who when I was struggling to open a jar of paint in a multi classed art room, as I was more than 15. But Sue was still a giant to me, about 5 foot 4 and 140 pounds, hulking over me with long beautiful blond hair. She grabbed the paint jar out of my hand while I was holding and pulling on it for all I was worth, and proceeded to pop it open in a split second causing a loud popping sound that results when the seal of a never opened can gets open, whether it B paint or Raggu Spaghetti sauce. My mind put the event out of my head, it was too terrible to believe that Sue, a 7 year old girl could make mince meat out of me in a strength test, ask any teenager, it does not feel good. Now, I could care less, as I am still as week as most 10 year olds and if I need a jar opened, and some adorable 128 year old girl does it 4 me, I thank her and ask her what she’s doing that night. We all live in our own weird world; some admit to it, others do not. It is sort of like the jack off question that boys when given this survey respond to in varying ways. In the early seventies, it went like this: how many boys in puberty masturbate? Surveys always went from 92-96 percents, city to city across the United States, and this was from a tenth grade Sociology School Class. When I responded in a class Q & A that the average of those boys that abstain from this practice across the country was 6%, I thought I had cleverly re-worded it and further averaged the equation into a more precise way. I was ready in my mind 4 the teacher to applaud and praise me. Instead he said to me and I remember 2 this very day his precise words to me, in total contradiction to what I had believed in my mind that I was about to get a response like this, “U mean to say that the survey says that 94% of the boys do it, and the other 6% R lying”. I have 2 admit after getting home, watching Dark Shadows, having a couple of Tasty cakes and some grape juice, I fell on the floor rolling around and laughing like a tickle tortured Jap-Camp-prisoner. But staying on point, we all know what is going on. I walk into a store and pretend I am not at all interested in a gang of girls that R making all over me, and totally ignore them, as they get louder and louder to the point I almost get scared of what they might do. But at the same time, I am thinking I wish I could have every one of them on a different night that week. Human psychology is complex and fascinating. What makes it more complex is the fact that it is acting itself out in waves and particles, nothing solid is real and all of this shit is a huge illusion, so powerful that U can know it 100% plus, and it still changes nothing.
All through the death year of 2K7 for me, there R2 things besides opposite shooting, that will still work, one is the LONG ONE GAME method, never ever loses, and the other I will not talk about at present minper. A number of decades ago, powers behind the entire Middle East tried to cause something to happen through my aunt Geraldine Snow Mason, of Narberth, PAUSAESMWG. She was one of the Shaw of Iran’s best friends, platonically, but very good friends nonetheless. They were sworn to secrecy, and I know all this is real, and so do the Florida State Police, up at highest command levels, that threatened my cousin Donald back shortly after the turn of the century, to keep his mouth shut or they’d totally wreck his video business by staging a crime scene and yellow taping him and his partner into literal bankruptcy, don’t believe this is all Lenny Briscoe stuff on L&O.
Well, Kitty-Kat, I do not know if my tractor is sexy, but I can say this much about the 6th dimension: Things R happening that no words exist 4, and I will not try to say too much right now, but a quickie message for the GMC and not General Motors, but the great Astral world authority, U have some fantastic Earthly speaking, unidentified flying objects, and U blew my airship to Dogtown and back, but I am more impressed with the ETTOS UR in control of on lower parts of existence. One minute I think I am correctly re-detailing the Pleasantville enemy near-accident from 2 weeks ago, and each time I re-explain it, I screw it up again. I said that I accelerated and went right, I did not, I went hard left, and the 6 jet enemy kemtrails were there once I turned, staring me in the face, as if I had turned right, how could I C these trails to the south, and I am heading westbound, so they must thereby B2 my left. Anyway, the mind dimension is as real as anything U now “think” of as real; it is really the 6th dimension, all of it. Let me make it clearer by saying that no neurosurgeon can find a place that UR thinking of right now, it exists in the sixth dimension where all thought and mind and all pertaining to this exists in. Now, this is not some absolute fact where no more can B told or figured out. The truth is that this 6th dimension contains thoughts or mind that R exactly operating as a seed that contains another new tree with new seeds and new trees, and on and on. These thoughts create instantly, entire 5-dimensional spheres that by sixth dimensional frame of reference, have no beginning nor ending. Think about it, how can they start or stop by the frame of reference of an up-line thought wave. Lots of scummy loud motorsuckoffs R all over, making noise and being annoying, I am told I am in the minority not liking bikes and bikers, that is totally OK by me, I would rather B in a cultured higher class minority any day than B in an ugly majority of rudeness and crudeness. Long ago I was told not 2B culturally ignorant, and 2 stay informed with current entertainment world talent and culture. My response was, if that is culture; call me ignorant, as U certainly will not insult me. In closing out, let me say a word or two now about things that pertain to the up-line and down-line reality, and all of this will B proven mathematically 2 all of U, and so will hyperspace, the astral plane, all of it. The un-creation is forever spewing its way into new infinities that really R one and the same thing as the older and previous ones. I will prove everything that I ever say on Morianity, once I prove the energy field on Tennessee Avenue in rip off Levyville is totally real, U ain’t seen nothing yet Mister Jolson.
Brown eyed ling-long haired, and brown eyed girl, I saw U today in your human energy form, rolling your waves up to the beach. You R so beautiful, I want to bury my head in a pillow and cry my fucking heart out for a hundred straight years. When U sent your energy from Jupiter to this dark quiet cold place, and warmed up and circulated our waters, I knew I loved U then, as well as infinitely B4 that in your lovely great city of SDK. Brown eyes, I am going 2 love U beyond your wildest dreams just as soon as I get home and shut off this horrible life and consciousness. If U ever had mercy on me, please do not wake me back up here in the morning, this way I can truly say that Donna sings it truthfully, that it really will B all right.
Karen S. if I cannot leave this horrendous world, I will have to renew my passport in a few months, as it is good only 4 ten mortal years, and FIJI, here I come, they R without any humanity, feeling, or mercy, think what total scum their mother’s must have been, to have born these wicked monsters. First, secrets will come out that will make those told so far on my web logs, totally tame in contrast. I lost a county prosecutor, now these UFO scum, R gonna try 2 take my Governor, with this new girl friend shit, where will it end, do these trash eaters really have no shame, Karen?????????
Lads and Lassies, and other dogs in general, from now on instead of writing out the full blog-title, from To Whom It May Concern From The Head Morian, permit me please, 2 abbreviate as with the above example, thank U.
Starting on the 15th day of shit eating May, out of the blue like McGuire/Sarah witchcraft again as with my chocking glandular condition that came suddenly on me with no rhyme nor reason on the night of 4 June in 1983, again I find myself physically and magically attacked, only this time, it is my legs, back on Tuesday the 15th, my right knee totally stops functioning, and that was not bad enough, as these UFO/WITCH/WARLOCK/HYPERNATUTAL scum wipes wiped out my left knee also totally 6 days later on May 21, leaving me only 2 get around with a walker, which fortunately, I did not need 2 buy, as Ed Himacane had an extra one, he has leg troubles and has various types of canes and walker devices. Nothing they do 2 me will last forever, even the attack on my thyroid gland back in ’83 will correct 4 itself eventually, if it takes 40-8- more years, and this shit will go away in a week or 2, or 10,000 weeks, but it will go away. When Sarah married Al Martino’s cousin back when Pressley faked his death in ’77, I lost all 10 toes at a print shop, and they all grew back within a few months, I always assumed, believe it or not, that people’s toes all grew back, and only recently found out they I am the only one. I learned from Diana and Stacey that I am a phase 5 entity here in physicality. There R only a few of us. Don’t go thinking it is like the movies, forget the Mac Cloud shit, and the Hollywood grandiose life of all of this, it is a horrific nightmare, that I will find a way 2 wake up out of somehow if it takes me millennia, and speaking of phased entities, let us talk about this subject 4 a while after first updating the Morian readership on a few incidents. Muzak is under total control of the controllers of the phase four entities, so who R they? On the astral plane, there is no literal phase 4 group, but there R energetic patterns with a motive, that totally R aware that they may or may not end up in a phase 3 physical dream here in this material world, on some level of existence in the great hyperspace. They plan in their energy combined reality 4 lack of a better description of their being ness, to create a power structure of a sorts on the physical world in phase 3 reality, should they not make it as phase 3, but still will B able 2 control much 2 close of all of phase 3 through their entertainment world creation, such as for one main example, the American Hollywood.
We can come back 2 this part of the conversation, the immature scum R back with their combo-attacks, U hear a private plane and go 2 look up at it, and a little thumb in the ass kemtrails is also in the sky at the area of the plane, so freaking mature, it makes me think 3 things, and they think it only makes me think the one which I will obviously admit 2 thinking, and that is that this never ending persecution is a major huge pain in the pussy. But the 2nd and 3rd thoughts R how honest 2 the gods sorry I am 4 your total immaturity, and that I would rather B me under your shit, than BU, the rotten bully and total piece of shit lowlife that you and your dauts and parents must also B. I was in Atlantic City, NJUSAESMWG, today, getting some help in filling out some bull shit forms. The computer was supposed 2 replace all of the paperwork, and the internet and plastic money was supposed 2 totally eliminate coin and currency all together. Tell me another one, Bra Green. As I said at practically the start of all of my blogging, we live in irony, and the unusual is really quite a frequent occurrence. Strange how in prior blog by the way, state had no [E], leaving the quick-stat word that I jokingly had recently referred 2, there is no way these things R ‘coincidentally only’ happening. When I said something about my torture and mentioned I was blogging about it, and it came out [flogging] as in getting flogged or whipped, or tortured, common, no machine mind, right, sure, uh-huh!!!!! Yes we endlessly drive on parkways and park on driveways, and think of colored as dark such as in the ancient description of African American skin tones, when in fact black is the total absence of color, and concentrically, all color in the light spectrum when merged together, is white, yet white or Caucasian skin tones R those containing every color, the opposite of the absence of any color, or black. Life is always if nothing else, totally filled with ironic realities, usually that become truer as they R shuffled into a reverse mode. Let us get back to phase four entities.
First, the sixth dimension is a reality of mind, the mental dimension of pure thought or mind energy. Eckankar followers label this the MENTAL PLANE. We disagree somewhat in our belief systems of directionality as well as the various realms and why they R what they R. The difference between me and most all other things anywhere, is that I base the truth both on what goes on around me, physically and spiritually. Most people get drawn to spiritual things, let’s get real, because of fear of death, fear of hell, the money that can B made in it with psychic fees and collection fees and etc., and some because of owning a personality that would label them a curiosity seeker. I, on the other hand, well, let’s say that things started with me, and then kept right on continuing to happen 2 me, totally unexplainable and weird, on a life effecting level that is so gargantuan, it never really could B properly told fully. This is Y the forces got Russell T. to come over and get me to burn my BOOK OF BEACH at one in the freaking morning in December of 1969. Here was a kid’s version and interpretation of the spiritual things ongoing around a human being, something never B4 done in human religious circles, at least totally not 2 my knowledge. Not in Mormon’s Church, Christian Church, Buddhists, Judaism, or any of the cults. But here is the day we dare to go into some shit better left alone perhaps, but I am not going to leave it the fuck alone, today is the day, now or never, bully Mick-Gee. Cults supposedly abuse children, the innocent, both sexually and mentally, both emotionally, and physically, but how about spiritually? Also, did one cult owner as of this day in time, ever yet admit to doing this evil? Let me answer all of this, in BOOK OF BEACH terminology, as I attempt with all my living might, to remember being just 15 again, and seeing all of this through those eyes. They think that the most intimate act or closest bonding possible on the mortal world between male and female human beings, actually complements and worships, hence they look at sex with kids as worshipping in the ultimate way, the very energy force of INNOCENSE itself. Now innocence indeed is biblically backed up with a comparison to children, such as Jesus Christ commanding that the children not B forbade to come unto him, near as U can get to a word 4 word quotation from Aramaic to English/American. No, he certainly was in no way referring 2 being bad. However, cult members for 200 years or so now, have all come to believe that Satan Worshippers, harm and torture and murder and sacrifice the innocent children to Satan the devil, Apollo-Lucifer, and that concentrically, getting as close as is humanly possible, to the innocent, or ‘children’ is actually a totally absolute holy act. They R misguided, and hold these truths and tell lies when caught or closed down; this is the hugest secret that I have ever let out of the bag in any Morianity text, ever!!!!!!! It is NOT THE TRUTH, but it IS WHAT THEY BELIEVE, and is based on lots of human symbolic reasoning. U can fault them for being misguides but I as a molested child, can tell U, first hand, that the real true cult leaders, do not engage in this because of the human pleasure that normal sexual encounters derive, as this indeed would make them sick molesting bastards. U need 2B told these truths and C them clearly. This is the reason bibles and many things can B so quickly and easily misinterpreted, as unless U carefully examine the entire total whole text of the written work, and C it spatially as the one work that it truly is, U will do evil things and think UR doing it in the name of the great Jehovah God, and as biblical texts say so clearly, Christ will tell many who think they have a City name and a City pass, I never knew U, get lost, and U will make a hard U-turn on any of the twelve 240 lane astral highways, [LINELANES], that lead into Sahasra Dal Kanwal, the great capitol city of phase #2 reality, dreamed out and away from the phase one void infinity. Careful study of any religious study says that if in any way UR causing harm 2 another, it is wrong, and this simple spiritual truth, instantly cancels out any cult’s idea that it is a good thing to have sex with young children, but do try 2C where these cultists R coming from. Learning even the ugliest truths, helps a society to advance properly and evolve and grow spiritually. In deeper realer truth, no one is evolving nor changing, it is all a huge game that bored gods R playing 2 distract them from the nightmare that there never ever can B oblivion, the great Nirvana is unreachable and obtainable. Sex was used on a child, no matter how U look at it, with the nightmare of Haddonfield, New Jersey, USA, Earth, Sol, Milky Way Galaxy. Mrs. Goodfellow abuses my schoolmate Russ, he comes over drunker than a drowned man in a booze tank, gets me going good in a real sixties rap-session, I tell him all about Atlantic City, NJUSAESMWG, and he says, “wow, ya gotta burn that book”, speaking of BOB, as I call it occasionally, standing 4 the Book Of Beach. He read most of it, as it was only the length of maybe 3 of my average blogs today in adult life. He then proceeded to tell me things like this have 2B burned, an old crazy bull shit so-called spiritual truth. I know now, it was Diana’s brother; mortals call this entity 4 short, SATAN, that inspired this whole thing, starting with using sex. This is why sex involving children, can never B the correct thing, it is always wrong, no matter who says what. People get angry or feel this way or that, or believe this or that to feel good or alleviate a fear of hell or death, or whatever, but in simple truth, stay calm and focused, and think out and reason all the way through the entire thing. Satan was a real prick 4 getting my boy-hood version of events with powerful gods, all burned up. Likewise cult leaders R pricks 4 not more carefully examining all the total reality and spiritual truths involved, but yes, there hearts were not totally in the wrong places, but what was done was misguided to say the least, but so much more than just this was part of Satan’s plan in lots of this wicked evil. Pendulum’s never stop at mid-center point, always swinging eventually too far 4 their own good, one way, or the other way. Now, a grown up sees a child in trouble, and must think twice B4 even trying 2 do squat. Balance is so gods awful important. Just ask the planets and stars of the sky if U don’t believe me. Take humans and water for an example. 70 to 80 hours with no water and a human dies 100% of the time. Drown and also, 100% of the time, a human is dead. Put a billion tons of brick on a large balancing scale, 2 buckets out from the center of the weighting sea saw, and then add a pebble to either side, and the huge machine will go up on the lighter side, and drop down on the pebble added heavier side. Not trying to say the obvious things here nor insult anyone’s intelligence, U know that we do not often stop and think however, about these obvious little things. We all try not to think about how people use us and hurt us, and we end up doing more than our share every time, or else end up getting new friends and associates. We try to put unpleasant things out of our mind. I heard 2 guys talking a long time ago, and one was telling the other that he forces himself to forget all the people he encounters each day in elevators or in parks or stores or wherever he happens 2B, as he sees so many people including most women, who can kick his ass, as he was only 5 feet 1 and 115 pounds. If he thought about it every time he is in line at a store and saw all the taller and stronger women and children than he was, let alone all of the men, he would go nuts, and this is a true philosophy, as I did this in school once around March of 1970, and it was 4 full months later B4 I would let myself ever dwell on a similar type of thing, it was a 7 year old girl who when I was struggling to open a jar of paint in a multi classed art room, as I was more than 15. But Sue was still a giant to me, about 5 foot 4 and 140 pounds, hulking over me with long beautiful blond hair. She grabbed the paint jar out of my hand while I was holding and pulling on it for all I was worth, and proceeded to pop it open in a split second causing a loud popping sound that results when the seal of a never opened can gets open, whether it B paint or Raggu Spaghetti sauce. My mind put the event out of my head, it was too terrible to believe that Sue, a 7 year old girl could make mince meat out of me in a strength test, ask any teenager, it does not feel good. Now, I could care less, as I am still as week as most 10 year olds and if I need a jar opened, and some adorable 128 year old girl does it 4 me, I thank her and ask her what she’s doing that night. We all live in our own weird world; some admit to it, others do not. It is sort of like the jack off question that boys when given this survey respond to in varying ways. In the early seventies, it went like this: how many boys in puberty masturbate? Surveys always went from 92-96 percents, city to city across the United States, and this was from a tenth grade Sociology School Class. When I responded in a class Q & A that the average of those boys that abstain from this practice across the country was 6%, I thought I had cleverly re-worded it and further averaged the equation into a more precise way. I was ready in my mind 4 the teacher to applaud and praise me. Instead he said to me and I remember 2 this very day his precise words to me, in total contradiction to what I had believed in my mind that I was about to get a response like this, “U mean to say that the survey says that 94% of the boys do it, and the other 6% R lying”. I have 2 admit after getting home, watching Dark Shadows, having a couple of Tasty cakes and some grape juice, I fell on the floor rolling around and laughing like a tickle tortured Jap-Camp-prisoner. But staying on point, we all know what is going on. I walk into a store and pretend I am not at all interested in a gang of girls that R making all over me, and totally ignore them, as they get louder and louder to the point I almost get scared of what they might do. But at the same time, I am thinking I wish I could have every one of them on a different night that week. Human psychology is complex and fascinating. What makes it more complex is the fact that it is acting itself out in waves and particles, nothing solid is real and all of this shit is a huge illusion, so powerful that U can know it 100% plus, and it still changes nothing.
