Monday, April 30, 2007


If I ever learn how to properly make font changes and feel comfortable with creating documents with proper highlighting using bigger size or darker printed or both or wghatever, I will stop using my capitalizations, please bear with me, as I am not intentionally “shouting” by capitalizing, even though internet edicate says that I am. The siege is off the scale. These filth ball OTAMMITE INCESTRALLITE DIRT BAG SUBSCUM are freaking pooring it on. Kemtrails R all over everywhere, they R hitting me with covert death beams or whatever subsonic weaponry they drive and fly around me with, aiming it at me and cramping me severely, causing intesnsely painful diahreah. If I am found dead, I WAS MURDERED BY ALL MENTIONED PREVIOUSLY ENEMIES FROM ATLANTIC CITY, NJUSAESMWG, TRUMP, SCUMMER, CLARK, SNYDER, MCGUIRE, AND ALL DIRT HOLE ENEMIES IN THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT AND THE UNITED STATES MILITARY. Again, and in total reiteration and truth, it is not THE US gov and mil, it is certain very high ranking dogs from top doggie on down, but not all ofem, and the powers are both in the political and clerical arenas. They do not like for one astral mimper, a private citizen, being able to directly communicate with diety, and it scares them and pisses them off BIG TIME, and well it should, as very soon, this world as U all know it will B altered again, every bit as big as the 60’s and 70;s world merged and metamorphized into the world of the twenty-oh’s.

I am not going to even pretend that one days blog could put a serious dent into catshit, but I do intend 2 open some doors today, that I know lots of the “THEM’S and THEY’S” would much like kept closed, bolted, and gated for ever and freaking ever, sahwee, U call the shuts, bra, keep messin’ with me, and no secret will B untold by the end of this decade, and dat, U can B sure!!!!!!! I do not threate, I EXPOSE. I do not intimidate, I incarserate. Three individuals over the past 30 years, I personally hhave put in jail, had them indicted by grand juries of the great county of CAMDEN in NJUSAESMWG, and I do not play. U can mess with me all U want, sooner or later, U WILL go down, and I am talking about within the law, I believe all lawbreakers R2B punished. Even after all I have suffered through, should I snap and take the law into my own hands, I would B every bit as much in deserving the appropriate punishments, as any one else, no martter what the circumstances. I personally think criminal justice is too much like the tax code, and if I was king of the world, it would get blatantly simple overnight. You make this, you pay that. You do this, and you get that, I really do not give a flying fuck if you were abused, or any other mitigating circumstances. That is all cop outs and bull smells as far as I am concerned. Lets put our dern cards on the table. Stacey knows it, U cannot hide a thing. Yeah, there R some people right now that I would hjust love to take out in the pine barrens and slowly do them in aganizingly. But I was brought up by good old fashioned Christian parents that were not one bit afraid to introduce me to wall number 1, number 2, and yes number 3, oh and did I mention good ol’ wall #4. Yes, I learned to get well acquanited with them all untyil one day, I learned to say yes sir, no mam, and obey rules, laws, and have the necessary respect 4 those that have authorithy over me. This is the good world that I was brought up in. Here, the Columbines did not ever think of being a reality, nor did the Virginia Teck’s. The worst I had 2 worry about on the way home from school was facing the toughest bully or bullies, and getting a split lip. Awwww!!!!!!!! But no more, noqw we cannot feel safe to leave our under 18 kids alone outside in their own yard for a millisecond. This is not the world I lived in once, my world was thermonuclearly bombed out of existence, or it may as well have been, it is all gone forever, RIGHT???????????? The siege started Sunday, not that it ever is really, NOT SIEGE, but it does back off slightly from time 2 time. But Stacey gave permission for Diana 2 come and visit me on the human realm at my work site, and after she made beautiful ribbons of green and purple lighning right over my work site, the clouds vanished, and Stacey sent me her lovely rainbow right over me, and it vanished almost instantly upon my looking up and waving and saying to the great I AM, thank you. This was 2 let me know she cared enough 2 send the very best, like the ad on TV says so perfectly. But 1 minute after the rainbow was gone,k the evil wicked cultscum demonic MILITUFORCE LAMBRIGGERS struck me. The Brigbase sent a huge fighter jet boggie tright over my car, totally zenithing me at crash level, they do not want private citizens directly in xcommunications with any “extra-T” deities, it is permissible to mass worship them in church buildings, but get 2 know them up close and very persinal, and let the powers in this evil empire view it on their GLOBAL POSITIONING SATELLITES, and U have had it bra!!!!!! All day today, it was hell beyond words. They woke me early with a crash level zenithing private BLACK FILE AGHENCY plane ocer my residence, in total violation, ACLU, OF MY CIVIL, HUMAN, AND CONSTITUTIONAL R I G H T S!!!!!! Kemtrails R everywhere, loud shit blotorsuckles R all over like flies on catshit, and the harasement is so intense, that is defies logic how no one that it is not meant 4, does not also become aware that something un natural and twistedly sick is going on all around me and them as well, all though they R not the direct targets, it defies fucking logic how tghis can B real!!!!!!!!I am now opening a closet door called ELETRONIC METAPHYSICS AND PHASE 4 REALITY. Remember the movie anyone old enough to legally buy a pack of smokes at the local WAWA without an ID card, THE GREAT LOS ANGELES EARTHQUAKE, with that lovely blond, and Governor Muscles’ wife, Maria S? Within a tiny march of days after it aired and was released, and after a century almost of no really super major quakes there, boom, first comes the bog L.A. quake, and soon to follow, right in the middle of the World Series baseball game at Candlestick Park, the great FRISCO QUAKE. Now if every time something is recorded and a movie is made or a CD or musical recording, etcetera, it brought the event into being, we all qwould B aware of the pheniominom, and would definitely as a society, would be intensely researching and studying it, with our greatest scientific minds on the job 24/7 and then some, am I right? So Y the on and off againism 2 all this mystery????? First, “they” do not want things 2B observed, only enlightened individuals have clue number point oh one to any of these closet doors and what sdecretly lies within them. Did not Mayor Bob Levy himself, say there is nothing to his crap, until somebody finally up and ripped his closet apart? U haven’t started 2 hear anything on this, just hold on tight there cat-tail lady from Tilton Road!!!!!!!!!!!! Back a bit to the OJ SYNDROME, as I personally label it.The old Medical Center show had an episode called “THE LAST 10 YARDS” with Orange Juice Simpson and Ed Asner, and of course my pal, the doc, Joseph Alluwishes Gannon- played by and I know his name very well, but am taking a major ETTOS attack and cannot pull it up at the moment. Anyway, OJ rips the phone off of a wall in his apartment house where he and his lovely wife Sue Wiley R living. Then he pushes her down onto the floor of the building hallway as she looks up at him saying, “BRU?”. Shades of 1995 and the grerat OJ case, NO????????????? Clome on, do not kid yourself, there is something to all of this, and that something is called PHASE 4 BEINGS EXISTING IN OUR PHYSICAL WORLD. They can only live here in our realm as ideas and plots to shows and books and so forth, but U cannot see the atom either. Ga’head and tell me atoms aren’t real, just go ahead. Nagasaki and Hiroshima Japan will veheminantly argue the point with U I can assure U of that. Let us look at Henry Semple in the school shooting episode on the greatest TV trial and law show since Perry Mason, LAW AND ORDER. Where did his parents live B4 bringing him to New York City 4 the gods sake? Virginia, go ahead, watch the show. So Y doesn’t every time, this thing work in a precise order? First, get into the study og Quantum Dynamics, which proves what I knew all along, that the electron is intelligent and not truly random, as certain ones will pass through screens and others will not, and 4 reasons that show some parallel example but too complex to detail at this moment, that the on again off again thing does not prove that when it is on, it is coincidental. If a bully in school decides to randomly pick on your kid on certain days of the calendar that he or she checks off in his or her bedroom, and never lets a soul in on this method of bullyism, on the days that he or she screws with your kid, is that random as far as the bullying? Man, wake the fucksheets up and smell the coffee stinking awat in the kitchen, don’t stay endlessly a Bunker Queens Deadhead, Archie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We will open the next closet on Queens and Kings in a minute, but these 2 closets have so many secrets in them, tio even infer that a lifetime is sufficient time to explain it all, would B a major deception on my part. I will ask U to review my first of the 3 blogs on and it is called MORIANITY BIBLE. I told you all how John King told me to hose myself off on the beach, and was way out of line getting personal with me, a perfect stranger to him, telling me to do things that he had no business in the world telling me to do. He kept saying OK, OK, OK, over and over again. Now go to your google and google up MAYOR LEVY, later I will give the blog and website, the precise HTTP address, for a 4 page report on NOVEMBER the 10th of last year, oh six, talking about his green beret stuff being a fraud. He honorbly served our country, and do not care to debate why he did this, as I probably am the only person alive who really understands it, do not blame him, something similar happened to me at precisely the same time that the issue first came up, and both of us took what we had and ran, because it made us feel like a millio bucks. The smart people know I am talking about my demons and his demons, my demons had no N in them, and his did, but ETTOS is powerful, and wanting 2 feel greater than U all ready R is a very simple thing 4 alien entities 2 influence upon us, and even get us to take stupid actions when we know better all along not to do it, as it is a fraud, and yet, when someone is given the keys to kngdoms, it is hard to say sometimes to a worldd that beleives U have what U do not have, that something strange is going on. It is simpler and feels nicer, to go with it, never questioning the bigger picture, that down the road is always a hell to B paid, demons or demos!!!!!!!!! I am the one son of a bitch sir, your HONOR, who understands what is inside your soul on this matter, more than your own kids and family, even your long term buddy ex-mayor Jimmy W. No they do not understand this, but we do, am I right kind sir, or do I lie, ol’ beach ex body surfer bud!!?????????!!!!!? No, the facts R the facts, and human shit and what is inside us, as is biblically spoken, is ugly and twisted. We do not admit even to ourselves half the time, what lies deep under the consciousness or very moset surface layers of 6th dimensional reception, [THOUGHT]. But phase 4 entities, in order 4U2 properly get the picture, it workd=s like void infinity, U must learn to think in reverse, to even get a small tiny bit of a clue as far as clarity, maybe never full understanding, but to begin seeing any of these truths, U must first see that U exist at void infinity, then dream out and away into astral existence. On this plane or realm, U try more dreaming aways, as we tend 2 yearn 4 a more physical experience, even though we totally know the pain is real here in our dreams, and that we will face age and death and horiffic sick twisted shit of all sorts and natures, but still we wish to dream downward into physicallity, and if we do not attempt to brake out of a pre-set mold that is built into it all by 7th dimensional lawtrons, we do indeed make it, dreaming in all over hyperspace, all throughout the various inter dimensional worlds of existences, throughout the 4 dimensions of space time. But along comes Jenny Johnson or Clark Kent, and it is set up not to work. This is why monsters and super people, all of it, remains fictional and sci-fi, it violates the absolute law, [LAWTRONICS] that keep it from everm being a reality here in phase three physicallity. More on this later, as to exactly how phase 4 life entities literally come 2B in and through all of us in phase three, or regular human beings. 5555555555555555555555555555555555, I hate seeing ones anywhere on clocks, and love 5’s, and got screwed out of seeing the 5:55P.M. a few minpers ago, so allow me please to print them on this web document, so as to attempt to compensate. As the song says, SUDDENLY IC, and that is just what happens, let it be on a VCR or a DVD counter, a clock, boom, out of nowhere, every time, the more I try to escape it, the more futility is built into the equation, as bang, I just look up 4 no apparent reason, and instantly there it is, the damn song was cosmically written 4 me for crissake.UR not immagining all these things out there, people, UR simply NOT. But now 4 the off part of this on again off again finnigan, as the old adage goes: If I am on the astral plane attempting to either visit in a projection, a heavy body world on the material realms, or literally fall out of my astrallithy and begin 2 dream a dream that I get born a little baby screaming with snot pouring out of my face, this is the beginning of the dream, and the dream comes complete with its own built in agreeing and interactive world all around it, Mr. Richie, TTZ. If I want to B superman, now I phase through sort of a 7th dimensional shift, and am given choices to dial it back here and there, and if I keep choosing to dream in things that violate the lawtronics, I move in not as a baby getting born or conceived, it matters niether believe me but as it is a hot issue, end topic, but back on point, now I must go into allready existing dreamers and share interaction with them. I get to live through them, and they remain always in control. I can attempt 2 influence dreamers 2 make this or that choice, but all the demonic posession stuff is pure fiction. Now the electromagnetic spectrum has frequncies unimmaginable to most physically existing people. These freaks are not only way out there such as one times ten to the plus or minus fortieth power cycles per second, but R combinations of both pitched harmonics that astrallites refer 2 as natural blend sonics, as well as the un-natural blend sonics, which R, put quite simply, if it was in the very narrow range of true human sound, a mere maximum of ten octaves, would sound much as a cat walking accross a piano or an average kid with no talent nor lessons, pretending to play a piano. But B not fooled, as un-natual sonic blends and natural ones, both, make up strange combofreaks , responcible for the separation of phasing from 3 into 4, or back into 3 if an entity in lawtronic flux, should wish 2 reconsider fitting more uniformly into the acceptable and permitted patterns and limits 4 the phase 3 entity to interact properly on this physical plane. Simply put and being up front and totally honest, is Y here in the real world, if U believe in ghosts and vampires and monsters and space aliens, U simply and impolitely put, R considered 2B nuts. There R no such things within phase 3 limits. Now the phase 4 of energy really existing in the ideas and immaginations and fantacies of people’s minds, should not B laughed at and discounted as silly nor unimportant. Energy is real, and purer kerlian types unlike burning paper and turning the mass of the paper into a crude low frequency energy is parsecs