All through the death year of 2K7 for me, there R2 things besides opposite shooting, that will still work, one is the LONG ONE GAME method, never ever loses, and the other I will not talk about at present minper. A number of decades ago, powers behind the entire Middle East tried to cause something to happen through my aunt Geraldine Snow Mason, of Narberth, PAUSAESMWG. She was one of the Shaw of Iran’s best friends, platonically, but very good friends nonetheless. They were sworn to secrecy, and I know all this is real, and so do the Florida State Police, up at highest command levels, that threatened my cousin Donald back shortly after the turn of the century, to keep his mouth shut or they’d totally wreck his video business by staging a crime scene and yellow taping him and his partner into literal bankruptcy, don’t believe this is all Lenny Briscoe stuff on L&O.
Well, Kitty-Kat, I do not know if my tractor is sexy, but I can say this much about the 6th dimension: Things R happening that no words exist 4, and I will not try to say too much right now, but a quickie message for the GMC and not General Motors, but the great Astral world authority, U have some fantastic Earthly speaking, unidentified flying objects, and U blew my airship to Dogtown and back, but I am more impressed with the ETTOS UR in control of on lower parts of existence. One minute I think I am correctly re-detailing the Pleasantville enemy near-accident from 2 weeks ago, and each time I re-explain it, I screw it up again. I said that I accelerated and went right, I did not, I went hard left, and the 6 jet enemy kemtrails were there once I turned, staring me in the face, as if I had turned right, how could I C these trails to the south, and I am heading westbound, so they must thereby B2 my left. Anyway, the mind dimension is as real as anything U now “think” of as real; it is really the 6th dimension, all of it. Let me make it clearer by saying that no neurosurgeon can find a place that UR thinking of right now, it exists in the sixth dimension where all thought and mind and all pertaining to this exists in. Now, this is not some absolute fact where no more can B told or figured out. The truth is that this 6th dimension contains thoughts or mind that R exactly operating as a seed that contains another new tree with new seeds and new trees, and on and on. These thoughts create instantly, entire 5-dimensional spheres that by sixth dimensional frame of reference, have no beginning nor ending. Think about it, how can they start or stop by the frame of reference of an up-line thought wave. Lots of scummy loud motorsuckoffs R all over, making noise and being annoying, I am told I am in the minority not liking bikes and bikers, that is totally OK by me, I would rather B in a cultured higher class minority any day than B in an ugly majority of rudeness and crudeness. Long ago I was told not 2B culturally ignorant, and 2 stay informed with current entertainment world talent and culture. My response was, if that is culture; call me ignorant, as U certainly will not insult me. In closing out, let me say a word or two now about things that pertain to the up-line and down-line reality, and all of this will B proven mathematically 2 all of U, and so will hyperspace, the astral plane, all of it. The un-creation is forever spewing its way into new infinities that really R one and the same thing as the older and previous ones. I will prove everything that I ever say on Morianity, once I prove the energy field on Tennessee Avenue in rip off Levyville is totally real, U ain’t seen nothing yet Mister Jolson.
Brown eyed ling-long haired, and brown eyed girl, I saw U today in your human energy form, rolling your waves up to the beach. You R so beautiful, I want to bury my head in a pillow and cry my fucking heart out for a hundred straight years. When U sent your energy from Jupiter to this dark quiet cold place, and warmed up and circulated our waters, I knew I loved U then, as well as infinitely B4 that in your lovely great city of SDK. Brown eyes, I am going 2 love U beyond your wildest dreams just as soon as I get home and shut off this horrible life and consciousness. If U ever had mercy on me, please do not wake me back up here in the morning, this way I can truly say that Donna sings it truthfully, that it really will B all right.
Karen S. if I cannot leave this horrendous world, I will have to renew my passport in a few months, as it is good only 4 ten mortal years, and FIJI, here I come, they R without any humanity, feeling, or mercy, think what total scum their mother’s must have been, to have born these wicked monsters. First, secrets will come out that will make those told so far on my web logs, totally tame in contrast. I lost a county prosecutor, now these UFO scum, R gonna try 2 take my Governor, with this new girl friend shit, where will it end, do these trash eaters really have no shame, Karen?????????
Monday, May 21, 2007
I pen this at Mr. Himacane’s pad, the 24th blog in current series, THIMCFTHM. Thursday of last week started an aerial siege for me that is worse than anything that I have suffered through for 30 years, constant crash level planes and helicopters. Just put a big target on the back of whatever I am wearing on my back with a nice huge cow or bull’s eye, ya’ may as well as I’ve never seen it this bad 4 so long, just won’t quit, as though I just became Ben Laden. Of course the real story of him and big George will never come out because 2 many people have been threatened off, so we just won’t freaking go there. Saddam had nothing to do with any of anything, but old pal of the GB family, BL is safe until Hillary time, then, you’ve had it bro!!!!!!!! Run Ben, but if U think you can hide from a powerful; angry woman, I am the one person alive on this green-brown Earth, that can tell U big time otherwise. I no longer am living in the universe where U could not put home theatres together the way we do in this one as magnetic shielding just is not the same in physics there and here, don’t ask me to get into specifics, Google and ask R there 4 all that, just giving U some real surface scratching stuff. EMF meant Electro-Motive Force there; as here it stands for electromagnetic field. The east coast of Middle Atlantic States had tree leaves turn color and start dropping off in August’s third week, and by early or middle October, most trees were nearly bare. I lived in a universe where only distance could shield magnetic fields in astral-ration {meaning on this physical mortal world, ratio and proportion}, simply put, based on the strength of magnetic forces, the field in-between them was in a ratio of gauss energetic strength to the field, more simply put, we all held 2 magnets of various strengths together or close, feeling the field of repulsion or attraction which results from whether the polarities R in like or unlike fielding positions to each other. The stronger the magnets, the greater are the distance affected, or the greater area of field is caused. With shielding here in this part of hyperspace, we can make things spin around by using timing trickle charge switching gismos in league with shielding doors that move or slide around causing the fields to become active and de-active in split second intervals, so that a spinning device can move or alternate back and forth with powerful fluxing movements, which is how basically we generate our electrical power and transmit it along lines to customers from generation stations, calling it an alternating current. The current is not alternating the way U as a lay person may think, but the power cannot properly generate and send through the copper wire without this alternating magnetic transformation mechanism. I have lived where the laws of physics R different, and only altering a distance rotation device, can this same thing B accomplished, in the basic generation of electrical power. Shielding the fields of magnetic polarization, is why U can have powerful home theatre speakers real near to color monitors and color television sets. With the new teck of the nineties, the shielding was basically the tool that brought our home-theatres into a reality. There R huge secrets that as Kevin Trudeau would say, “They do no want U 2 know about” however. Philadelphia Wireless, if they R still around, will tell U if they R in a mood for honesty, that strange and unknown forces connect into much of this, and we will not B able to touch any of this today, time is short, I am into lots of shit right now, plus am getting murdered by Otammic forces of the Milituforce. Y do I say I am living in different universes, U may B asking. To make it short and sweet as possible, all of U live in three dimensions as do I. Also, U all live in 4, 5, and 6 dimensions, and again I as well also do. The difference is that U believe only in the three that your five senses clearly can reveal to U. Sight, sound, taste, feel, and touch, R all connected to the world of length and width and depth/height. All possible menus of all events that ever can B in all of the yesterday and tomorrow dreams so to speak, all exist right here and now as energy dots on a higher dimension than the 3 of L/W/D. Science calls this the 4th dimension, and laypersons call it time. All atomic universes have twinallity where matter and energy run in a reverse polarity and thus in truth, two universes in twinallity R what really is one total universe, in all of its space and time. All of these twinallity separate agreeing atomic universes have unlimited transdimensional alternates, based on which subatomic particle combinations agree to equalize into a signature, or simply put, where each one separately evolves a timeline of its own uniqueness due to different choices made not only by human beings, but first on a very subatomic level in the 5th dimension, as well as in phase 2 astral realm connective ness resulting in phase 3 and 4 interphase energy transfer. What no one in 2007 and probably out to 2107 and beyond, is aware at all about, is the gargantuan truths about the phase four and what it is, or better said, “who they are”. Do “they” know that they exist, do they cooperate or fight, and do they have a club or clubs, an agenda, a mission, an absolute plan for mankind??? Well, since they created mankind, despite religious horse shit leaders hating me 4 writing what I know about, they certainly have a huge system on going with it all, if this does not all compute, stand 2 reason, and seem logical, then U need to take a serious look at deep reality. The 6th dimension is where phase four is ‘born’ even though nothing is really born, as time is not really real. So in refreshing the reader a bit, shat is the 6th dimension? This is where all possible thought or mind action as well as emotional or any mind-connected thing, lives or exists not at, or in, just simply exists, the gods, how I know Pillar and Berman can grasp this, from watching “Deep Space 9”, the movie, talking about the pretty black girl that Sisco, the starship captain said, “we simply exist”. Most humans cannot grasp this simple concept that time is not real except in a low dimensional reality, where a conscious mind creates it through relative motion interaction, which then permits people to live a physical life where events appear to begin somewhere, move progressively forward, and eventually seem to end. Hence whether it B birth, living a life day by day, and then death, or a ball game, where instead of inning 4,5,2,7,6,9,1,8 and ending with inning #3, and each inning all out of order, which in truth no real order is there, but consciousness forces mortals to all simultaneously agree to observe the game in a chronologically evented order. Real deeper truths would drive U totally nuts, so 4 here and now, if a bit of levity B permitted me, we will wrap things up at this point regarding this subject, and move on. The 6th dimension is every bit as real a” place” as is a seashore or mountain resort, your home or office, whatever, here in the world of three dimensionality.
Now, on my security log, I can write up your attacks, without fear of being fired as in the past. Thanks to SORA and the Governor in Trenton, they told me in class that after the ‘nine-eleven’ world, write on the log any spurious activity on the job site, and crash level Double Decker airplanes, scraping the roof off of the client’s property, is a spurious act. How do I know what the git bag in that piece of shit plane is doing or maybe dropping down on this property, could B fucking anthrax or maybe it is a real terrorist about to intentionally crash into the place and burn it down. Sunday starting just shy of half past five AM, the air hell siege began at work, with crash level double deck planes roaring over me from all angles loud and low as the tree tops just about. The law says if an airport is not 5 miles or less away, flying like that is illegal, and they should have their fucking pilot’s license revoked!!!!!!!!! Thank U kind sir, Governor Corzine, for the Sora class; I was mad at first, but kind sir, you ended up doing me a big favor. Mend up good friend, my prayers R with U, I will put in a good word with Sarah-Stacey 4 U tonight, but remember, what goes on in astral realms is so off limits for mortals, I should not even admit I talk to powerful gods there about human affairs, it is against reggs that the Millionth Council or Astral Realm authorities passed.
Do what U want to me for daring first to B madly in love with Sarah, and secondly, telling mortal man all about it, and my infinite existence. I engaged your great mighty vessel twice now, and U blew my airship out of the skies like a child blows out 4 candles on his birthday cake, so whoopdeedo, UR so powerful and mighty, screw your mom. I will find nirvana if it takes me 1X10 to the vigintillionth exponent. Hay buddy to U2, whoever U really R, dude in the bar after I landed down somewhere in SaplashnaKrishjakana Heights, in northeast-nestern Olympian Province, following our freaking dogfight. Tell your pal he parks his piece of shit worse than my mother. Move it oudda the fookin way so a guy can get out of the stinking bar and get through the walkway down to the lot, ass-hole.
Over the last number of years, the BB and the LK that R astrally chaptered, have filtered down from DOGTOWN, in mortal world prison systems, and although big beautiful Dawn told me today that these groups have lost a lot of power in prison recently, and have virtually no real muscle in New Jersey Hotels, I know that you and your dad practically started the great L. Kings, and this is why so many things happen to me by so many unsavory characters. If I could get people to read the book THE FRANKLIN COVERUP, and then realize that these scum all have tentacles in the Jersey area and up and down the Eastern Seaboard, and that they not only were trying 40 years ago to injure and murder me and my friends, but nothing at all has changed, just days marked off of a calendar, maybe some group starting with FBI agents that have so little real work to do that they sit around all day in secret special rooms on their Arch Street Building just lifting weights and flexing muscles, the ACLU, and many others, to get off their butts and help a citizen being illegally pummeled and messed with against the US Constitution and all that America is supposed 2 stand 4. Someday a jury will award me 20 billion bucks 4 all U bastard asses have put me through, and then I will do all within my power to let the multiverse know UR all despicable and your grandchildren will spit on U as U lay dying of old age, when I get through. It amazes me that vigintillion and multiverse are not words that spell checker recognizes, how dumbed down society, sheesh!!!!!! Anyway, genius daughter of Paula, wherever UR and how old UR today, UR the daughter of a great mighty Vi-Queen. I know about your fantastic computers that U have designed and built. Is your name Lynne, I believe it is, anyway, UR a genius and if U ever get 2 know about me, your mom and her gang did a terrible thing to me at the place that now is the Super 8 Motel on Tennessee Avenue in Atlantic City, NJUSAESMWG, back in 1967 when I was only 27 semi-annum’s old, 13 & ½ annum’s.