away from truer energy being referred to by me herein. When the Earthquake movie was made, certain characters from the astral worlds wished to dream into the physical plane, and were not permitted by the lawtrons to do so, hence the characters became interactors of phase three, or regular human beings alive on the Earth realm, playing parts in a movie under contract in Hollywood, CAUSAESMWG, and it really is true, and just this simple, sample, semple, L&O. OK, so Y did the the show bring about the 2 big California quakes, and Y did OJ Simpson happen a quarter century after he made the episode on Medical Center, CHAD EVERETT, played Doc. Gannon, the 6th dimension just released my blocked Ettosian channel? Y the VT massacre following the Henry Semple kid on Law & Order, and he was supposedly from Virginia B4 attending the GMHS in Manhatten? And the biggest Y, Y not all the time? Y the L&O MAYOR and giving back the medals episode, following shortly with Mayor Levy of ACNJUSAESMWG? But Y not another episode coming into reality? Well, time is not over yet by the way and who knows what will happen in the future, as I told Mayor Levy back in ’97 when he said to me “CU next season” as I walked off the beach the last day of the guarded season that year. But no, not all will ever come in. Those that come in R in perfect harmony, those that do not make it into reality following the kerlian energetic patterns one phasing underneath, R not in perfect harmony, in their frequency combinations, and sound like the cat on the piano, verses a beautiful tear jerking sonata played by the Boston Pops. So can astrral entities intentionally bring themselves into realities and violate phaseing laws set in stone on the 7th dimension? YES. There R indeed some powerful entities, and one used me in order to create his existence. His name is SHORTY MACINVONDI, from a place called the Treneeshacris Circles in the capitol province on the phase two realities called OLYMPIA. His friend for quintillions of kalpas is Professor Theodore Telmore Andrew Jackson, also from TCOP,AP. Someday, the story of how these fine gents used me to bring them 2 life will come out, just call me Doc Frank. Today was no ordinary day 4 me not just because of siege. I no longer need to keep saying Dow Jones UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UPUP as UR the retard of the century if U do not get it yet, translation, PET IS REAL, PARALLEL EVENT TECHNOLOGY. But my problems, although tied to this fucking PET thing, go way beyond, and R all headquartered totally in ATLANTIC CITY, NJUSAESMWG!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway,, I will give U on my #15 blog the direct HTTP address, but google up Mayor Bob Levy and the issue regarding the GREEN BERET thing, and see how the OK,OK,OK, thing, ties in. When I tell U these people intimidate, threaten and wreck people’s lives, am I really such a freaking liar, B honest, am I, it is all right there in black and white 4 all 2C, suddenly, suddenly Shields Susan, or snot not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, she is grown and on her own and we were but 10 and now we’re old, and rip off town and Highview Tooth Fairie Overweight Jenny 20 Cheers, can it really all B just one big fat Jack McCoy coincidence? Would McCoy from L&O really buy tyhat 4 a mimper????????? No this day is 27 years after 1980, this is the night 27 years ago that I moved into 1802 Thief in Hell [Robin Hill] Apts. In Voorhees Twp, NJUSAESMWG, and I didn’t move in there 4 a screaching LARK. 27 years after the last day on the NJ Transit bus that night just past ten at night on Arkansas Avenue in ACNJUSAESMWG, was in 1997, and my trip to Carlisle, PAUSAESMWG, from the previous June, started my search for the great Sarah Krassle here on Earth, to really heat up big time.27 is the name-number of the electron in her true existence on the astral plane, DZA. 27 is major as is the night I moved into Thief-in-Hell, in whoresqueeze Blew Jerksey, no not on PRETON, but on 4th and PRESTON Avenue, the famous N was hacked out by machine mind on a prior blog, as U can C4 yourself. Today, I learned that there was a huge reason 4 my meeting Eddie Himacane at the HAMMONTON, NJUSAESMWG LIBRARY, late last springtime in oh-six. I learned through BERTHA, his grandmother, things I needed to learn, right now, not in the next week or 3 months down into the 4th. Yes, the neighbor upstairs, is cousinry connected to all of my Atlantic City people. Donna does a great job on the morning of May one, 27 years ago, belting out my lyrics, THE MORNING LIGHT, [TML]. But the morning light is the same thing as DAWN, and Paula is a cousin to a cousin, and there R 2 John Kings, cousins, one is not dreaming here in current space time 4-D, and his parking lot on Tennessee Avenue shows the memorial sign, not the memorial day of 1969 that is referred 2 in many prior blogging work by me. The guy at the nmagical green and white building at 101 Boardwalk, is the living cousin. Dawn, who is a breath away from jail, is related, and there is cousin Sarah-Jane. Dawn’s mom, Ann, the nicest lady in the world, cannot say enough good about her, as all of this really does break my hear, as her daughter’s husband tried to hang himself right here in this very building last weekend, back 8 days ago in 4-D. Ann worked at the TRINIDAD, for Tahren and Rieka Ghandi, long after Al Soifer was ‘done away with’. Galloping Zigmund Malyeska cancer and Robert Pincus, my right eyeball!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow, so it seems Birtha, the magic lady as Ed refers 2 her as from time 2 time, got me to meet her grandson, Eddie at the Library, go to Pictures, at my site, and see the place up on my site. I now am only cracking the new surfaces in my large super search and quest to find the great I AM, the GREAT SARAH-STACEY JEHOVAH KARGE KRASSLE. Once I find her and tell her who she is, and she gets back her knowledge and memories cvonsciously, this world will C things way 2 far out 4 me 2 tell, I do not threaten anyone, I speak GSSPEL TRUTH, BEWARE THE JUDGEMENT OF THE ALL MIGHTY, BRIGGERS. Today, 27 years after the night I moved in and got up the following morning to cut those 2 dance tunes, there is no chance timing this perfect. This is all part of Sarah-Stacey’s perfect plan, and closet doors R about 2 get blown right off their freaking hinges real damn soon, and the world will know it, just as fast as I learn it. The gods pity U evil scummy Milituforce dirt bags, when my Stacey comes to THAT BOY’S aid, wo, UR done, SON!!!!!!!!!!!!


If I ever learn how to properly make font changes and feel comfortable with creating documents with proper highlighting using bigger size or darker printed or both or wghatever, I will stop using my capitalizations, please bear with me, as I am not intentionally “shouting” by capitalizing, even though internet edicate says that I am. The siege is off the scale. These filth ball OTAMMITE INCESTRALLITE DIRT BAG SUBSCUM are freaking pooring it on. Kemtrails R all over everywhere, they R hitting me with covert death beams or whatever subsonic weaponry they drive and fly around me with, aiming it at me and cramping me severely, causing intesnsely painful diahreah. If I am found dead, I WAS MURDERED BY ALL MENTIONED PREVIOUSLY ENEMIES FROM ATLANTIC CITY, NJUSAESMWG, TRUMP, SCUMMER, CLARK, SNYDER, MCGUIRE, AND ALL DIRT HOLE ENEMIES IN THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT AND THE UNITED STATES MILITARY. Again, and in total reiteration and truth, it is not THE US gov and mil, it is certain very high ranking dogs from top doggie on down, but not all ofem, and the powers are both in the political and clerical arenas. They do not like for one astral mimper, a private citizen, being able to directly communicate with diety, and it scares them and pisses them off BIG TIME, and well it should, as very soon, this world as U all know it will B altered again, every bit as big as the 60’s and 70;s world merged and metamorphized into the world of the twenty-oh’s.

I am not going to even pretend that one days blog could put a serious dent into catshit, but I do intend 2 open some doors today, that I know lots of the “THEM’S and THEY’S” would much like kept closed, bolted, and gated for ever and freaking ever, sahwee, U call the shuts, bra, keep messin’ with me, and no secret will B untold by the end of this decade, and dat, U can B sure!!!!!!! I do not threate, I EXPOSE. I do not intimidate, I incarserate. Three individuals over the past 30 years, I personally hhave put in jail, had them indicted by grand juries of the great county of CAMDEN in NJUSAESMWG, and I do not play. U can mess with me all U want, sooner or later, U WILL go down, and I am talking about within the law, I believe all lawbreakers R2B punished. Even after all I have suffered through, should I snap and take the law into my own hands, I would B every bit as much in deserving the appropriate punishments, as any one else, no martter what the circumstances. I personally think criminal justice is too much like the tax code, and if I was king of the world, it would get blatantly simple overnight. You make this, you pay that. You do this, and you get that, I really do not give a flying fuck if you were abused, or any other mitigating circumstances. That is all cop outs and bull smells as far as I am concerned. Lets put our dern cards on the table. Stacey knows it, U cannot hide a thing. Yeah, there R some people right now that I would hjust love to take out in the pine barrens and slowly do them in aganizingly. But I was brought up by good old fashioned Christian parents that were not one bit afraid to introduce me to wall number 1, number 2, and yes number 3, oh and did I mention good ol’ wall #4. Yes, I learned to get well acquanited with them all untyil one day, I learned to say yes sir, no mam, and obey rules, laws, and have the necessary respect 4 those that have authorithy over me. This is the good world that I was brought up in. Here, the Columbines did not ever think of being a reality, nor did the Virginia Teck’s. The worst I had 2 worry about on the way home from school was facing the toughest bully or bullies, and getting a split lip. Awwww!!!!!!!! But no more, noqw we cannot feel safe to leave our under 18 kids alone outside in their own yard for a millisecond. This is not the world I lived in once, my world was thermonuclearly bombed out of existence, or it may as well have been, it is all gone forever, RIGHT???????????? The siege started Sunday, not that it ever is really, NOT SIEGE, but it does back off slightly from time 2 time. But Stacey gave permission for Diana 2 come and visit me on the human realm at my work site, and after she made beautiful ribbons of green and purple lighning right over my work site, the clouds vanished, and Stacey sent me her lovely rainbow right over me, and it vanished almost instantly upon my looking up and waving and saying to the great I AM, thank you. This was 2 let me know she cared enough 2 send the very best, like the ad on TV says so perfectly. But 1 minute after the rainbow was gone,k the evil wicked cultscum demonic MILITUFORCE LAMBRIGGERS struck me. The Brigbase sent a huge fighter jet boggie tright over my car, totally zenithing me at crash level, they do not want private citizens directly in xcommunications with any “extra-T” deities, it is permissible to mass worship them in church buildings, but get 2 know them up close and very persinal, and let the powers in this evil empire view it on their GLOBAL POSITIONING SATELLITES, and U have had it bra!!!!!! All day today, it was hell beyond words. They woke me early with a crash level zenithing private BLACK FILE AGHENCY plane ocer my residence, in total violation, ACLU, OF MY CIVIL, HUMAN, AND CONSTITUTIONAL R I G H T S!!!!!! Kemtrails R everywhere, loud shit blotorsuckles R all over like flies on catshit, and the harasement is so intense, that is defies logic how no one that it is not meant 4, does not also become aware that something un natural and twistedly sick is going on all around me and them as well, all though they R not the direct targets, it defies fucking logic how tghis can B real!!!!!!!!I am now opening a closet door called ELETRONIC METAPHYSICS AND PHASE 4 REALITY. Remember the movie anyone old enough to legally buy a pack of smokes at the local WAWA without an ID card, THE GREAT LOS ANGELES EARTHQUAKE, with that lovely blond, and Governor Muscles’ wife, Maria S? Within a tiny march of days after it aired and was released, and after a century almost of no really super major quakes there, boom, first comes the bog L.A. quake, and soon to follow, right in the middle of the World Series baseball game at Candlestick Park, the great FRISCO QUAKE. Now if every time something is recorded and a movie is made or a CD or musical recording, etcetera, it brought the event into being, we all qwould B aware of the pheniominom, and would definitely as a society, would be intensely researching and studying it, with our greatest scientific minds on the job 24/7 and then some, am I right? So Y the on and off againism 2 all this mystery????? First, “they” do not want things 2B observed, only enlightened individuals have clue number point oh one to any of these closet doors and what sdecretly lies within them. Did not Mayor Bob Levy himself, say there is nothing to his crap, until somebody finally up and ripped his closet apart? U haven’t started 2 hear anything on this, just hold on tight there cat-tail lady from Tilton Road!!!!!!!!!!!! Back a bit to the OJ SYNDROME, as I personally label it.The old Medical Center show had an episode called “THE LAST 10 YARDS” with Orange Juice Simpson and Ed Asner, and of course my pal, the doc, Joseph Alluwishes Gannon- played by and I know his name very well, but am taking a major ETTOS attack and cannot pull it up at the moment. Anyway, OJ rips the phone off of a wall in his apartment house where he and his lovely wife Sue Wiley R living. Then he pushes her down onto the floor of the building hallway as she looks up at him saying, “BRU?”. Shades of 1995 and the grerat OJ case, NO????????????? Clome on, do not kid yourself, there is something to all of this, and that something is called PHASE 4 BEINGS EXISTING IN OUR PHYSICAL WORLD. They can only live here in our realm as ideas and plots to shows and books and so forth, but U cannot see the atom either. Ga’head and tell me atoms aren’t real, just go ahead. Nagasaki and Hiroshima Japan will veheminantly argue the point with U I can assure U of that. Let us look at Henry Semple in the school shooting episode on the greatest TV trial and law show since Perry Mason, LAW AND ORDER. Where did his parents live B4 bringing him to New York City 4 the gods sake? Virginia, go ahead, watch the show. So Y doesn’t every time, this thing work in a precise order? First, get into the study og Quantum Dynamics, which proves what I knew all along, that the electron is intelligent and not truly random, as certain ones will pass through screens and others will not, and 4 reasons that show some parallel example but too complex to detail at this moment, that the on again off again thing does not prove that when it is on, it is coincidental. If a bully in school decides to randomly pick on your kid on certain days of the calendar that he or she checks off in his or her bedroom, and never lets a soul in on this method of bullyism, on the days that he or she screws with your kid, is that random as far as the bullying? Man, wake the fucksheets up and smell the coffee stinking awat in the