Do not B2 quick to judge me, or what my life is all about, just as I do not judge U or your organization for using my song, TML, C-1980. Did U know, my good friend, that strange things happen from time to time, and it is not Diana’s brother Apollo-Lucifer that is always at work like Christians R so quick 2 scream is the case? Moroni was real, so is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. There is no coincidence here that they R keeping very close track of the genealogies of the human race. They know all about me and my family, but R currently being very quiet about it, they were willing to put me onto the pathway a dozen years back in the fourth dimension, that led me to the great Sarah. An entire 1/50th of this country, the stat of Utah, recognizes this faith as real and that what occurred back in the 1800’s was real and valid. Well, in the 1960;s, it happened again, the final revelation, that humans have been really been given countless times, don’t kid yourself pal. They cannot deal with my up line story of Sarah thinking about her childhood days, or that the bored to tears gods need to distract from the hell of non oblivion and that we all simply exist, and games even beats sex as a distraction from this terrible hell, and this is truth, like it or don’t like it. Truth sucks, always has and will, but it is the freaking truth!!!!!!! Much more will B said on this Mormon thing, Russell Thaxton, how he got born, how his father was told by Diana’s brother to rape a Philadelphia woman 15 years before the night he came over to my apartment in Oaklyn, NJUSAESMWG and influenced me to burn the great BOOK OF BEACH. This book was the final revelation, and told in full detail, but in a kid’s version, all about the truths of the gods and how a boy got to meet one of them on Earth, Sarah. Sarah is the feminine name of the Lord, this is reality. Would I fucking lie about shit this big and dangerous, Chrissake, gimme a damn break, willya???!!!!! Things need sir, 2 get told, and I am no average shit head walking down the road, U and your foundation chose one of my songs 2 use in your revival meeting in 1995 or 6, and this as U well know, did not JUST happen, nothing “just” happens. I was writing in last weeks’ blog 4 example something regarding Frank Callio, and said the word SARGE, as he was or is if not yet retired, a sergeant on the force of the Atlantic City Police Department, go to and C4 yourself. Aniwho, I leave Ed’s pad after uploading to my 23rd blog, and got half a mile down the road towards my residence, and the light turned suddenly red. Ahead of me in my car was a car with a personalized license plate that read, “THESARG” Believe what U want, I have no dern reason 2 lie about such things, Morianity is a true story of my walk with the Goddess Scylla, or Jehovah God, SSJKK.
Saturday’s harassment wiped out my poor Phillies, it was bad Saturday, but I will admit to the world, that Sunday was far worse, yet they popped out a nice 5/3 victory and nothing is 100%, yet major siege causes certain anomalies with me that parallel in varying averaged amounts in percentages. PE applied to the 3 parameters of Roulette numbers, gives a before house-vig edge of about 7%, one of the smaller but still absolute PE’s, [parallel events]. The market going way up on air siege heavy days or property damage days, over 20 years, averages over 50/50 at a whopping 42.348%. These 2 siege types makes Phillies lose and Flyers win, same time and over 50/50, at 33.689%. The other parallel I do not think I ever told my Morians about, I call it impolitely and admit to this, PUSSY COMMAND, because it causes me to literally become a pussy magnet and to get flirted with by women, usually half my age and younger, it is totally outlandish. When I have day after day after day of real heavy air siege, choppers, planes, kemtrails, the full bit, it makes this get practically absurd. Also, it has been measured, and works over a 50/50 norm of about 21.283%. On these ‘super pussy days’, it is incomprehensible to tell U that a 52 and one half year old man can get even teens to fall over him, but it happens, and it is not like I am some Greek god. I am an old fat ugly piece of shit, U can C that 4 yourself, the picture of me is 3 years old now on the Blogger site, but I look just like it. Today, right B4 the Dow markets opened, starting at 9:25 AM the air kept right on going. Loud planes wake me the fuck up in violation of my civil rights, a chopper goes totally zenith over my auto while taking Ed’s neighbor, Dawn King’s mom to a medical lab 4 some blood work, calm down Barnabas. Moving on, it is continuously more trails, more planes, more this and more that, it just is non stop fucking persecution. I have much more to say about many things, and in the next few days, bank on the fact and reality that they’ll get told.
Brown eyed girl with the ling-long brown hair, I know all your great secrets, and I know all of McGuire’s great secrets. Steve Hawking gets his second packaged tomorrow when I take big DK to her Probation dude in Atlantic County at Mays Landing, NJUSAESMWG. I will have her re deliver for the new Atlantic Counter Prosecutor, my website address, which is of course, and sorry, error on a prior blog, I left out the hyphen between the two words. Do not put me in the lighthouse my big beautiful love Sar-ah. The truths I will tell later on this week will break some brains and turn other ones into freaking Mush City, and this is as sneezingly low yet intricate, as it will get 4 today, without becoming as Einsteinial as Paul my X partner in SPR, how the fresh air smells nice. Watch what U wish for Don Knots, Limp dick or Limpet, either works for Abby and , but quickly I will admit, that nothing is too strange to happen, at least to me, and I never wish to B Spiderman or Superman as I did at ten or so, no sir, not when U fall off the damn dock and get all slimy, NO SIR, wo!!!!!!!
I pen this at Mr. Himacane’s pad, the 24th blog in current series, THIMCFTHM. Thursday of last week started an aerial siege for me that is worse than anything that I have suffered through for 30 years, constant crash level planes and helicopters. Just put a big target on the back of whatever I am wearing on my back with a nice huge cow or bull’s eye, ya’ may as well as I’ve never seen it this bad 4 so long, just won’t quit, as though I just became Ben Laden. Of course the real story of him and big George will never come out because 2 many people have been threatened off, so we just won’t freaking go there. Saddam had nothing to do with any of anything, but old pal of the GB family, BL is safe until Hillary time, then, you’ve had it bro!!!!!!!! Run Ben, but if U think you can hide from a powerful; angry woman, I am the one person alive on this green-brown Earth, that can tell U big time otherwise. I no longer am living in the universe where U could not put home theatres together the way we do in this one as magnetic shielding just is not the same in physics there and here, don’t ask me to get into specifics, Google and ask R there 4 all that, just giving U some real surface scratching stuff. EMF meant Electro-Motive Force there; as here it stands for electromagnetic field. The east coast of Middle Atlantic States had tree leaves turn color and start dropping off in August’s third week, and by early or middle October, most trees were nearly bare. I lived in a universe where only distance could shield magnetic fields in astral-ration {meaning on this physical mortal world, ratio and proportion}, simply put, based on the strength of magnetic forces, the field in-between them was in a ratio of gauss energetic strength to the field, more simply put, we all held 2 magnets of various strengths together or close, feeling the field of repulsion or attraction which results from whether the polarities R in like or unlike fielding positions to each other. The stronger the magnets, the greater are the distance affected, or the greater area of field is caused. With shielding here in this part of hyperspace, we can make things spin around by using timing trickle charge switching gismos in league with shielding doors that move or slide around causing the fields to become active and de-active in split second intervals, so that a spinning device can move or alternate back and forth with powerful fluxing movements, which is how basically we generate our electrical power and transmit it along lines to customers from generation stations, calling it an alternating current. The current is not alternating the way U as a lay person may think, but the power cannot properly generate and send through the copper wire without this alternating magnetic transformation mechanism. I have lived where the laws of physics R different, and only altering a distance rotation device, can this same thing B accomplished, in the basic generation of electrical power. Shielding the fields of magnetic polarization, is why U can have powerful home theatre speakers real near to color monitors and color television sets. With the new teck of the nineties, the shielding was basically the tool that brought our home-theatres into a reality. There R huge secrets that as Kevin Trudeau would say, “They do no want U 2 know about” however. Philadelphia Wireless, if they R still around, will tell U if they R in a mood for honesty, that strange and unknown forces connect into much of this, and we will not B able to touch any of this today, time is short, I am into lots of shit right now, plus am getting murdered by Otammic forces of the Milituforce. Y do I say I am living in different universes, U may B asking. To make it short and sweet as possible, all of U live in three dimensions as do I. Also, U all live in 4, 5, and 6 dimensions, and again I as well also do. The difference is that U believe only in the three that your five senses clearly can reveal to U. Sight, sound, taste, feel, and touch, R all connected to the world of length and width and depth/height. All possible menus of all events that ever can B in all of the yesterday and tomorrow dreams so to speak, all exist right here and now as energy dots on a higher dimension than the 3 of L/W/D. Science calls this the 4th dimension, and laypersons call it time. All atomic universes have twinallity where matter and energy run in a reverse polarity and thus in truth, two universes in twinallity R what really is one total universe, in all of its space and time. All of these twinallity separate agreeing atomic universes have unlimited transdimensional alternates, based on which subatomic particle combinations agree to equalize into a signature, or simply put, where each one separately evolves a timeline of its own uniqueness due to different choices made not only by human beings, but first on a very subatomic level in the 5th dimension, as well as in phase 2 astral realm connective ness resulting in phase 3 and 4 interphase energy transfer. What no one in 2007 and probably out to 2107 and beyond, is aware at all about, is the gargantuan truths about the phase four and what it is, or better said, “who they are”. Do “they” know that they exist, do they cooperate or fight, and do they have a club or clubs, an agenda, a mission, an absolute plan for mankind??? Well, since they created mankind, despite religious horse shit leaders hating me 4 writing what I know about, they certainly have a huge system on going with it all, if this does not all compute, stand 2 reason, and seem logical, then U need to take a serious look at deep reality. The 6th dimension is where phase four is ‘born’ even though nothing is really born, as time is not really real. So in refreshing the reader a bit, shat is the 6th dimension? This is where all possible thought or mind action as well as emotional or any mind-connected thing, lives or exists not at, or in, just simply exists, the gods, how I know Pillar and Berman can grasp this, from watching “Deep Space 9”, the movie, talking about the pretty black girl that Sisco, the starship captain said, “we simply exist”. Most humans cannot grasp this simple concept that time is not real except in a low dimensional reality, where a conscious mind creates it through relative motion interaction, which then permits people to live a physical life where events appear to begin somewhere, move progressively forward, and eventually seem to end. Hence whether it B birth, living a life day by day, and then death, or a ball game, where instead of inning 4,5,2,7,6,9,1,8 and ending with inning #3, and each inning all out of order, which in truth no real order is there, but consciousness forces mortals to all simultaneously agree to observe the game in a chronologically evented order. Real deeper truths would drive U totally nuts, so 4 here and now, if a bit of levity B permitted me, we will wrap things up at this point regarding this subject, and move on. The 6th dimension is every bit as real a” place” as is a seashore or mountain resort, your home or office, whatever, here in the world of three dimensionality.
Now, on my security log, I can write up your attacks, without fear of being fired as in the past. Thanks to SORA and the Governor in Trenton, they told me in class that after the ‘nine-eleven’ world, write on the log any spurious activity on the job site, and crash level Double Decker airplanes, scraping the roof off of the client’s property, is a spurious act. How do I know what the git bag in that piece of shit plane is doing or maybe dropping down on this property, could B fucking anthrax or maybe it is a real terrorist about to intentionally crash into the place and burn it down. Sunday starting just shy of half past five AM, the air hell siege began at work, with crash level double deck planes roaring over me from all angles loud and low as the tree tops just about. The law says if an airport is not 5 miles or less away, flying like that is illegal, and they should have their fucking pilot’s license revoked!!!!!!!!! Thank U kind sir, Governor Corzine, for the Sora class; I was mad at first, but kind sir, you ended up doing me a big favor. Mend up good friend, my prayers R with U, I will put in a good word with Sarah-Stacey 4 U tonight, but remember, what goes on in astral realms is so off limits for mortals, I should not even admit I talk to powerful gods there about human affairs, it is against reggs that the Millionth Council or Astral Realm authorities passed.
Do what U want to me for daring first to B madly in love with Sarah, and secondly, telling mortal man all about it, and my infinite existence. I engaged your great mighty vessel twice now, and U blew my airship out of the skies like a child blows out 4 candles on his birthday cake, so whoopdeedo, UR so powerful and mighty, screw your mom. I will find nirvana if it takes me 1X10 to the vigintillionth exponent. Hay buddy to U2, whoever U really R, dude in the bar after I landed down somewhere in SaplashnaKrishjakana Heights, in northeast-nestern Olympian Province, following our freaking dogfight. Tell your pal he parks his piece of shit worse than my mother. Move it oudda the fookin way so a guy can get out of the stinking bar and get through the walkway down to the lot, ass-hole.
Over the last number of years, the BB and the LK that R astrally chaptered, have filtered down from DOGTOWN, in mortal world prison systems, and although big beautiful Dawn told me today that these groups have lost a lot of power in prison recently, and have virtually no real muscle in New Jersey Hotels, I know that you and your dad practically started the great L. Kings, and this is why so many things happen to me by so many unsavory characters. If I could get people to read the book THE FRANKLIN COVERUP, and then realize that these scum all have tentacles in the Jersey area and up and down the Eastern Seaboard, and that they not only were trying 40 years ago to injure and murder me and my friends, but nothing at all has changed, just days marked off of a calendar, maybe some group starting with FBI agents that have so little real work to do that they sit around all day in secret special rooms on their Arch Street Building just lifting weights and flexing muscles, the ACLU, and many others, to get off their butts and help a citizen being illegally pummeled and messed with against the US Constitution and all that America is supposed 2 stand 4. Someday a jury will award me 20 billion bucks 4 all U bastard asses have put me through, and then I will do all within my power to let the multiverse know UR all despicable and your grandchildren will spit on U as U lay dying of old age, when I get through. It amazes me that vigintillion and multiverse are not words that spell checker recognizes, how dumbed down society, sheesh!!!!!! Anyway, genius daughter of Paula, wherever UR and how old UR today, UR the daughter of a great mighty Vi-Queen. I know about your fantastic computers that U have designed and built. Is your name Lynne, I believe it is, anyway, UR a genius and if U ever get 2 know about me, your mom and her gang did a terrible thing to me at the place that now is the Super 8 Motel on Tennessee Avenue in Atlantic City, NJUSAESMWG, back in 1967 when I was only 27 semi-annum’s old, 13 & ½ annum’s.
Do not B2 quick to judge me, or what my life is all about, just as I do not judge U or your organization for using my song, TML, C-1980. Did U know, my good friend, that strange things happen from time to time, and it is not Diana’s brother Apollo-Lucifer that is always at work like Christians R so quick 2 scream is the case? Moroni was real, so is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. There is no coincidence here that they R keeping very close track of the genealogies of the human race. They know all about me and my family, but R currently being very quiet about it, they were willing to put me onto the pathway a dozen years back in the fourth dimension, that led me to the great Sarah. An entire 1/50th of this country, the stat of Utah, recognizes this faith as real and that what occurred back in the 1800’s was real and valid. Well, in the 1960;s, it happened again, the final revelation, that humans have been really been given countless times, don’t kid yourself pal. They cannot deal with my up line story of Sarah thinking about her childhood days, or that the bored to tears gods need to distract from the hell of non oblivion and that we all simply exist, and games even beats sex as a distraction from this terrible hell, and this is truth, like it or don’t like it. Truth sucks, always has and will, but it is the freaking truth!!!!!!! Much more will B said on this Mormon thing, Russell Thaxton, how he got born, how his father was told by Diana’s brother to rape a Philadelphia woman 15 years before the night he came over to my apartment in Oaklyn, NJUSAESMWG and influenced me to burn the great BOOK OF BEACH. This book was the final revelation, and told in full detail, but in a kid’s version, all about the truths of the gods and how a boy got to meet one of them on Earth, Sarah. Sarah is the feminine name of the Lord, this is reality. Would I fucking lie about shit this big and dangerous, Chrissake, gimme a damn break, willya???!!!!! Things need sir, 2 get told, and I am no average shit head walking down the road, U and your foundation chose one of my songs 2 use in your revival meeting in 1995 or 6, and this as U well know, did not JUST happen, nothing “just” happens. I was writing in last weeks’ blog 4 example something regarding Frank Callio, and said the word SARGE, as he was or is if not yet retired, a sergeant on the force of the Atlantic City Police Department, go to and C4 yourself. Aniwho, I leave Ed’s pad after uploading to my 23rd blog, and got half a mile down the road towards my residence, and the light turned suddenly red. Ahead of me in my car was a car with a personalized license plate that read, “THESARG” Believe what U want, I have no dern reason 2 lie about such things, Morianity is a true story of my walk with the Goddess Scylla, or Jehovah God, SSJKK.
Saturday’s harassment wiped out my poor Phillies, it was bad Saturday, but I will admit to the world, that Sunday was far worse, yet they popped out a nice 5/3 victory and nothing is 100%, yet major siege causes certain anomalies with me that parallel in varying averaged amounts in percentages. PE applied to the 3 parameters of Roulette numbers, gives a before house-vig edge of about 7%, one of the smaller but still absolute PE’s, [parallel events]. The market going way up on air siege heavy days or property damage days, over 20 years, averages over 50/50 at a whopping 42.348%. These 2 siege types makes Phillies lose and Flyers win, same time and over 50/50, at 33.689%. The other parallel I do not think I ever told my Morians about, I call it impolitely and admit to this, PUSSY COMMAND, because it causes me to literally become a pussy magnet and to get flirted with by women, usually half my age and younger, it is totally outlandish. When I have day after day after day of real heavy air siege, choppers, planes, kemtrails, the full bit, it makes this get practically absurd. Also, it has been measured, and works over a 50/50 norm of about 21.283%. On these ‘super pussy days’, it is incomprehensible to tell U that a 52 and one half year old man can get even teens to fall over him, but it happens, and it is not like I am some Greek god. I am an old fat ugly piece of shit, U can C that 4 yourself, the picture of me is 3 years old now on the Blogger site, but I look just like it. Today, right B4 the Dow markets opened, starting at 9:25 AM the air kept right on going. Loud planes wake me the fuck up in violation of my civil rights, a chopper goes totally zenith over my auto while taking Ed’s neighbor, Dawn King’s mom to a medical lab 4 some blood work, calm down Barnabas. Moving on, it is continuously more trails, more planes, more this and more that, it just is non stop fucking persecution. I have much more to say about many things, and in the next few days, bank on the fact and reality that they’ll get told.
Brown eyed girl with the ling-long brown hair, I know all your great secrets, and I know all of McGuire’s great secrets. Steve Hawking gets his second packaged tomorrow when I take big DK to her Probation dude in Atlantic County at Mays Landing, NJUSAESMWG. I will have her re deliver for the new Atlantic Counter Prosecutor, my website address, which is of course, and sorry, error on a prior blog, I left out the hyphen between the two words. Do not put me in the lighthouse my big beautiful love Sar-ah. The truths I will tell later on this week will break some brains and turn other ones into freaking Mush City, and this is as sneezingly low yet intricate, as it will get 4 today, without becoming as Einsteinial as Paul my X partner in SPR, how the fresh air smells nice. Watch what U wish for Don Knots, Limp dick or Limpet, either works for Abby and , but quickly I will admit, that nothing is too strange to happen, at least to me, and I never wish to B Spiderman or Superman as I did at ten or so, no sir, not when U fall off the damn dock and get all slimy, NO SIR, wo!!!!!!!
I pen this at Mr. Himacane’s pad, the 24th blog in current series, THIMCFTHM. Thursday of last week started an aerial siege for me that is worse than anything that I have suffered through for 30 years, constant crash level planes and helicopters. Just put a big target on the back of whatever I am wearing on my back with a nice huge cow or bull’s eye, ya’ may as well as I’ve never seen it this bad 4 so long, just won’t quit, as though I just became Ben Laden. Of course the real story of him and big George will never come out because 2 many people have been threatened off, so we just won’t freaking go there. Saddam had nothing to do with any of anything, but old pal of the GB family, BL is safe until Hillary time, then, you’ve had it bro!!!!!!!! Run Ben, but if U think you can hide from a powerful; angry woman, I am the one person alive on this green-brown Earth, that can tell U big time otherwise. I no longer am living in the universe where U could not put home theatres together the way we do in this one as magnetic shielding just is not the same in physics there and here, don’t ask me to get into specifics, Google and ask R there 4 all that, just giving U some real surface scratching stuff. EMF meant Electro-Motive Force there; as here it stands for electromagnetic field. The east coast of Middle Atlantic States had tree leaves turn color and start dropping off in August’s third week, and by early or middle October, most trees were nearly bare. I lived in a universe where only distance could shield magnetic fields in astral-ration {meaning on this physical mortal world, ratio and proportion}, simply put, based on the strength of magnetic forces, the field in-between them was in a ratio of gauss energetic strength to the field, more simply put, we all held 2 magnets of various strengths together or close, feeling the field of repulsion or attraction which results from whether the polarities R in like or unlike fielding positions to each other. The stronger the magnets, the greater are the distance affected, or the greater area of field is caused. With shielding here in this part of hyperspace, we can make things spin around by using timing trickle charge switching gismos in league with shielding doors that move or slide around causing the fields to become active and de-active in split second intervals, so that a spinning device can move or alternate back and forth with powerful fluxing movements, which is how basically we generate our electrical power and transmit it along lines to customers from generation stations, calling it an alternating current. The current is not alternating the way U as a lay person may think, but the power cannot properly generate and send through the copper wire without this alternating magnetic transformation mechanism. I have lived where the laws of physics R different, and only altering a distance rotation device, can this same thing B accomplished, in the basic generation of electrical power. Shielding the fields of magnetic polarization, is why U can have powerful home theatre speakers real near to color monitors and color television sets. With the new teck of the nineties, the shielding was basically the tool that brought our home-theatres into a reality. There R huge secrets that as Kevin Trudeau would say, “They do no want U 2 know about” however. Philadelphia Wireless, if they R still around, will tell U if they R in a mood for honesty, that strange and unknown forces connect into much of this, and we will not B able to touch any of this today, time is short, I am into lots of shit right now, plus am getting murdered by Otammic forces of the Milituforce. Y do I say I am living in different universes, U may B asking. To make it short and sweet as possible, all of U live in three dimensions as do I. Also, U all live in 4, 5, and 6 dimensions, and again I as well also do. The difference is that U believe only in the three that your five senses clearly can reveal to U. Sight, sound, taste, feel, and touch, R all connected to the world of length and width and depth/height. All possible menus of all events that ever can B in all of the yesterday and tomorrow dreams so to speak, all exist right here and now as energy dots on a higher dimension than the 3 of L/W/D. Science calls this the 4th dimension, and laypersons call it time. All atomic universes have twinallity where matter and energy run in a reverse polarity and thus in truth, two universes in twinallity R what really is one total universe, in all of its space and time. All of these twinallity separate agreeing atomic universes have unlimited transdimensional alternates, based on which subatomic particle combinations agree to equalize into a signature, or simply put, where each one separately evolves a timeline of its own uniqueness due to different choices made not only by human beings, but first on a very subatomic level in the 5th dimension, as well as in phase 2 astral realm connective ness resulting in phase 3 and 4 interphase energy transfer. What no one in 2007 and probably out to 2107 and beyond, is aware at all about, is the gargantuan truths about the phase four and what it is, or better said, “who they are”. Do “they” know that they exist, do they cooperate or fight, and do they have a club or clubs, an agenda, a mission, an absolute plan for mankind??? Well, since they created mankind, despite religious horse shit leaders hating me 4 writing what I know about, they certainly have a huge system on going with it all, if this does not all compute, stand 2 reason, and seem logical, then U need to take a serious look at deep reality. The 6th dimension is where phase four is ‘born’ even though nothing is really born, as time is not really real. So in refreshing the reader a bit, shat is the 6th dimension? This is where all possible thought or mind action as well as emotional or any mind-connected thing, lives or exists not at, or in, just simply exists, the gods, how I know Pillar and Berman can grasp this, from watching “Deep Space 9”, the movie, talking about the pretty black girl that Sisco, the starship captain said, “we simply exist”. Most humans cannot grasp this simple concept that time is not real except in a low dimensional reality, where a conscious mind creates it through relative motion interaction, which then permits people to live a physical life where events appear to begin somewhere, move progressively forward, and eventually seem to end. Hence whether it B birth, living a life day by day, and then death, or a ball game, where instead of inning 4,5,2,7,6,9,1,8 and ending with inning #3, and each inning all out of order, which in truth no real order is there, but consciousness forces mortals to all simultaneously agree to observe the game in a chronologically evented order. Real deeper truths would drive U totally nuts, so 4 here and now, if a bit of levity B permitted me, we will wrap things up at this point regarding this subject, and move on. The 6th dimension is every bit as real a” place” as is a seashore or mountain resort, your home or office, whatever, here in the world of three dimensionality.
Now, on my security log, I can write up your attacks, without fear of being fired as in the past. Thanks to SORA and the Governor in Trenton, they told me in class that after the ‘nine-eleven’ world, write on the log any spurious activity on the job site, and crash level Double Decker airplanes, scraping the roof off of the client’s property, is a spurious act. How do I know what the git bag in that piece of shit plane is doing or maybe dropping down on this property, could B fucking anthrax or maybe it is a real terrorist about to intentionally crash into the place and burn it down. Sunday starting just shy of half past five AM, the air hell siege began at work, with crash level double deck planes roaring over me from all angles loud and low as the tree tops just about. The law says if an airport is not 5 miles or less away, flying like that is illegal, and they should have their fucking pilot’s license revoked!!!!!!!!! Thank U kind sir, Governor Corzine, for the Sora class; I was mad at first, but kind sir, you ended up doing me a big favor. Mend up good friend, my prayers R with U, I will put in a good word with Sarah-Stacey 4 U tonight, but remember, what goes on in astral realms is so off limits for mortals, I should not even admit I talk to powerful gods there about human affairs, it is against reggs that the Millionth Council or Astral Realm authorities passed.
Do what U want to me for daring first to B madly in love with Sarah, and secondly, telling mortal man all about it, and my infinite existence. I engaged your great mighty vessel twice now, and U blew my airship out of the skies like a child blows out 4 candles on his birthday cake, so whoopdeedo, UR so powerful and mighty, screw your mom. I will find nirvana if it takes me 1X10 to the vigintillionth exponent. Hay buddy to U2, whoever U really R, dude in the bar after I landed down somewhere in SaplashnaKrishjakana Heights, in northeast-nestern Olympian Province, following our freaking dogfight. Tell your pal he parks his piece of shit worse than my mother. Move it oudda the fookin way so a guy can get out of the stinking bar and get through the walkway down to the lot, ass-hole.
Over the last number of years, the BB and the LK that R astrally chaptered, have filtered down from DOGTOWN, in mortal world prison systems, and although big beautiful Dawn told me today that these groups have lost a lot of power in prison recently, and have virtually no real muscle in New Jersey Hotels, I know that you and your dad practically started the great L. Kings, and this is why so many things happen to me by so many unsavory characters. If I could get people to read the book THE FRANKLIN COVERUP, and then realize that these scum all have tentacles in the Jersey area and up and down the Eastern Seaboard, and that they not only were trying 40 years ago to injure and murder me and my friends, but nothing at all has changed, just days marked off of a calendar, maybe some group starting with FBI agents that have so little real work to do that they sit around all day in secret special rooms on their Arch Street Building just lifting weights and flexing muscles, the ACLU, and many others, to get off their butts and help a citizen being illegally pummeled and messed with against the US Constitution and all that America is supposed 2 stand 4. Someday a jury will award me 20 billion bucks 4 all U bastard asses have put me through, and then I will do all within my power to let the multiverse know UR all despicable and your grandchildren will spit on U as U lay dying of old age, when I get through. It amazes me that vigintillion and multiverse are not words that spell checker recognizes, how dumbed down society, sheesh!!!!!! Anyway, genius daughter of Paula, wherever UR and how old UR today, UR the daughter of a great mighty Vi-Queen. I know about your fantastic computers that U have designed and built. Is your name Lynne, I believe it is, anyway, UR a genius and if U ever get 2 know about me, your mom and her gang did a terrible thing to me at the place that now is the Super 8 Motel on Tennessee Avenue in Atlantic City, NJUSAESMWG, back in 1967 when I was only 27 semi-annum’s old, 13 & ½ annum’s.
Do not B2 quick to judge me, or what my life is all about, just as I do not judge U or your organization for using my song, TML, C-1980. Did U know, my good friend, that strange things happen from time to time, and it is not Diana’s brother Apollo-Lucifer that is always at work like Christians R so quick 2 scream is the case? Moroni was real, so is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. There is no coincidence here that they R keeping very close track of the genealogies of the human race. They know all about me and my family, but R currently being very quiet about it, they were willing to put me onto the pathway a dozen years back in the fourth dimension, that led me to the great Sarah. An entire 1/50th of this country, the stat of Utah, recognizes this faith as real and that what occurred back in the 1800’s was real and valid. Well, in the 1960;s, it happened again, the final revelation, that humans have been really been given countless times, don’t kid yourself pal. They cannot deal with my up line story of Sarah thinking about her childhood days, or that the bored to tears gods need to distract from the hell of non oblivion and that we all simply exist, and games even beats sex as a distraction from this terrible hell, and this is truth, like it or don’t like it. Truth sucks, always has and will, but it is the freaking truth!!!!!!! Much more will B said on this Mormon thing, Russell Thaxton, how he got born, how his father was told by Diana’s brother to rape a Philadelphia woman 15 years before the night he came over to my apartment in Oaklyn, NJUSAESMWG and influenced me to burn the great BOOK OF BEACH. This book was the final revelation, and told in full detail, but in a kid’s version, all about the truths of the gods and how a boy got to meet one of them on Earth, Sarah. Sarah is the feminine name of the Lord, this is reality. Would I fucking lie about shit this big and dangerous, Chrissake, gimme a damn break, willya???!!!!! Things need sir, 2 get told, and I am no average shit head walking down the road, U and your foundation chose one of my songs 2 use in your revival meeting in 1995 or 6, and this as U well know, did not JUST happen, nothing “just” happens. I was writing in last weeks’ blog 4 example something regarding Frank Callio, and said the word SARGE, as he was or is if not yet retired, a sergeant on the force of the Atlantic City Police Department, go to and C4 yourself. Aniwho, I leave Ed’s pad after uploading to my 23rd blog, and got half a mile down the road towards my residence, and the light turned suddenly red. Ahead of me in my car was a car with a personalized license plate that read, “THESARG” Believe what U want, I have no dern reason 2 lie about such things, Morianity is a true story of my walk with the Goddess Scylla, or Jehovah God, SSJKK.