kitchen, don’t stay endlessly a Bunker Queens Deadhead, Archie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We will open the next closet on Queens and Kings in a minute, but these 2 closets have so many secrets in them, tio even infer that a lifetime is sufficient time to explain it all, would B a major deception on my part. I will ask U to review my first of the 3 blogs on and it is called MORIANITY BIBLE. I told you all how John King told me to hose myself off on the beach, and was way out of line getting personal with me, a perfect stranger to him, telling me to do things that he had no business in the world telling me to do. He kept saying OK, OK, OK, over and over again. Now go to your google and google up MAYOR LEVY, later I will give the blog and website, the precise HTTP address, for a 4 page report on NOVEMBER the 10th of last year, oh six, talking about his green beret stuff being a fraud. He honorbly served our country, and do not care to debate why he did this, as I probably am the only person alive who really understands it, do not blame him, something similar happened to me at precisely the same time that the issue first came up, and both of us took what we had and ran, because it made us feel like a millio bucks. The smart people know I am talking about my demons and his demons, my demons had no N in them, and his did, but ETTOS is powerful, and wanting 2 feel greater than U all ready R is a very simple thing 4 alien entities 2 influence upon us, and even get us to take stupid actions when we know better all along not to do it, as it is a fraud, and yet, when someone is given the keys to kngdoms, it is hard to say sometimes to a worldd that beleives U have what U do not have, that something strange is going on. It is simpler and feels nicer, to go with it, never questioning the bigger picture, that down the road is always a hell to B paid, demons or demos!!!!!!!!! I am the one son of a bitch sir, your HONOR, who understands what is inside your soul on this matter, more than your own kids and family, even your long term buddy ex-mayor Jimmy W. No they do not understand this, but we do, am I right kind sir, or do I lie, ol’ beach ex body surfer bud!!?????????!!!!!? No, the facts R the facts, and human shit and what is inside us, as is biblically spoken, is ugly and twisted. We do not admit even to ourselves half the time, what lies deep under the consciousness or very moset surface layers of 6th dimensional reception, [THOUGHT]. But phase 4 entities, in order 4U2 properly get the picture, it workd=s like void infinity, U must learn to think in reverse, to even get a small tiny bit of a clue as far as clarity, maybe never full understanding, but to begin seeing any of these truths, U must first see that U exist at void infinity, then dream out and away into astral existence. On this plane or realm, U try more dreaming aways, as we tend 2 yearn 4 a more physical experience, even though we totally know the pain is real here in our dreams, and that we will face age and death and horiffic sick twisted shit of all sorts and natures, but still we wish to dream downward into physicallity, and if we do not attempt to brake out of a pre-set mold that is built into it all by 7th dimensional lawtrons, we do indeed make it, dreaming in all over hyperspace, all throughout the various inter dimensional worlds of existences, throughout the 4 dimensions of space time. But along comes Jenny Johnson or Clark Kent, and it is set up not to work. This is why monsters and super people, all of it, remains fictional and sci-fi, it violates the absolute law, [LAWTRONICS] that keep it from everm being a reality here in phase three physicallity. More on this later, as to exactly how phase 4 life entities literally come 2B in and through all of us in phase three, or regular human beings. 5555555555555555555555555555555555, I hate seeing ones anywhere on clocks, and love 5’s, and got screwed out of seeing the 5:55P.M. a few minpers ago, so allow me please to print them on this web document, so as to attempt to compensate. As the song says, SUDDENLY IC, and that is just what happens, let it be on a VCR or a DVD counter, a clock, boom, out of nowhere, every time, the more I try to escape it, the more futility is built into the equation, as bang, I just look up 4 no apparent reason, and instantly there it is, the damn song was cosmically written 4 me for crissake.UR not immagining all these things out there, people, UR simply NOT. But now 4 the off part of this on again off again finnigan, as the old adage goes: If I am on the astral plane attempting to either visit in a projection, a heavy body world on the material realms, or literally fall out of my astrallithy and begin 2 dream a dream that I get born a little baby screaming with snot pouring out of my face, this is the beginning of the dream, and the dream comes complete with its own built in agreeing and interactive world all around it, Mr. Richie, TTZ. If I want to B superman, now I phase through sort of a 7th dimensional shift, and am given choices to dial it back here and there, and if I keep choosing to dream in things that violate the lawtronics, I move in not as a baby getting born or conceived, it matters niether believe me but as it is a hot issue, end topic, but back on point, now I must go into allready existing dreamers and share interaction with them. I get to live through them, and they remain always in control. I can attempt 2 influence dreamers 2 make this or that choice, but all the demonic posession stuff is pure fiction. Now the electromagnetic spectrum has frequncies unimmaginable to most physically existing people. These freaks are not only way out there such as one times ten to the plus or minus fortieth power cycles per second, but R combinations of both pitched harmonics that astrallites refer 2 as natural blend sonics, as well as the un-natural blend sonics, which R, put quite simply, if it was in the very narrow range of true human sound, a mere maximum of ten octaves, would sound much as a cat walking accross a piano or an average kid with no talent nor lessons, pretending to play a piano. But B not fooled, as un-natual sonic blends and natural ones, both, make up strange combofreaks , responcible for the separation of phasing from 3 into 4, or back into 3 if an entity in lawtronic flux, should wish 2 reconsider fitting more uniformly into the acceptable and permitted patterns and limits 4 the phase 3 entity to interact properly on this physical plane. Simply put and being up front and totally honest, is Y here in the real world, if U believe in ghosts and vampires and monsters and space aliens, U simply and impolitely put, R considered 2B nuts. There R no such things within phase 3 limits. Now the phase 4 of energy really existing in the ideas and immaginations and fantacies of people’s minds, should not B laughed at and discounted as silly nor unimportant. Energy is real, and purer kerlian types unlike burning paper and turning the mass of the paper into a crude low frequency energy is parsecs away from truer energy being referred to by me herein. When the Earthquake movie was made, certain characters from the astral worlds wished to dream into the physical plane, and were not permitted by the lawtrons to do so, hence the characters became interactors of phase three, or regular human beings alive on the Earth realm, playing parts in a movie under contract in Hollywood, CAUSAESMWG, and it really is true, and just this simple, sample, semple, L&O. OK, so Y did the the show bring about