Saturday’s harassment wiped out my poor Phillies, it was bad Saturday, but I will admit to the world, that Sunday was far worse, yet they popped out a nice 5/3 victory and nothing is 100%, yet major siege causes certain anomalies with me that parallel in varying averaged amounts in percentages. PE applied to the 3 parameters of Roulette numbers, gives a before house-vig edge of about 7%, one of the smaller but still absolute PE’s, [parallel events]. The market going way up on air siege heavy days or property damage days, over 20 years, averages over 50/50 at a whopping 42.348%. These 2 siege types makes Phillies lose and Flyers win, same time and over 50/50, at 33.689%. The other parallel I do not think I ever told my Morians about, I call it impolitely and admit to this, PUSSY COMMAND, because it causes me to literally become a pussy magnet and to get flirted with by women, usually half my age and younger, it is totally outlandish. When I have day after day after day of real heavy air siege, choppers, planes, kemtrails, the full bit, it makes this get practically absurd. Also, it has been measured, and works over a 50/50 norm of about 21.283%. On these ‘super pussy days’, it is incomprehensible to tell U that a 52 and one half year old man can get even teens to fall over him, but it happens, and it is not like I am some Greek god. I am an old fat ugly piece of shit, U can C that 4 yourself, the picture of me is 3 years old now on the Blogger site, but I look just like it. Today, right B4 the Dow markets opened, starting at 9:25 AM the air kept right on going. Loud planes wake me the fuck up in violation of my civil rights, a chopper goes totally zenith over my auto while taking Ed’s neighbor, Dawn King’s mom to a medical lab 4 some blood work, calm down Barnabas. Moving on, it is continuously more trails, more planes, more this and more that, it just is non stop fucking persecution. I have much more to say about many things, and in the next few days, bank on the fact and reality that they’ll get told.
Brown eyed girl with the ling-long brown hair, I know all your great secrets, and I know all of McGuire’s great secrets. Steve Hawking gets his second packaged tomorrow when I take big DK to her Probation dude in Atlantic County at Mays Landing, NJUSAESMWG. I will have her re deliver for the new Atlantic Counter Prosecutor, my website address, which is of course, and sorry, error on a prior blog, I left out the hyphen between the two words. Do not put me in the lighthouse my big beautiful love Sar-ah. The truths I will tell later on this week will break some brains and turn other ones into freaking Mush City, and this is as sneezingly low yet intricate, as it will get 4 today, without becoming as Einsteinial as Paul my X partner in SPR, how the fresh air smells nice. Watch what U wish for Don Knots, Limp dick or Limpet, either works for Abby and , but quickly I will admit, that nothing is too strange to happen, at least to me, and I never wish to B Spiderman or Superman as I did at ten or so, no sir, not when U fall off the damn dock and get all slimy, NO SIR, wo!!!!!!!
I pen this at Mr. Himacane’s pad, the 24th blog in current series, THIMCFTHM. Thursday of last week started an aerial siege for me that is worse than anything that I have suffered through for 30 years, constant crash level planes and helicopters. Just put a big target on the back of whatever I am wearing on my back with a nice huge cow or bull’s eye, ya’ may as well as I’ve never seen it this bad 4 so long, just won’t quit, as though I just became Ben Laden. Of course the real story of him and big George will never come out because 2 many people have been threatened off, so we just won’t freaking go there. Saddam had nothing to do with any of anything, but old pal of the GB family, BL is safe until Hillary time, then, you’ve had it bro!!!!!!!! Run Ben, but if U think you can hide from a powerful; angry woman, I am the one person alive on this green-brown Earth, that can tell U big time otherwise. I no longer am living in the universe where U could not put home theatres together the way we do in this one as magnetic shielding just is not the same in physics there and here, don’t ask me to get into specifics, Google and ask R there 4 all that, just giving U some real surface scratching stuff. EMF meant Electro-Motive Force there; as here it stands for electromagnetic field. The east coast of Middle Atlantic States had tree leaves turn color and start dropping off in August’s third week, and by early or middle October, most trees were nearly bare. I lived in a universe where only distance could shield magnetic fields in astral-ration {meaning on this physical mortal world, ratio and proportion}, simply put, based on the strength of magnetic forces, the field in-between them was in a ratio of gauss energetic strength to the field, more simply put, we all held 2 magnets of various strengths together or close, feeling the field of repulsion or attraction which results from whether the polarities R in like or unlike fielding positions to each other. The stronger the magnets, the greater are the distance affected, or the greater area of field is caused. With shielding here in this part of hyperspace, we can make things spin around by using timing trickle charge switching gismos in league with shielding doors that move or slide around causing the fields to become active and de-active in split second intervals, so that a spinning device can move or alternate back and forth with powerful fluxing movements, which is how basically we generate our electrical power and transmit it along lines to customers from generation stations, calling it an alternating current. The current is not alternating the way U as a lay person may think, but the power cannot properly generate and send through the copper wire without this alternating magnetic transformation mechanism. I have lived where the laws of physics R different, and only altering a distance rotation device, can this same thing B accomplished, in the basic generation of electrical power. Shielding the fields of magnetic polarization, is why U can have powerful home theatre speakers real near to color monitors and color television sets. With the new teck of the nineties, the shielding was basically the tool that brought our home-theatres into a reality. There R huge secrets that as Kevin Trudeau would say, “They do no want U 2 know about” however. Philadelphia Wireless, if they R still around, will tell U if they R in a mood for honesty, that strange and unknown forces connect into much of this, and we will not B able to touch any of this today, time is short, I am into lots of shit right now, plus am getting murdered by Otammic forces of the Milituforce. Y do I say I am living in different universes, U may B asking. To make it short and sweet as possible, all of U live in three dimensions as do I. Also, U all live in 4, 5, and 6 dimensions, and again I as well also do. The difference is that U believe only in the three that your five senses clearly can reveal to U. Sight, sound, taste, feel, and touch, R all connected to the world of length and width and depth/height. All possible menus of all events that ever can B in all of the yesterday and tomorrow dreams so to speak, all exist right here and now as energy dots on a higher dimension than the 3 of L/W/D. Science calls this the 4th dimension, and laypersons call it time. All atomic universes have twinallity where matter and energy run in a reverse polarity and thus in truth, two universes in twinallity R what really is one total universe, in all of its space and time. All of these twinallity separate agreeing atomic universes have unlimited transdimensional alternates, based on which subatomic particle combinations agree to equalize into a signature, or simply put, where each one separately evolves a timeline of its own uniqueness due to different choices made not only by human beings, but first on a very subatomic level in the 5th dimension, as well as in phase 2 astral realm connective ness resulting in phase 3 and 4 interphase energy transfer. What no one in 2007 and probably out to 2107 and beyond, is aware at all about, is the gargantuan truths about the phase four and what it is, or better said, “who they are”. Do “they” know that they exist, do they cooperate or fight, and do they have a club or clubs, an agenda, a mission, an absolute plan for mankind??? Well, since they created mankind, despite religious horse shit leaders hating me 4 writing what I know about, they certainly have a huge system on going with it all, if this does not all compute, stand 2 reason, and seem logical, then U need to take a serious look at deep reality. The 6th dimension is where phase four is ‘born’ even though nothing is really born, as time is not really real. So in refreshing the reader a bit, shat is the 6th dimension? This is where all possible thought or mind action as well as emotional or any mind-connected thing, lives or exists not at, or in, just simply exists, the gods, how I know Pillar and Berman can grasp this, from watching “Deep Space 9”, the movie, talking about the pretty black girl that Sisco, the starship captain said, “we simply exist”. Most humans cannot grasp this simple concept that time is not real except in a low dimensional reality, where a conscious mind creates it through relative motion interaction, which then permits people to live a physical life where events appear to begin somewhere, move progressively forward, and eventually seem to end. Hence whether it B birth, living a life day by day, and then death, or a ball game, where instead of inning 4,5,2,7,6,9,1,8 and ending with inning #3, and each inning all out of order, which in truth no real order is there, but consciousness forces mortals to all simultaneously agree to observe the game in a chronologically evented order. Real deeper truths would drive U totally nuts, so 4 here and now, if a bit of levity B permitted me, we will wrap things up at this point regarding this subject, and move on. The 6th dimension is every bit as real a” place” as is a seashore or mountain resort, your home or office, whatever, here in the world of three dimensionality.
Now, on my security log, I can write up your attacks, without fear of being fired as in the past. Thanks to SORA and the Governor in Trenton, they told me in class that after the ‘nine-eleven’ world, write on the log any spurious activity on the job site, and crash level Double Decker airplanes, scraping the roof off of the client’s property, is a spurious act. How do I know what the git bag in that piece of shit plane is doing or maybe dropping down on this property, could B fucking anthrax or maybe it is a real terrorist about to intentionally crash into the place and burn it down. Sunday starting just shy of half past five AM, the air hell siege began at work, with crash level double deck planes roaring over me from all angles loud and low as the tree tops just about. The law says if an airport is not 5 miles or less away, flying like that is illegal, and they should have their fucking pilot’s license revoked!!!!!!!!! Thank U kind sir, Governor Corzine, for the Sora class; I was mad at first, but kind sir, you ended up doing me a big favor. Mend up good friend, my prayers R with U, I will put in a good word with Sarah-Stacey 4 U tonight, but remember, what goes on in astral realms is so off limits for mortals, I should not even admit I talk to powerful gods there about human affairs, it is against reggs that the Millionth Council or Astral Realm authorities passed.
Do what U want to me for daring first to B madly in love with Sarah, and secondly, telling mortal man all about it, and my infinite existence. I engaged your great mighty vessel twice now, and U blew my airship out of the skies like a child blows out 4 candles on his birthday cake, so whoopdeedo, UR so powerful and mighty, screw your mom. I will find nirvana if it takes me 1X10 to the vigintillionth exponent. Hay buddy to U2, whoever U really R, dude in the bar after I landed down somewhere in SaplashnaKrishjakana Heights, in northeast-nestern Olympian Province, following our freaking dogfight. Tell your pal he parks his piece of shit worse than my mother. Move it oudda the fookin way so a guy can get out of the stinking bar and get through the walkway down to the lot, ass-hole.
Over the last number of years, the BB and the LK that R astrally chaptered, have filtered down from DOGTOWN, in mortal world prison systems, and although big beautiful Dawn told me today that these groups have lost a lot of power in prison recently, and have virtually no real muscle in New Jersey Hotels, I know that you and your dad practically started the great L. Kings, and this is why so many things happen to me by so many unsavory characters. If I could get people to read the book THE FRANKLIN COVERUP, and then realize that these scum all have tentacles in the Jersey area and up and down the Eastern Seaboard, and that they not only were trying 40 years ago to injure and murder me and my friends, but nothing at all has changed, just days marked off of a calendar, maybe some group starting with FBI agents that have so little real work to do that they sit around all day in secret special rooms on their Arch Street Building just lifting weights and flexing muscles, the ACLU, and many others, to get off their butts and help a citizen being illegally pummeled and messed with against the US Constitution and all that America is supposed 2 stand 4. Someday a jury will award me 20 billion bucks 4 all U bastard asses have put me through, and then I will do all within my power to let the multiverse know UR all despicable and your grandchildren will spit on U as U lay dying of old age, when I get through. It amazes me that vigintillion and multiverse are not words that spell checker recognizes, how dumbed down society, sheesh!!!!!! Anyway, genius daughter of Paula, wherever UR and how old UR today, UR the daughter of a great mighty Vi-Queen. I know about your fantastic computers that U have designed and built. Is your name Lynne, I believe it is, anyway, UR a genius and if U ever get 2 know about me, your mom and her gang did a terrible thing to me at the place that now is the Super 8 Motel on Tennessee Avenue in Atlantic City, NJUSAESMWG, back in 1967 when I was only 27 semi-annum’s old, 13 & ½ annum’s.
Do not B2 quick to judge me, or what my life is all about, just as I do not judge U or your organization for using my song, TML, C-1980. Did U know, my good friend, that strange things happen from time to time, and it is not Diana’s brother Apollo-Lucifer that is always at work like Christians R so quick 2 scream is the case? Moroni was real, so is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. There is no coincidence here that they R keeping very close track of the genealogies of the human race. They know all about me and my family, but R currently being very quiet about it, they were willing to put me onto the pathway a dozen years back in the fourth dimension, that led me to the great Sarah. An entire 1/50th of this country, the stat of Utah, recognizes this faith as real and that what occurred back in the 1800’s was real and valid. Well, in the 1960;s, it happened again, the final revelation, that humans have been really been given countless times, don’t kid yourself pal. They cannot deal with my up line story of Sarah thinking about her childhood days, or that the bored to tears gods need to distract from the hell of non oblivion and that we all simply exist, and games even beats sex as a distraction from this terrible hell, and this is truth, like it or don’t like it. Truth sucks, always has and will, but it is the freaking truth!!!!!!! Much more will B said on this Mormon thing, Russell Thaxton, how he got born, how his father was told by Diana’s brother to rape a Philadelphia woman 15 years before the night he came over to my apartment in Oaklyn, NJUSAESMWG and influenced me to burn the great BOOK OF BEACH. This book was the final revelation, and told in full detail, but in a kid’s version, all about the truths of the gods and how a boy got to meet one of them on Earth, Sarah. Sarah is the feminine name of the Lord, this is reality. Would I fucking lie about shit this big and dangerous, Chrissake, gimme a damn break, willya???!!!!! Things need sir, 2 get told, and I am no average shit head walking down the road, U and your foundation chose one of my songs 2 use in your revival meeting in 1995 or 6, and this as U well know, did not JUST happen, nothing “just” happens. I was writing in last weeks’ blog 4 example something regarding Frank Callio, and said the word SARGE, as he was or is if not yet retired, a sergeant on the force of the Atlantic City Police Department, go to and C4 yourself. Aniwho, I leave Ed’s pad after uploading to my 23rd blog, and got half a mile down the road towards my residence, and the light turned suddenly red. Ahead of me in my car was a car with a personalized license plate that read, “THESARG” Believe what U want, I have no dern reason 2 lie about such things, Morianity is a true story of my walk with the Goddess Scylla, or Jehovah God, SSJKK.
Saturday’s harassment wiped out my poor Phillies, it was bad Saturday, but I will admit to the world, that Sunday was far worse, yet they popped out a nice 5/3 victory and nothing is 100%, yet major siege causes certain anomalies with me that parallel in varying averaged amounts in percentages. PE applied to the 3 parameters of Roulette numbers, gives a before house-vig edge of about 7%, one of the smaller but still absolute PE’s, [parallel events]. The market going way up on air siege heavy days or property damage days, over 20 years, averages over 50/50 at a whopping 42.348%. These 2 siege types makes Phillies lose and Flyers win, same time and over 50/50, at 33.689%. The other parallel I do not think I ever told my Morians about, I call it impolitely and admit to this, PUSSY COMMAND, because it causes me to literally become a pussy magnet and to get flirted with by women, usually half my age and younger, it is totally outlandish. When I have day after day after day of real heavy air siege, choppers, planes, kemtrails, the full bit, it makes this get practically absurd. Also, it has been measured, and works over a 50/50 norm of about 21.283%. On these ‘super pussy days’, it is incomprehensible to tell U that a 52 and one half year old man can get even teens to fall over him, but it happens, and it is not like I am some Greek god. I am an old fat ugly piece of shit, U can C that 4 yourself, the picture of me is 3 years old now on the Blogger site, but I look just like it. Today, right B4 the Dow markets opened, starting at 9:25 AM the air kept right on going. Loud planes wake me the fuck up in violation of my civil rights, a chopper goes totally zenith over my auto while taking Ed’s neighbor, Dawn King’s mom to a medical lab 4 some blood work, calm down Barnabas. Moving on, it is continuously more trails, more planes, more this and more that, it just is non stop fucking persecution. I have much more to say about many things, and in the next few days, bank on the fact and reality that they’ll get told.