the 2 big California quakes, and Y did OJ Simpson happen a quarter century after he made the episode on Medical Center, CHAD EVERETT, played Doc. Gannon, the 6th dimension just released my blocked Ettosian channel? Y the VT massacre following the Henry Semple kid on Law & Order, and he was supposedly from Virginia B4 attending the GMHS in Manhatten? And the biggest Y, Y not all the time? Y the L&O MAYOR and giving back the medals episode, following shortly with Mayor Levy of ACNJUSAESMWG? But Y not another episode coming into reality? Well, time is not over yet by the way and who knows what will happen in the future, as I told Mayor Levy back in ’97 when he said to me “CU next season” as I walked off the beach the last day of the guarded season that year. But no, not all will ever come in. Those that come in R in perfect harmony, those that do not make it into reality following the kerlian energetic patterns one phasing underneath, R not in perfect harmony, in their frequency combinations, and sound like the cat on the piano, verses a beautiful tear jerking sonata played by the Boston Pops. So can astrral entities intentionally bring themselves into realities and violate phaseing laws set in stone on the 7th dimension? YES. There R indeed some powerful entities, and one used me in order to create his existence. His name is SHORTY MACINVONDI, from a place called the Treneeshacris Circles in the capitol province on the phase two realities called OLYMPIA. His friend for quintillions of kalpas is Professor Theodore Telmore Andrew Jackson, also from TCOP,AP. Someday, the story of how these fine gents used me to bring them 2 life will come out, just call me Doc Frank. Today was no ordinary day 4 me not just because of siege. I no longer need to keep saying Dow Jones UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UPUP as UR the retard of the century if U do not get it yet, translation, PET IS REAL, PARALLEL EVENT TECHNOLOGY. But my problems, although tied to this fucking PET thing, go way beyond, and R all headquartered totally in ATLANTIC CITY, NJUSAESMWG!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway,, I will give U on my #15 blog the direct HTTP address, but google up Mayor Bob Levy and the issue regarding the GREEN BERET thing, and see how the OK,OK,OK, thing, ties in. When I tell U these people intimidate, threaten and wreck people’s lives, am I really such a freaking liar, B honest, am I, it is all right there in black and white 4 all 2C, suddenly, suddenly Shields Susan, or snot not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, she is grown and on her own and we were but 10 and now we’re old, and rip off town and Highview Tooth Fairie Overweight Jenny 20 Cheers, can it really all B just one big fat Jack McCoy coincidence? Would McCoy from L&O really buy tyhat 4 a mimper????????? No this day is 27 years after 1980, this is the night 27 years ago that I moved into 1802 Thief in Hell [Robin Hill] Apts. In Voorhees Twp, NJUSAESMWG, and I didn’t move in there 4 a screaching LARK. 27 years after the last day on the NJ Transit bus that night just past ten at night on Arkansas Avenue in ACNJUSAESMWG, was in 1997, and my trip to Carlisle, PAUSAESMWG, from the previous June, started my search for the great Sarah Krassle here on Earth, to really heat up big time.27 is the name-number of the electron in her true existence on the astral plane, DZA. 27 is major as is the night I moved into Thief-in-Hell, in whoresqueeze Blew Jerksey, no not on PRETON, but on 4th and PRESTON Avenue, the famous N was hacked out by machine mind on a prior blog, as U can C4 yourself. Today, I learned that there was a huge reason 4 my meeting Eddie Himacane at the HAMMONTON, NJUSAESMWG LIBRARY, late last springtime in oh-six. I learned through BERTHA, his grandmother, things I needed to learn, right now, not in the next week or 3 months down into the 4th. Yes, the neighbor upstairs, is cousinry connected to all of my Atlantic City people. Donna does a great job on the morning of May one, 27 years ago, belting out my lyrics, THE MORNING LIGHT, [TML]. But the morning light is the same thing as DAWN, and Paula is a cousin to a cousin, and there R 2 John Kings, cousins, one is not dreaming here in current space time 4-D, and his parking lot on Tennessee Avenue shows the memorial sign, not the memorial day of 1969 that is referred 2 in many prior blogging work by me. The guy at the nmagical green and white building at 101 Boardwalk, is the living cousin. Dawn, who is a breath away from jail, is related, and there is cousin Sarah-Jane. Dawn’s mom, Ann, the nicest lady in the world, cannot say enough good about her, as all of this really does break my hear, as her daughter’s husband tried to hang himself right here in this very building last weekend, back 8 days ago in 4-D. Ann worked at the TRINIDAD, for Tahren and Rieka Ghandi, long after Al Soifer was ‘done away with’. Galloping Zigmund Malyeska cancer and Robert Pincus, my right eyeball!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow, so it seems Birtha, the magic lady as Ed refers 2 her as from time 2 time, got me to meet her grandson, Eddie at the Library, go to Pictures, at my site, and see the place up on my site. I now am only cracking the new surfaces in my large super search and quest to find the great I AM, the GREAT SARAH-STACEY JEHOVAH KARGE KRASSLE. Once I find her and tell her who she is, and she gets back her knowledge and memories cvonsciously, this world will C things way 2 far out 4 me 2 tell, I do not threaten anyone, I speak GSSPEL TRUTH, BEWARE THE JUDGEMENT OF THE ALL MIGHTY, BRIGGERS. Today, 27 years after the night I moved in and got up the following morning to cut those 2 dance tunes, there is no chance timing this perfect. This is all part of Sarah-Stacey’s perfect plan, and closet doors R about 2 get blown right off their freaking hinges real damn soon, and the world will know it, just as fast as I learn it. The gods pity U evil scummy Milituforce dirt bags, when my Stacey comes to THAT BOY’S aid, wo, UR done, SON!!!!!!!!!!!!


If I ever learn how to properly make font changes and feel comfortable with creating documents with proper highlighting using bigger size or darker printed or both or wghatever, I will stop using my capitalizations, please bear with me, as I am not intentionally “shouting” by capitalizing, even though internet edicate says that I am. The siege is off the scale. These filth ball OTAMMITE INCESTRALLITE DIRT BAG SUBSCUM are freaking pooring it on. Kemtrails R all over everywhere, they R hitting me with covert death beams or whatever subsonic weaponry they drive and fly around me with, aiming it at me and cramping me severely, causing intesnsely painful diahreah. If I am found dead, I WAS MURDERED BY ALL MENTIONED PREVIOUSLY ENEMIES FROM ATLANTIC CITY, NJUSAESMWG, TRUMP, SCUMMER, CLARK, SNYDER, MCGUIRE, AND ALL DIRT HOLE ENEMIES IN THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT AND THE UNITED STATES MILITARY. Again, and in total reiteration and truth, it is not THE US gov and mil, it is certain very high ranking dogs from top doggie on down, but not all ofem, and the powers are both in the political and clerical arenas. They do not like for one astral mimper, a private citizen, being able to directly communicate with diety, and it scares them and pisses them off BIG TIME, and well it should, as very soon, this world as U all know it will B altered again, every bit as big as the 60’s and 70;s world merged and metamorphized into the world of the twenty-oh’s.

I am not going to even pretend that one days blog could put a serious dent into catshit, but I do intend 2 open some doors today, that I know lots of the “THEM’S and THEY’S” would much like kept closed, bolted, and gated for ever and freaking ever, sahwee, U call the shuts, bra, keep messin’ with me, and no secret will B untold by the end of this decade, and dat, U can B sure!!!!!!! I do not threate, I EXPOSE. I do not intimidate, I incarserate. Three individuals over the past 30 years, I personally hhave put in jail, had them indicted by grand juries of the great county of CAMDEN in NJUSAESMWG, and I do not play. U can mess with me all U want, sooner or later, U WILL go down, and I am talking about within the law, I believe all lawbreakers R2B punished. Even after all I have suffered through, should I snap and take the law into my own hands, I would B every bit as much in deserving the appropriate punishments, as any one else, no martter what the circumstances. I personally think criminal justice is too much like the tax code, and if I was king of the world, it would get blatantly simple overnight. You make this, you pay that. You do this, and you get that, I really do not give a flying fuck if you were abused, or any other mitigating circumstances. That is all cop outs and bull smells as far as I am concerned. Lets put our dern cards on the table. Stacey knows it, U cannot hide a thing. Yeah, there R some people right now that I would hjust love to take out in the pine barrens and slowly do them in aganizingly. But I was brought up by good old fashioned Christian parents that were not one bit afraid to introduce me to wall number 1, number 2, and yes number 3, oh and did I mention good ol’ wall #4. Yes, I learned to get well acquanited with them all untyil one day, I learned to say yes sir, no mam, and obey rules, laws, and have the necessary respect 4 those that have authorithy over me. This is the good world that I was brought up in. Here, the Columbines did not ever think of being a reality, nor did the Virginia Teck’s. The worst I had 2 worry about on the way home from school was facing the toughest bully or bullies, and getting a split lip. Awwww!!!!!!!! But no more, noqw we cannot feel safe to leave our under 18 kids alone outside in their own yard for a millisecond. This is not the world I lived in once, my world was thermonuclearly bombed out of existence, or it may as well have been, it is all gone forever, RIGHT???????????? The siege started Sunday, not that it ever is really, NOT SIEGE, but it does back off slightly from time 2 time. But Stacey gave permission for Diana 2 come and visit me on the human realm at my work site, and after she made beautiful ribbons of green and purple lighning right over my work site, the clouds vanished, and Stacey sent me her lovely rainbow right over me, and it vanished almost instantly upon my looking up and waving and saying to the great I AM, thank you. This was 2 let me know she cared enough 2 send the very best, like the ad on TV says so perfectly. But 1 minute after the rainbow was gone,k the evil wicked cultscum demonic MILITUFORCE LAMBRIGGERS struck me. The Brigbase sent a huge fighter jet boggie tright over my car, totally zenithing me at crash level, they do not want private citizens directly in xcommunications with any “extra-T” deities, it is permissible to mass worship them in church buildings, but get 2 know them up close and very persinal, and let the powers in this evil empire view it on their GLOBAL POSITIONING SATELLITES, and U have had it bra!!!!!! All day today, it was hell beyond words. They woke me early with a crash level zenithing private BLACK FILE AGHENCY plane ocer my residence, in total violation, ACLU, OF MY CIVIL, HUMAN, AND CONSTITUTIONAL R I G H T S!!!!!! Kemtrails R everywhere, loud shit blotorsuckles R all over like flies on catshit, and the harasement is so intense, that is defies logic how no one that it is not meant 4, does not also become aware that something un natural and twistedly sick is going on all around me and them as well, all though they R not the direct targets, it defies fucking logic how tghis can B real!!!!!!!!I am now opening a closet door called ELETRONIC METAPHYSICS AND PHASE 4 REALITY. Remember the movie anyone old enough to legally buy a pack of smokes at the local WAWA without an ID card, THE GREAT LOS ANGELES EARTHQUAKE, with that lovely blond, and Governor Muscles’ wife, Maria S? Within a tiny march of days after it aired and was released, and after a century almost of no really super major quakes there, boom, first comes the bog L.A. quake, and soon to follow, right in the middle of the World Series baseball game at Candlestick Park, the great FRISCO QUAKE. Now if every time something is recorded and a movie is made or a CD or musical recording, etcetera, it brought the event into being, we all qwould B aware of the pheniominom, and would definitely as a society, would be intensely researching and studying it, with our greatest scientific minds on the job 24/7 and then some, am I right? So Y the on and off againism 2 all this mystery????? First, “they” do not want things 2B observed, only enlightened individuals have clue number point oh one to any of these closet doors and what sdecretly lies within them. Did not Mayor Bob Levy himself, say there is nothing to his crap, until somebody finally up and ripped his closet apart? U haven’t started 2 hear anything on this, just hold on tight there cat-tail lady from Tilton Road!!!!!!!!!!!! Back a bit to the OJ SYNDROME, as I personally label it.The old Medical Center show had an episode called “THE LAST 10 YARDS” with Orange Juice Simpson and Ed Asner, and of course my pal, the doc, Joseph Alluwishes Gannon- played by and I know his name very well, but am taking a major ETTOS attack and cannot pull it up at the moment. Anyway, OJ rips the phone off of a wall in his apartment house where he and his lovely wife Sue Wiley R living. Then he pushes her down onto the floor of the building hallway as she looks up at him saying, “BRU?”. Shades of 1995 and the grerat OJ case, NO????????????? Clome on, do not kid yourself, there is something to all of this, and that something is called PHASE 4 BEINGS EXISTING IN OUR PHYSICAL WORLD. They can only live here in our realm as ideas and plots to shows and books and so forth, but U cannot see the atom either. Ga’head and tell me atoms aren’t real, just go ahead. Nagasaki and Hiroshima Japan will veheminantly argue the point with U I can assure U of that. Let us look at Henry Semple in the school shooting episode on the greatest TV trial and law show since Perry Mason, LAW AND ORDER. Where did his parents live B4 bringing him to New York City 4 the gods sake? Virginia, go ahead, watch the show. So Y doesn’t every time, this thing work in a precise order? First, get into the study og Quantum Dynamics, which proves what I knew all along, that the electron is intelligent and not truly random, as certain ones will pass through screens and others will not, and 4 reasons that show some parallel example but too complex to detail at this moment, that the on again off again thing does not prove that when it is on, it is coincidental. If a bully in school decides to randomly pick on your kid on certain days of the calendar that he or she checks off in his or her bedroom, and never lets a soul in on this method of bullyism, on the days that he or she screws with your kid, is that random as far as the bullying? Man, wake the fucksheets up and smell the coffee stinking awat in the kitchen, don’t stay endlessly a Bunker Queens Deadhead, Archie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We will open the next closet on Queens and Kings in a minute, but these 2 closets have so many secrets in them, tio even infer that a lifetime is sufficient time to explain it all, would B a major deception on my part. I will ask U to review my first of the 3 blogs on and it is called MORIANITY BIBLE. I told you all how John King told me to hose myself off on the beach, and was way out of line getting personal with me, a perfect stranger to him, telling me to do things that he had no business in the world telling me to do. He kept saying OK, OK, OK, over and over again. Now go to your google and google up MAYOR LEVY, later I will give the blog and website, the precise HTTP address, for a 4 page report on NOVEMBER the 10th of last year, oh six, talking about his green beret stuff being a fraud. He honorbly served our country, and do not care to debate