Brown eyed girl with the ling-long brown hair, I know all your great secrets, and I know all of McGuire’s great secrets. Steve Hawking gets his second packaged tomorrow when I take big DK to her Probation dude in Atlantic County at Mays Landing, NJUSAESMWG. I will have her re deliver for the new Atlantic Counter Prosecutor, my website address, which is of course, and sorry, error on a prior blog, I left out the hyphen between the two words. Do not put me in the lighthouse my big beautiful love Sar-ah. The truths I will tell later on this week will break some brains and turn other ones into freaking Mush City, and this is as sneezingly low yet intricate, as it will get 4 today, without becoming as Einsteinial as Paul my X partner in SPR, how the fresh air smells nice. Watch what U wish for Don Knots, Limp dick or Limpet, either works for Abby and , but quickly I will admit, that nothing is too strange to happen, at least to me, and I never wish to B Spiderman or Superman as I did at ten or so, no sir, not when U fall off the damn dock and get all slimy, NO SIR, wo!!!!!!!
Friday, May 18, 2007
I sittith here at Ed’s this mid-afternoon, cloudy sprinkly and cool, the way I love it, Sarah-Stacey was beautiful, just got back from her human world great city of Levyville.
Starting yesterday, the air shit is back AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION. Private planes yesterday all the way up to ten B4 eleven last night, nasty low and zenithing civil rights violations, then today the scuz bag military enemy is hitting me with a super loud and low Coast Guard piece of shit helicopter. Both chopper attacks today were at Ed Himacane’s place. When I get home, it is straight 2 MAGNESONIC 4 a super counterattack. They want me to give Google and the world proof that the worm hole is real, with no blacked out cut and pastes of Air Tactical Command shit from the 177th, verifying the worm hole reality. Look U fucking pricks, I will let go of all of this if U would stop persecuting me so much, I will allow some, but this 2007 shit must stop, or Hawking will get my second package, and the two of them will put an end 2 all of U dirt bags forever, whether ACLU gets on board to protect my civil rights or not.
If U were one bit more beautiful, I would lose even more of my mind than I have lost all ready. I saw U crashing your beautiful waves into the beach from high up in the room at the Holiday Inn on Brighton Avenue or the next block over. I was in a computer class; as I said I was going 2 pursue computers. I could not take my eyes off of U my lovely teen queen. I want 2B not just in phase 2, but here and now in physical life, and come summer, I will B all over U, my love.
I am a phase five being on this planet, and wish 2 tell U that phase 4 beings are totally in control of our entire society and all of this new age and reaganomics and political correctness, and as I type this at roughly 4:30, as it is later now than when I began this blog, a military aircraft just flew quite low over Ed’s. Faze four and three R the same in true energy. The rule makers that in lower astral worlds R the MILLIONTH COUNCIL, R not real the way U would call real, but it is this [circuitry in the cosmic system] that decides if dream-downs from the astral realities, result in moving either physically into the world and starting a dream that UR a little baby getting conceived/born, or moving into the physical realm as fantasy energy. Now this fantasy energy is clever stuff, and a story surrounds it that is so fucking major ladies and gentlemen, U do not want this knowledge out there today, believe me bwaby-wuv.
Well rapies and germiblows, and my loyal Morians, when the time is right, U will B given truths beyond your wildest dreams, and everyone will B able to float, fly, and choose when they wish to live and die, and I do know that the Eckists tell me that is violates spiritual law to tell ultimate secrets 2 a mortal world, and my response is, SUE ME.
Well Rosio’D, sorry I created the incestrallite, but U can’t hate him for honesty and candor. The rotten bastard will tell U and me and all of humanity right 2 our face with no punches pulled nor holds barred, that we can all go fuck ourselves, and he is the all mighty great last trump, honesty almost makes me ejaculate, there really is too little of it. That dude will tell U up front and straight out that he will fuck U on a deal the second U turn your back, and rape your under aged daughter and payoff the courts and the judges as we all have our price, and the bitch knows it. I created this monstrosity on an RS1500US open reel tape recorder late one afternoon in the early spring of 1980, and will regret it until he turns 2 maggots someday, and on this day, I will parachute out of a jet plane screaming “glory B2 the fresh air again”, but still, his candor and lack of time wasting subtle behavior, 2 me at least is a real major refreshing change, U just need 2 wash the ugly taste out of your mouth when the 2 of U pass on a street corner.
I must go home to catch a few winks now, B4 my work shift begins. Next week, I will blog secrets they will B real sorry 4. The accident that my Pleasantville, NJUSAESMWG enemy almost intentionally caused me a couple weeks back was not explained correctly, as I was too shook up at the time. I was heading on Egg Harbor Road towards the Hammonton Library, westbound, not eastbound, and the guy turned right and then re-crossed over the road on purpose, with me right behind him, causing me to race forward and cut hard right in a major maneuver to evasively miss the git bag as too much of a sharp turn at heavy acceleration would have a great chance to cause overcompensation and make an automobile go out of control.
My lovely brown eyed girl, not with the ling but the long brown hair, [error from a prior blog], let me say that U can put me up in the light house and kick my whittle weak ass all U want, but I will always love U and fuck McG, 2 Dogtown with that fat bully bastard. Your brother Frank told me that the two of U do not get along well in adult life, and rarely C each other, I think I know Y, sorry 4 telling U Sarge about what your super sister did 2 me and my chain back in 1969. You R a good cop, and this blog and all of them, never meant 2 tarnish your good name. No more ambivalence 4 me!!!
I sittith here at Ed’s this mid-afternoon, cloudy sprinkly and cool, the way I love it, Sarah-Stacey was beautiful, just got back from her human world great city of Levyville.
Starting yesterday, the air shit is back AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION. Private planes yesterday all the way up to ten B4 eleven last night, nasty low and zenithing civil rights violations, then today the scuz bag military enemy is hitting me with a super loud and low Coast Guard piece of shit helicopter. Both chopper attacks today were at Ed Himacane’s place. When I get home, it is straight 2 MAGNESONIC 4 a super counterattack. They want me to give Google and the world proof that the worm hole is real, with no blacked out cut and pastes of Air Tactical Command shit from the 177th, verifying the worm hole reality. Look U fucking pricks, I will let go of all of this if U would stop persecuting me so much, I will allow some, but this 2007 shit must stop, or Hawking will get my second package, and the two of them will put an end 2 all of U dirt bags forever, whether ACLU gets on board to protect my civil rights or not.
If U were one bit more beautiful, I would lose even more of my mind than I have lost all ready. I saw U crashing your beautiful waves into the beach from high up in the room at the Holiday Inn on Brighton Avenue or the next block over. I was in a computer class; as I said I was going 2 pursue computers. I could not take my eyes off of U my lovely teen queen. I want 2B not just in phase 2, but here and now in physical life, and come summer, I will B all over U, my love.
I am a phase five being on this planet, and wish 2 tell U that phase 4 beings are totally in control of our entire society and all of this new age and reaganomics and political correctness, and as I type this at roughly 4:30, as it is later now than when I began this blog, a military aircraft just flew quite low over Ed’s. Faze four and three R the same in true energy. The rule makers that in lower astral worlds R the MILLIONTH COUNCIL, R not real the way U would call real, but it is this [circuitry in the cosmic system] that decides if dream-downs from the astral realities, result in moving either physically into the world and starting a dream that UR a little baby getting conceived/born, or moving into the physical realm as fantasy energy. Now this fantasy energy is clever stuff, and a story surrounds it that is so fucking major ladies and gentlemen, U do not want this knowledge out there today, believe me bwaby-wuv.
Well rapies and germiblows, and my loyal Morians, when the time is right, U will B given truths beyond your wildest dreams, and everyone will B able to float, fly, and choose when they wish to live and die, and I do know that the Eckists tell me that is violates spiritual law to tell ultimate secrets 2 a mortal world, and my response is, SUE ME.
Well Rosio’D, sorry I created the incestrallite, but U can’t hate him for honesty and candor. The rotten bastard will tell U and me and all of humanity right 2 our face with no punches pulled nor holds barred, that we can all go fuck ourselves, and he is the all mighty great last trump, honesty almost makes me ejaculate, there really is too little of it. That dude will tell U up front and straight out that he will fuck U on a deal the second U turn your back, and rape your under aged daughter and payoff the courts and the judges as we all have our price, and the bitch knows it. I created this monstrosity on an RS1500US open reel tape recorder late one afternoon in the early spring of 1980, and will regret it until he turns 2 maggots someday, and on this day, I will parachute out of a jet plane screaming “glory B2 the fresh air again”, but still, his candor and lack of time wasting subtle behavior, 2 me at least is a real major refreshing change, U just need 2 wash the ugly taste out of your mouth when the 2 of U pass on a street corner.
I must go home to catch a few winks now, B4 my work shift begins. Next week, I will blog secrets they will B real sorry 4. The accident that my Pleasantville, NJUSAESMWG enemy almost intentionally caused me a couple weeks back was not explained correctly, as I was too shook up at the time. I was heading on Egg Harbor Road towards the Hammonton Library, westbound, not eastbound, and the guy turned right and then re-crossed over the road on purpose, with me right behind him, causing me to race forward and cut hard right in a major maneuver to evasively miss the git bag as too much of a sharp turn at heavy acceleration would have a great chance to cause overcompensation and make an automobile go out of control.
My lovely brown eyed girl, not with the ling but the long brown hair, [error from a prior blog], let me say that U can put me up in the light house and kick my whittle weak ass all U want, but I will always love U and fuck McG, 2 Dogtown with that fat bully bastard. Your brother Frank told me that the two of U do not get along well in adult life, and rarely C each other, I think I know Y, sorry 4 telling U Sarge about what your super sister did 2 me and my chain back in 1969. You R a good cop, and this blog and all of them, never meant 2 tarnish your good name. No more ambivalence 4 me!!!
Thursday, May 17, 2007
I sittith here at Ed’s pad doing the 22 blog. Some scumbag in a CIA/NSA/BFA private 2 motor job piss private plane is stalking me; it first flew crash level directly over Ed and me in my automobit
Le wwwwwwwwwwwwwwl, and I am under a serious computer hack attack American Civil Rights Union. I started to say that I was in my automobile with Ed Himacane at my residence, when this vicious attack occurred. Less than 3 miles down Route 30 westbound, the same plane Junker shit nearly scraped us off the road crossing over me again from basically north heading southbound. My civil liberties R being violated and all authorities permitting this to endlessly go on R every bit as complicit in this anti-constitutional crime. UP UP UP UP UP, goes the Dow Jones, to post all time record highs day after day, just like I told U all it would happen. I imagine nothing, nor do I predict anything, I absolutely know how PE-TEK works. This does not stand for Paula Evil Treacherous Enemy King, by the way. Siege bad today, and I will B getting on Magnesonic later on this day or evening, and again start crushing all wicked evil and diseased enemies that R making my pathetic innocent eternal endless miserable sub-vampiric existence, an endless fucking hell.
Last night I took Diana 2 a beautiful park in central woustern Ricktown, on the Astral Plane. We had the greatest time together, and no one can ever take my baby blond away from me, not McShitguire, or any of these sleazy dirt bags from the mayor on down.
Yesterday, early in the afternoon, some one or some thing did something to cause my right leg to B in major pain, and is barely mobile. It will fix itself, all things will, no one can permanently hurt nor kill me, U can all burn up in agonizing Dogtown for 1000 minnin-kalpa. Let’s C, so far, my leg, aerial siege, compuker hacking, loud blotorsuckles, and the worst thing of course, the ongoing [KING] domestic troubles, here at Ed’s. These scum bag Millionth Council invaders whenever U use a phone, R automatically invited into the equation, they own the world of RADIO FREQUENCY, I’ll say it over and over until U wanna puke from listening 2 it!!!!!!!!!
The formulas that I sent UR all enclosed, included with them, is my full personal story of my nightmare interactions with the area surrounding this energy sucking thing, in Atlantic City, NJUSAESMWG. The microfilm stuff that was sent once to a mister Kaplan from Philadelphia 31 years ago almost, shows hyper density field theory, and contains photos of working models created by me at the time, and how I can prove that this controlled field of knuron energy on frequencies from 1.673 times 10 to XPO#53-XPO#54, megahertz at varying Kelvin temps ranging at 0.003 degrees, tolerances 3.1027%., switching to 2.7K 1:169502 at Event Horizons and 1:183304, is precisely mid-pointed at 65 feet from the front door at Robert McGuire’s bar, down the street, and then 54 feet into the lot, and then roughly 25 feet in altitude. The other proof I have that this is active is project numbers from 177 ATC shows irrefutable documentation that they have been closely and very carefully monitoring this thing and its effects over the near ocean areas, especially around the time when my search to find the owner’s granddaughter or her cousin, roughly 10-12 years back in 4-D.
I will B trading B4 the week is out, on some index that basically follows the Dow 30 Industrial stocks. U will no longer go up without putting big fucking bucks in my bank account, time to B a millionaire. Of course we both know that in a short march of days or weeks, it will go way down if I do, just as the other times I tried this in the past. What I will do in the casino with Mr. Himacane is simpler, I place minimum roulette bets, the wheel spins, and right away he puts a much larger chip value cover bet on the reverse of my outside bet. Remember, there R6 outside bets, the RED/BLACK, ODD/EVEN, LOW/HIGH. If the minimum table bet is 10 bucks, I randomly choose 2 bet 10 bucks on HIGH, the wheel spins, and Ed places a black buck chip on the LOW. We will play when the Dow Jones is trading, the Phillies R playing, or the Flyers R playing, and 5 out of 7 bets will forever lose 4 me, as 5 out of every 7 outcomes in the parallel event go the evil empire’s way and against me, and this gets reflected into anything that I try to do, such as placing a simple bet down on a roulette layout in a casino. It works even at home on paper when no money is at stake, and works just as well in the real world games at the freaking casinos. Keep fudging around with me Luc. Oh, and by the way, error on prior blog, not Apollop, but Apollo-Lucifer.
U promised me I would never have the problem again with my medication, they will not let me get through to you, and since U have my website address, hopefully U follow my flogging occasionally. Doctor Sumner is making me come back in 3 months, and I can only hope then, she will keep me going. This is shades pf Doctor Addiego all over again, and U gave me your word I’d not have 2 go through this nightmare again, as I did back in 2000. The way they act at the desk, I am beginning 2 seriously doubt that you will ever return from medical leave of absence, and am very concerned. U know they can get at me and legally murder me this way and get away with it, please do not let these evil bastards put me through more hell, I am going through more than any human was ever designed to take all ready, without this additional major headache. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, here we R again, and U can make millions in the market, as it never will stop, not as long as these bitches have me to horrifically persecute and abuse so despicably, U know, they have no conscience at all, they R not human, humans could never pull off something this incredible. And people have UFOLOGY so totally misunderstood it is not a bit funny. Who do these idiot UFO fans think is covering up this fudginglucykenny phase 4 stuff to start with????????? Karen, unlike the year 2000, I will not suffer through this medical nightmare again, it opens up a perfect lawsuit 4 me against both the government nark controllers and the medical office handling my case, UR my witness, but at a later time, I will bring U up 2 speed in detail, so if I get sick and go into coma, and of course cannot ever B released through death, U can possibly witness it all and if I somehow miraculously survive completely, I will sue and if no lawyer will take the case, I am not under any legal prohibition against filing against said parties involved in causing me pain and suffering, mental anguish, loss of pay and job, and or whatever may result from all of this in a worse case scenario. KS, I will live and get this wormhole on Tennessee Avenue, in Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA, Earth, Sol, Milky Way Galaxy, exposed once and 4 all. All of man’s organized religion is at stake, this will not B an easy fight.
We both know that this all loops around and I remembered nearly all of this last time it is 1966, and next time it is 1966, I will remember even more, unless we R beyond the closed curve and R just repeating, but even then, there R ways of doing things, one such way to send a so-called signal into the next loop, just like out of TNG STAR TREK, TIME SQUARED episode. The best one is internet 4 me 4 now, as it will eventually move into the cosmocological reality by its very nature and the future itself. Remember, in my book from 1994, TPB, I did not say twenty oh one or twenty oh two, I proved 2 all of U sleazy shits that I have been here B4, and that indeed I do remember more and more of basic menus of what events will B chosen into the collective human interaction. Concentrically, I know that this is Y so many of UR indeed behind the intentional elimination covertly and cleverly done, but done none the less, of forever getting rid of what I have named HISTORY MARKERS. I have letters that explain Russell Thaxton; the murder of Ziggy, Pinky, and Al-S., all ready 2B mailed to the World Tribunal courts of The Hague, an area that has much of my published music as does Sweden and Germany, they do not despise me like this evil empire does, WITHOUT A CAUSE!!!!!!! Just in case some have joined in late and R not interested enough in reading my first of the 3-so-far-blogs of mine, called the Morianity Bible, I never go into all detail, but I do get into how a school mate, Russ, when we both were 15 years of age, drank an entire fifth of pure scotch, YUK, and walked in the dead of night from his town, Haddonfield, NJUSAESMWG, to the town 3 miles away called Oaklyn. This is where I resided with my mother, while my father was off of the Florida coast with Mel Fisher and Kip Wagner, on a treasure barge, sinking coffer damns and retrieving deep sea treasure from Spanish Galleons that sunk more than 4 centuries back in 4-D., using powerful military ‘borrowed’ magnetometers. To protect people from getting murdered even 2 this very day, I can only gloss over some of this, but Russ had just been child-molested by a special-ed teacher in his bedroom, and after she blow-jobbed him in his room, as he was staying in her house with her hubby and 3 children, yeah wild shit was normal back in the sixties and early seventies, it truly was another planet there. He seemed 2 know that my mom was out, on this school night at just past one AM. I told him the hole [whole] holy story of ACNJUSAESMWG, and the GREAT SARAH KRASSLE as I called her even back in 1969. I had written a sort of blog for those days, a journal kept in a locked strong box in my bedroom closet, and also kept there in that very same strong box, was the magical chain, that Sarah stole from me in a dream, and then it really was gone. Russ said it had 2B burned that bvery night, as it told all about the various miracles and things that I witnessed about this goddess JEHOVAH, the great SAR, ECK, LORD, whatever, what is in a name Shakespeare Rose?????????? Maybe a worm hole, who knows, Governor Benson? Keeping it forever light with levity, cheers beats tears, right toothless????????? Well in any event, without the soda or the shake, or the E at the end, my mother was soon to have a boss with this name, and Sarah and Paula to that very day R still making my life a living infinite fucking hell, poor poor pitiful me Linda Achilles Ronquick!!!!!!!!! Soon, by my standards, maybe not yours, 20 years 2 me ain’t freaking squat. Russ was given that blow job by Mrs. Goodfellow, to get him to come over and then to get me to tell him my horrific shit, and then he would tell me to burn the journal, that then I referred to and quite 4 a good reason, the BOOK OF BEACH.
I know that this planet was phase 4 invaded 100 years ago, and will tell and prove it to this world of faithless disbelievers if it takes me another 500 years, even the great Donna can relate 2 my promises, right princess??????????????
I sittith here at Ed’s pad doing the 22 blog. Some scumbag in a CIA/NSA/BFA private 2 motor job piss private plane is stalking me; it first flew crash level directly over Ed and me in my automobit
Le wwwwwwwwwwwwwwl, and I am under a serious computer hack attack American Civil Rights Union. I started to say that I was in my automobile with Ed Himacane at my residence, when this vicious attack occurred. Less than 3 miles down Route 30 westbound, the same plane Junker shit nearly scraped us off the road crossing over me again from basically north heading southbound. My civil liberties R being violated and all authorities permitting this to endlessly go on R every bit as complicit in this anti-constitutional crime. UP UP UP UP UP, goes the Dow Jones, to post all time record highs day after day, just like I told U all it would happen. I imagine nothing, nor do I predict anything, I absolutely know how PE-TEK works. This does not stand for Paula Evil Treacherous Enemy King, by the way. Siege bad today, and I will B getting on Magnesonic later on this day or evening, and again start crushing all wicked evil and diseased enemies that R making my pathetic innocent eternal endless miserable sub-vampiric existence, an endless fucking hell.
Last night I took Diana 2 a beautiful park in central woustern Ricktown, on the Astral Plane. We had the greatest time together, and no one can ever take my baby blond away from me, not McShitguire, or any of these sleazy dirt bags from the mayor on down.
Yesterday, early in the afternoon, some one or some thing did something to cause my right leg to B in major pain, and is barely mobile. It will fix itself, all things will, no one can permanently hurt nor kill me, U can all burn up in agonizing Dogtown for 1000 minnin-kalpa. Let’s C, so far, my leg, aerial siege, compuker hacking, loud blotorsuckles, and the worst thing of course, the ongoing [KING] domestic troubles, here at Ed’s. These scum bag Millionth Council invaders whenever U use a phone, R automatically invited into the equation, they own the world of RADIO FREQUENCY, I’ll say it over and over until U wanna puke from listening 2 it!!!!!!!!!
The formulas that I sent UR all enclosed, included with them, is my full personal story of my nightmare interactions with the area surrounding this energy sucking thing, in Atlantic City, NJUSAESMWG. The microfilm stuff that was sent once to a mister Kaplan from Philadelphia 31 years ago almost, shows hyper density field theory, and contains photos of working models created by me at the time, and how I can prove that this controlled field of knuron energy on frequencies from 1.673 times 10 to XPO#53-XPO#54, megahertz at varying Kelvin temps ranging at 0.003 degrees, tolerances 3.1027%., switching to 2.7K 1:169502 at Event Horizons and 1:183304, is precisely mid-pointed at 65 feet from the front door at Robert McGuire’s bar, down the street, and then 54 feet into the lot, and then roughly 25 feet in altitude. The other proof I have that this is active is project numbers from 177 ATC shows irrefutable documentation that they have been closely and very carefully monitoring this thing and its effects over the near ocean areas, especially around the time when my search to find the owner’s granddaughter or her cousin, roughly 10-12 years back in 4-D.
I will B trading B4 the week is out, on some index that basically follows the Dow 30 Industrial stocks. U will no longer go up without putting big fucking bucks in my bank account, time to B a millionaire. Of course we both know that in a short march of days or weeks, it will go way down if I do, just as the other times I tried this in the past. What I will do in the casino with Mr. Himacane is simpler, I place minimum roulette bets, the wheel spins, and right away he puts a much larger chip value cover bet on the reverse of my outside bet. Remember, there R6 outside bets, the RED/BLACK, ODD/EVEN, LOW/HIGH. If the minimum table bet is 10 bucks, I randomly choose 2 bet 10 bucks on HIGH, the wheel spins, and Ed places a black buck chip on the LOW. We will play when the Dow Jones is trading, the Phillies R playing, or the Flyers R playing, and 5 out of 7 bets will forever lose 4 me, as 5 out of every 7 outcomes in the parallel event go the evil empire’s way and against me, and this gets reflected into anything that I try to do, such as placing a simple bet down on a roulette layout in a casino. It works even at home on paper when no money is at stake, and works just as well in the real world games at the freaking casinos. Keep fudging around with me Luc. Oh, and by the way, error on prior blog, not Apollop, but Apollo-Lucifer.
U promised me I would never have the problem again with my medication, they will not let me get through to you, and since U have my website address, hopefully U follow my flogging occasionally. Doctor Sumner is making me come back in 3 months, and I can only hope then, she will keep me going. This is shades pf Doctor Addiego all over again, and U gave me your word I’d not have 2 go through this nightmare again, as I did back in 2000. The way they act at the desk, I am beginning 2 seriously doubt that you will ever return from medical leave of absence, and am very concerned. U know they can get at me and legally murder me this way and get away with it, please do not let these evil bastards put me through more hell, I am going through more than any human was ever designed to take all ready, without this additional major headache. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, here we R again, and U can make millions in the market, as it never will stop, not as long as these bitches have me to horrifically persecute and abuse so despicably, U know, they have no conscience at all, they R not human, humans could never pull off something this incredible. And people have UFOLOGY so totally misunderstood it is not a bit funny. Who do these idiot UFO fans think is covering up this fudginglucykenny phase 4 stuff to start with????????? Karen, unlike the year 2000, I will not suffer through this medical nightmare again, it opens up a perfect lawsuit 4 me against both the government nark controllers and the medical office handling my case, UR my witness, but at a later time, I will bring U up 2 speed in detail, so if I get sick and go into coma, and of course cannot ever B released through death, U can possibly witness it all and if I somehow miraculously survive completely, I will sue and if no lawyer will take the case, I am not under any legal prohibition against filing against said parties involved in causing me pain and suffering, mental anguish, loss of pay and job, and or whatever may result from all of this in a worse case scenario. KS, I will live and get this wormhole on Tennessee Avenue, in Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA, Earth, Sol, Milky Way Galaxy, exposed once and 4 all. All of man’s organized religion is at stake, this will not B an easy fight.
We both know that this all loops around and I remembered nearly all of this last time it is 1966, and next time it is 1966, I will remember even more, unless we R beyond the closed curve and R just repeating, but even then, there R ways of doing things, one such way to send a so-called signal into the next loop, just like out of TNG STAR TREK, TIME SQUARED episode. The best one is internet 4 me 4 now, as it will eventually move into the cosmocological reality by its very nature and the future itself. Remember, in my book from 1994, TPB, I did not say twenty oh one or twenty oh two, I proved 2 all of U sleazy shits that I have been here B4, and that indeed I do remember more and more of basic menus of what events will B chosen into the collective human interaction. Concentrically, I know that this is Y so many of UR indeed behind the intentional elimination covertly and cleverly done, but done none the less, of forever getting rid of what I have named HISTORY MARKERS. I have letters that explain Russell Thaxton; the murder of Ziggy, Pinky, and Al-S., all ready 2B mailed to the World Tribunal courts of The Hague, an area that has much of my published music as does Sweden and Germany, they do not despise me like this evil empire does, WITHOUT A CAUSE!!!!!!! Just in case some have joined in late and R not interested enough in reading my first of the 3-so-far-blogs of mine, called the Morianity Bible, I never go into all detail, but I do get into how a school mate, Russ, when we both were 15 years of age, drank an entire fifth of pure scotch, YUK, and walked in the dead of night from his town, Haddonfield, NJUSAESMWG, to the town 3 miles away called Oaklyn. This is where I resided with my mother, while my father was off of the Florida coast with Mel Fisher and Kip Wagner, on a treasure barge, sinking coffer damns and retrieving deep sea treasure from Spanish Galleons that sunk more than 4 centuries back in 4-D., using powerful military ‘borrowed’ magnetometers. To protect people from getting murdered even 2 this very day, I can only gloss over some of this, but Russ had just been child-molested by a special-ed teacher in his bedroom, and after she blow-jobbed him in his room, as he was staying in her house with her hubby and 3 children, yeah wild shit was normal back in the sixties and early seventies, it truly was another planet there. He seemed 2 know that my mom was out, on this school night at just past one AM. I told him the hole [whole] holy story of ACNJUSAESMWG, and the GREAT SARAH KRASSLE as I called her even back in 1969. I had written a sort of blog for those days, a journal kept in a locked strong box in my bedroom closet, and also kept there in that very same strong box, was the magical chain, that Sarah stole from me in a dream, and then it really was gone. Russ said it had 2B burned that bvery night, as it told all about the various miracles and things that I witnessed about this goddess JEHOVAH, the great SAR, ECK, LORD, whatever, what is in a name Shakespeare Rose?????????? Maybe a worm hole, who knows, Governor Benson? Keeping it forever light with levity, cheers beats tears, right toothless????????? Well in any event, without the soda or the shake, or the E at the end, my mother was soon to have a boss with this name, and Sarah and Paula to that very day R still making my life a living infinite fucking hell, poor poor pitiful me Linda Achilles Ronquick!!!!!!!!! Soon, by my standards, maybe not yours, 20 years 2 me ain’t freaking squat. Russ was given that blow job by Mrs. Goodfellow, to get him to come over and then to get me to tell him my horrific shit, and then he would tell me to burn the journal, that then I referred to and quite 4 a good reason, the BOOK OF BEACH.
I know that this planet was phase 4 invaded 100 years ago, and will tell and prove it to this world of faithless disbelievers if it takes me another 500 years, even the great Donna can relate 2 my promises, right princess??????????????
I sittith here at Ed’s pad doing the 22 blog. Some scumbag in a CIA/NSA/BFA private 2 motor job piss private plane is stalking me; it first flew crash level directly over Ed and me in my automobit
Le wwwwwwwwwwwwwwl, and I am under a serious computer hack attack American Civil Rights Union. I started to say that I was in my automobile with Ed Himacane at my residence, when this vicious attack occurred. Less than 3 miles down Route 30 westbound, the same plane Junker shit nearly scraped us off the road crossing over me again from basically north heading southbound. My civil liberties R being violated and all authorities permitting this to endlessly go on R every bit as complicit in this anti-constitutional crime. UP UP UP UP UP, goes the Dow Jones, to post all time record highs day after day, just like I told U all it would happen. I imagine nothing, nor do I predict anything, I absolutely know how PE-TEK works. This does not stand for Paula Evil Treacherous Enemy King, by the way. Siege bad today, and I will B getting on Magnesonic later on this day or evening, and again start crushing all wicked evil and diseased enemies that R making my pathetic innocent eternal endless miserable sub-vampiric existence, an endless fucking hell.
Last night I took Diana 2 a beautiful park in central woustern Ricktown, on the Astral Plane. We had the greatest time together, and no one can ever take my baby blond away from me, not McShitguire, or any of these sleazy dirt bags from the mayor on down.
Yesterday, early in the afternoon, some one or some thing did something to cause my right leg to B in major pain, and is barely mobile. It will fix itself, all things will, no one can permanently hurt nor kill me, U can all burn up in agonizing Dogtown for 1000 minnin-kalpa. Let’s C, so far, my leg, aerial siege, compuker hacking, loud blotorsuckles, and the worst thing of course, the ongoing [KING] domestic troubles, here at Ed’s. These scum bag Millionth Council invaders whenever U use a phone, R automatically invited into the equation, they own the world of RADIO FREQUENCY, I’ll say it over and over until U wanna puke from listening 2 it!!!!!!!!!
The formulas that I sent UR all enclosed, included with them, is my full personal story of my nightmare interactions with the area surrounding this energy sucking thing, in Atlantic City, NJUSAESMWG. The microfilm stuff that was sent once to a mister Kaplan from Philadelphia 31 years ago almost, shows hyper density field theory, and contains photos of working models created by me at the time, and how I can prove that this controlled field of knuron energy on frequencies from 1.673 times 10 to XPO#53-XPO#54, megahertz at varying Kelvin temps ranging at 0.003 degrees, tolerances 3.1027%., switching to 2.7K 1:169502 at Event Horizons and 1:183304, is precisely mid-pointed at 65 feet from the front door at Robert McGuire’s bar, down the street, and then 54 feet into the lot, and then roughly 25 feet in altitude. The other proof I have that this is active is project numbers from 177 ATC shows irrefutable documentation that they have been closely and very carefully monitoring this thing and its effects over the near ocean areas, especially around the time when my search to find the owner’s granddaughter or her cousin, roughly 10-12 years back in 4-D.
I will B trading B4 the week is out, on some index that basically follows the Dow 30 Industrial stocks. U will no longer go up without putting big fucking bucks in my bank account, time to B a millionaire. Of course we both know that in a short march of days or weeks, it will go way down if I do, just as the other times I tried this in the past. What I will do in the casino with Mr. Himacane is simpler, I place minimum roulette bets, the wheel spins, and right away he puts a much larger chip value cover bet on the reverse of my outside bet. Remember, there R6 outside bets, the RED/BLACK, ODD/EVEN, LOW/HIGH. If the minimum table bet is 10 bucks, I randomly choose 2 bet 10 bucks on HIGH, the wheel spins, and Ed places a black buck chip on the LOW. We will play when the Dow Jones is trading, the Phillies R playing, or the Flyers R playing, and 5 out of 7 bets will forever lose 4 me, as 5 out of every 7 outcomes in the parallel event go the evil empire’s way and against me, and this gets reflected into anything that I try to do, such as placing a simple bet down on a roulette layout in a casino. It works even at home on paper when no money is at stake, and works just as well in the real world games at the freaking casinos. Keep fudging around with me Luc. Oh, and by the way, error on prior blog, not Apollop, but Apollo-Lucifer.
U promised me I would never have the problem again with my medication, they will not let me get through to you, and since U have my website address, hopefully U follow my flogging occasionally. Doctor Sumner is making me come back in 3 months, and I can only hope then, she will keep me going. This is shades pf Doctor Addiego all over again, and U gave me your word I’d not have 2 go through this nightmare again, as I did back in 2000. The way they act at the desk, I am beginning 2 seriously doubt that you will ever return from medical leave of absence, and am very concerned. U know they can get at me and legally murder me this way and get away with it, please do not let these evil bastards put me through more hell, I am going through more than any human was ever designed to take all ready, without this additional major headache. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, here we R again, and U can make millions in the market, as it never will stop, not as long as these bitches have me to horrifically persecute and abuse so despicably, U know, they have no conscience at all, they R not human, humans could never pull off something this incredible. And people have UFOLOGY so totally misunderstood it is not a bit funny. Who do these idiot UFO fans think is covering up this fudginglucykenny phase 4 stuff to start with????????? Karen, unlike the year 2000, I will not suffer through this medical nightmare again, it opens up a perfect lawsuit 4 me against both the government nark controllers and the medical office handling my case, UR my witness, but at a later time, I will bring U up 2 speed in detail, so if I get sick and go into coma, and of course cannot ever B released through death, U can possibly witness it all and if I somehow miraculously survive completely, I will sue and if no lawyer will take the case, I am not under any legal prohibition against filing against said parties involved in causing me pain and suffering, mental anguish, loss of pay and job, and or whatever may result from all of this in a worse case scenario. KS, I will live and get this wormhole on Tennessee Avenue, in Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA, Earth, Sol, Milky Way Galaxy, exposed once and 4 all. All of man’s organized religion is at stake, this will not B an easy fight.
We both know that this all loops around and I remembered nearly all of this last time it is 1966, and next time it is 1966, I will remember even more, unless we R beyond the closed curve and R just repeating, but even then, there R ways of doing things, one such way to send a so-called signal into the next loop, just like out of TNG STAR TREK, TIME SQUARED episode. The best one is internet 4 me 4 now, as it will eventually move into the cosmocological reality by its very nature and the future itself. Remember, in my book from 1994, TPB, I did not say twenty oh one or twenty oh two, I proved 2 all of U sleazy shits that I have been here B4, and that indeed I do remember more and more of basic menus of what events will B chosen into the collective human interaction. Concentrically, I know that this is Y so many of UR indeed behind the intentional elimination covertly and cleverly done, but done none the less, of forever getting rid of what I have named HISTORY MARKERS. I have letters that explain Russell Thaxton; the murder of Ziggy, Pinky, and Al-S., all ready 2B mailed to the World Tribunal courts of The Hague, an area that has much of my published music as does Sweden and Germany, they do not despise me like this evil empire does, WITHOUT A CAUSE!!!!!!! Just in case some have joined in late and R not interested enough in reading my first of the 3-so-far-blogs of mine, called the Morianity Bible, I never go into all detail, but I do get into how a school mate, Russ, when we both were 15 years of age, drank an entire fifth of pure scotch, YUK, and walked in the dead of night from his town, Haddonfield, NJUSAESMWG, to the town 3 miles away called Oaklyn. This is where I resided with my mother, while my father was off of the Florida coast with Mel Fisher and Kip Wagner, on a treasure barge, sinking coffer damns and retrieving deep sea treasure from Spanish Galleons that sunk more than 4 centuries back in 4-D., using powerful military ‘borrowed’ magnetometers. To protect people from getting murdered even 2 this very day, I can only gloss over some of this, but Russ had just been child-molested by a special-ed teacher in his bedroom, and after she blow-jobbed him in his room, as he was staying in her house with her hubby and 3 children, yeah wild shit was normal back in the sixties and early seventies, it truly was another planet there. He seemed 2 know that my mom was out, on this school night at just past one AM. I told him the hole [whole] holy story of ACNJUSAESMWG, and the GREAT SARAH KRASSLE as I called her even back in 1969. I had written a sort of blog for those days, a journal kept in a locked strong box in my bedroom closet, and also kept there in that very same strong box, was the magical chain, that Sarah stole from me in a dream, and then it really was gone. Russ said it had 2B burned that bvery night, as it told all about the various miracles and things that I witnessed about this goddess JEHOVAH, the great SAR, ECK, LORD, whatever, what is in a name Shakespeare Rose?????????? Maybe a worm hole, who knows, Governor Benson? Keeping it forever light with levity, cheers beats tears, right toothless????????? Well in any event, without the soda or the shake, or the E at the end, my mother was soon to have a boss with this name, and Sarah and Paula to that very day R still making my life a living infinite fucking hell, poor poor pitiful me Linda Achilles Ronquick!!!!!!!!! Soon, by my standards, maybe not yours, 20 years 2 me ain’t freaking squat. Russ was given that blow job by Mrs. Goodfellow, to get him to come over and then to get me to tell him my horrific shit, and then he would tell me to burn the journal, that then I referred to and quite 4 a good reason, the BOOK OF BEACH.
I know that this planet was phase 4 invaded 100 years ago, and will tell and prove it to this world of faithless disbelievers if it takes me another 500 years, even the great Donna can relate 2 my promises, right princess??????????????
I sittith here at Ed’s pad doing the 22 blog. Some scumbag in a CIA/NSA/BFA private 2 motor job piss private plane is stalking me; it first flew crash level directly over Ed and me in my automobit
Le wwwwwwwwwwwwwwl, and I am under a serious computer hack attack American Civil Rights Union. I started to say that I was in my automobile with Ed Himacane at my residence, when this vicious attack occurred. Less than 3 miles down Route 30 westbound, the same plane Junker shit nearly scraped us off the road crossing over me again from basically north heading southbound. My civil liberties R being violated and all authorities permitting this to endlessly go on R every bit as complicit in this anti-constitutional crime. UP UP UP UP UP, goes the Dow Jones, to post all time record highs day after day, just like I told U all it would happen. I imagine nothing, nor do I predict anything, I absolutely know how PE-TEK works. This does not stand for Paula Evil Treacherous Enemy King, by the way. Siege bad today, and I will B getting on Magnesonic later on this day or evening, and again start crushing all wicked evil and diseased enemies that R making my pathetic innocent eternal endless miserable sub-vampiric existence, an endless fucking hell.
Last night I took Diana 2 a beautiful park in central woustern Ricktown, on the Astral Plane. We had the greatest time together, and no one can ever take my baby blond away from me, not McShitguire, or any of these sleazy dirt bags from the mayor on down.
Yesterday, early in the afternoon, some one or some thing did something to cause my right leg to B in major pain, and is barely mobile. It will fix itself, all things will, no one can permanently hurt nor kill me, U can all burn up in agonizing Dogtown for 1000 minnin-kalpa. Let’s C, so far, my leg, aerial siege, compuker hacking, loud blotorsuckles, and the worst thing of course, the ongoing [KING] domestic troubles, here at Ed’s. These scum bag Millionth Council invaders whenever U use a phone, R automatically invited into the equation, they own the world of RADIO FREQUENCY, I’ll say it over and over until U wanna puke from listening 2 it!!!!!!!!!
The formulas that I sent UR all enclosed, included with them, is my full personal story of my nightmare interactions with the area surrounding this energy sucking thing, in Atlantic City, NJUSAESMWG. The microfilm stuff that was sent once to a mister Kaplan from Philadelphia 31 years ago almost, shows hyper density field theory, and contains photos of working models created by me at the time, and how I can prove that this controlled field of knuron energy on frequencies from 1.673 times 10 to XPO#53-XPO#54, megahertz at varying Kelvin temps ranging at 0.003 degrees, tolerances 3.1027%., switching to 2.7K 1:169502 at Event Horizons and 1:183304, is precisely mid-pointed at 65 feet from the front door at Robert McGuire’s bar, down the street, and then 54 feet into the lot, and then roughly 25 feet in altitude. The other proof I have that this is active is project numbers from 177 ATC shows irrefutable documentation that they have been closely and very carefully monitoring this thing and its effects over the near ocean areas, especially around the time when my search to find the owner’s granddaughter or her cousin, roughly 10-12 years back in 4-D.
I will B trading B4 the week is out, on some index that basically follows the Dow 30 Industrial stocks. U will no longer go up without putting big fucking bucks in my bank account, time to B a millionaire. Of course we both know that in a short march of days or weeks, it will go way down if I do, just as the other times I tried this in the past. What I will do in the casino with Mr. Himacane is simpler, I place minimum roulette bets, the wheel spins, and right away he puts a much larger chip value cover bet on the reverse of my outside bet. Remember, there R6 outside bets, the RED/BLACK, ODD/EVEN, LOW/HIGH. If the minimum table bet is 10 bucks, I randomly choose 2 bet 10 bucks on HIGH, the wheel spins, and Ed places a black buck chip on the LOW. We will play when the Dow Jones is trading, the Phillies R playing, or the Flyers R playing, and 5 out of 7 bets will forever lose 4 me, as 5 out of every 7 outcomes in the parallel event go the evil empire’s way and against me, and this gets reflected into anything that I try to do, such as placing a simple bet down on a roulette layout in a casino. It works even at home on paper when no money is at stake, and works just as well in the real world games at the freaking casinos. Keep fudging around with me Luc. Oh, and by the way, error on prior blog, not Apollop, but Apollo-Lucifer.
U promised me I would never have the problem again with my medication, they will not let me get through to you, and since U have my website address, hopefully U follow my flogging occasionally. Doctor Sumner is making me come back in 3 months, and I can only hope then, she will keep me going. This is shades pf Doctor Addiego all over again, and U gave me your word I’d not have 2 go through this nightmare again, as I did back in 2000. The way they act at the desk, I am beginning 2 seriously doubt that you will ever return from medical leave of absence, and am very concerned. U know they can get at me and legally murder me this way and get away with it, please do not let these evil bastards put me through more hell, I am going through more than any human was ever designed to take all ready, without this additional major headache. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, here we R again, and U can make millions in the market, as it never will stop, not as long as these bitches have me to horrifically persecute and abuse so despicably, U know, they have no conscience at all, they R not human, humans could never pull off something this incredible. And people have UFOLOGY so totally misunderstood it is not a bit funny. Who do these idiot UFO fans think is covering up this fudginglucykenny phase 4 stuff to start with????????? Karen, unlike the year 2000, I will not suffer through this medical nightmare again, it opens up a perfect lawsuit 4 me against both the government nark controllers and the medical office handling my case, UR my witness, but at a later time, I will bring U up 2 speed in detail, so if I get sick and go into coma, and of course cannot ever B released through death, U can possibly witness it all and if I somehow miraculously survive completely, I will sue and if no lawyer will take the case, I am not under any legal prohibition against filing against said parties involved in causing me pain and suffering, mental anguish, loss of pay and job, and or whatever may result from all of this in a worse case scenario. KS, I will live and get this wormhole on Tennessee Avenue, in Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA, Earth, Sol, Milky Way Galaxy, exposed once and 4 all. All of man’s organized religion is at stake, this will not B an easy fight.
We both know that this all loops around and I remembered nearly all of this last time it is 1966, and next time it is 1966, I will remember even more, unless we R beyond the closed curve and R just repeating, but even then, there R ways of doing things, one such way to send a so-called signal into the next loop, just like out of TNG STAR TREK, TIME SQUARED episode. The best one is internet 4 me 4 now, as it will eventually move into the cosmocological reality by its very nature and the future itself. Remember, in my book from 1994, TPB, I did not say twenty oh one or twenty oh two, I proved 2 all of U sleazy shits that I have been here B4, and that indeed I do remember more and more of basic menus of what events will B chosen into the collective human interaction. Concentrically, I know that this is Y so many of UR indeed behind the intentional elimination covertly and cleverly done, but done none the less, of forever getting rid of what I have named HISTORY MARKERS. I have letters that explain Russell Thaxton; the murder of Ziggy, Pinky, and Al-S., all ready 2B mailed to the World Tribunal courts of The Hague, an area that has much of my published music as does Sweden and Germany, they do not despise me like this evil empire does, WITHOUT A CAUSE!!!!!!! Just in case some have joined in late and R not interested enough in reading my first of the 3-so-far-blogs of mine, called the Morianity Bible, I never go into all detail, but I do get into how a school mate, Russ, when we both were 15 years of age, drank an entire fifth of pure scotch, YUK, and walked in the dead of night from his town, Haddonfield, NJUSAESMWG, to the town 3 miles away called Oaklyn. This is where I resided with my mother, while my father was off of the Florida coast with Mel Fisher and Kip Wagner, on a treasure barge, sinking coffer damns and retrieving deep sea treasure from Spanish Galleons that sunk more than 4 centuries back in 4-D., using powerful military ‘borrowed’ magnetometers. To protect people from getting murdered even 2 this very day, I can only gloss over some of this, but Russ had just been child-molested by a special-ed teacher in his bedroom, and after she blow-jobbed him in his room, as he was staying in her house with her hubby and 3 children, yeah wild shit was normal back in the sixties and early seventies, it truly was another planet there. He seemed 2 know that my mom was out, on this school night at just past one AM. I told him the hole [whole] holy story of ACNJUSAESMWG, and the GREAT SARAH KRASSLE as I called her even back in 1969. I had written a sort of blog for those days, a journal kept in a locked strong box in my bedroom closet, and also kept there in that very same strong box, was the magical chain, that Sarah stole from me in a dream, and then it really was gone. Russ said it had 2B burned that bvery night, as it told all about the various miracles and things that I witnessed about this goddess JEHOVAH, the great SAR, ECK, LORD, whatever, what is in a name Shakespeare Rose?????????? Maybe a worm hole, who knows, Governor Benson? Keeping it forever light with levity, cheers beats tears, right toothless????????? Well in any event, without the soda or the shake, or the E at the end, my mother was soon to have a boss with this name, and Sarah and Paula to that very day R still making my life a living infinite fucking hell, poor poor pitiful me Linda Achilles Ronquick!!!!!!!!! Soon, by my standards, maybe not yours, 20 years 2 me ain’t freaking squat. Russ was given that blow job by Mrs. Goodfellow, to get him to come over and then to get me to tell him my horrific shit, and then he would tell me to burn the journal, that then I referred to and quite 4 a good reason, the BOOK OF BEACH.
I know that this planet was phase 4 invaded 100 years ago, and will tell and prove it to this world of faithless disbelievers if it takes me another 500 years, even the great Donna can relate 2 my promises, right princess??????????????
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