why he did this, as I probably am the only person alive who really understands it, do not blame him, something similar happened to me at precisely the same time that the issue first came up, and both of us took what we had and ran, because it made us feel like a millio bucks. The smart people know I am talking about my demons and his demons, my demons had no N in them, and his did, but ETTOS is powerful, and wanting 2 feel greater than U all ready R is a very simple thing 4 alien entities 2 influence upon us, and even get us to take stupid actions when we know better all along not to do it, as it is a fraud, and yet, when someone is given the keys to kngdoms, it is hard to say sometimes to a worldd that beleives U have what U do not have, that something strange is going on. It is simpler and feels nicer, to go with it, never questioning the bigger picture, that down the road is always a hell to B paid, demons or demos!!!!!!!!! I am the one son of a bitch sir, your HONOR, who understands what is inside your soul on this matter, more than your own kids and family, even your long term buddy ex-mayor Jimmy W. No they do not understand this, but we do, am I right kind sir, or do I lie, ol’ beach ex body surfer bud!!?????????!!!!!? No, the facts R the facts, and human shit and what is inside us, as is biblically spoken, is ugly and twisted. We do not admit even to ourselves half the time, what lies deep under the consciousness or very moset surface layers of 6th dimensional reception, [THOUGHT]. But phase 4 entities, in order 4U2 properly get the picture, it workd=s like void infinity, U must learn to think in reverse, to even get a small tiny bit of a clue as far as clarity, maybe never full understanding, but to begin seeing any of these truths, U must first see that U exist at void infinity, then dream out and away into astral existence. On this plane or realm, U try more dreaming aways, as we tend 2 yearn 4 a more physical experience, even though we totally know the pain is real here in our dreams, and that we will face age and death and horiffic sick twisted shit of all sorts and natures, but still we wish to dream downward into physicallity, and if we do not attempt to brake out of a pre-set mold that is built into it all by 7th dimensional lawtrons, we do indeed make it, dreaming in all over hyperspace, all throughout the various inter dimensional worlds of existences, throughout the 4 dimensions of space time. But along comes Jenny Johnson or Clark Kent, and it is set up not to work. This is why monsters and super people, all of it, remains fictional and sci-fi, it violates the absolute law, [LAWTRONICS] that keep it from everm being a reality here in phase three physicallity. More on this later, as to exactly how phase 4 life entities literally come 2B in and through all of us in phase three, or regular human beings. 5555555555555555555555555555555555, I hate seeing ones anywhere on clocks, and love 5’s, and got screwed out of seeing the 5:55P.M. a few minpers ago, so allow me please to print them on this web document, so as to attempt to compensate. As the song says, SUDDENLY IC, and that is just what happens, let it be on a VCR or a DVD counter, a clock, boom, out of nowhere, every time, the more I try to escape it, the more futility is built into the equation, as bang, I just look up 4 no apparent reason, and instantly there it is, the damn song was cosmically written 4 me for crissake.UR not immagining all these things out there, people, UR simply NOT. But now 4 the off part of this on again off again finnigan, as the old adage goes: If I am on the astral plane attempting to either visit in a projection, a heavy body world on the material realms, or literally fall out of my astrallithy and begin 2 dream a dream that I get born a little baby screaming with snot pouring out of my face, this is the beginning of the dream, and the dream comes complete with its own built in agreeing and interactive world all around it, Mr. Richie, TTZ. If I want to B superman, now I phase through sort of a 7th dimensional shift, and am given choices to dial it back here and there, and if I keep choosing to dream in things that violate the lawtronics, I move in not as a baby getting born or conceived, it matters niether believe me but as it is a hot issue, end topic, but back on point, now I must go into allready existing dreamers and share interaction with them. I get to live through them, and they remain always in control. I can attempt 2 influence dreamers 2 make this or that choice, but all the demonic posession stuff is pure fiction. Now the electromagnetic spectrum has frequncies unimmaginable to most physically existing people. These freaks are not only way out there such as one times ten to the plus or minus fortieth power cycles per second, but R combinations of both pitched harmonics that astrallites refer 2 as natural blend sonics, as well as the un-natural blend sonics, which R, put quite simply, if it was in the very narrow range of true human sound, a mere maximum of ten octaves, would sound much as a cat walking accross a piano or an average kid with no talent nor lessons, pretending to play a piano. But B not fooled, as un-natual sonic blends and natural ones, both, make up strange combofreaks , responcible for the separation of phasing from 3 into 4, or back into 3 if an entity in lawtronic flux, should wish 2 reconsider fitting more uniformly into the acceptable and permitted patterns and limits 4 the phase 3 entity to interact properly on this physical plane. Simply put and being up front and totally honest, is Y here in the real world, if U believe in ghosts and vampires and monsters and space aliens, U simply and impolitely put, R considered 2B nuts. There R no such things within phase 3 limits. Now the phase 4 of energy really existing in the ideas and immaginations and fantacies of people’s minds, should not B laughed at and discounted as silly nor unimportant. Energy is real, and purer kerlian types unlike burning paper and turning the mass of the paper into a crude low frequency energy is parsecs away from truer energy being referred to by me herein. When the Earthquake movie was made, certain characters from the astral worlds wished to dream into the physical plane, and were not permitted by the lawtrons to do so, hence the characters became interactors of phase three, or regular human beings alive on the Earth realm, playing parts in a movie under contract in Hollywood, CAUSAESMWG, and it really is true, and just this simple, sample, semple, L&O. OK, so Y did the the show bring about the 2 big California quakes, and Y did OJ Simpson happen a quarter century after he made the episode on Medical Center, CHAD EVERETT, played Doc. Gannon, the 6th dimension just released my blocked Ettosian channel? Y the VT massacre following the Henry Semple kid on Law & Order, and he was supposedly from Virginia B4 attending the GMHS in Manhatten? And the biggest Y, Y not all the time? Y the L&O MAYOR and giving back the medals episode, following shortly with Mayor Levy of ACNJUSAESMWG? But Y not another episode coming into reality? Well, time is not over yet by the way and who knows what will happen in the future, as I told Mayor Levy back in ’97 when he said to me “CU next season” as I walked off the beach the last day of the guarded season that year. But no, not all will ever come in. Those that come in R in perfect harmony, those that do not make it into reality following the kerlian energetic patterns one phasing underneath, R not in perfect harmony, in their frequency combinations, and sound like the cat on the piano, verses a beautiful tear jerking sonata played by the Boston Pops. So can astrral entities intentionally bring themselves into realities and violate phaseing laws set in stone on the 7th dimension? YES. There R indeed some powerful entities, and one used me in order to create his existence. His name is SHORTY MACINVONDI, from a place called the Treneeshacris Circles in the capitol province on the phase two realities called OLYMPIA. His friend for quintillions of kalpas is Professor Theodore Telmore Andrew Jackson, also from TCOP,AP. Someday, the story of how these fine gents used me to bring them 2 life will come out, just call me Doc Frank. Today was no ordinary day 4 me not just because of siege. I no longer need to keep saying Dow Jones UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UPUP as UR the retard of the century if U do not get it yet, translation, PET IS REAL, PARALLEL EVENT TECHNOLOGY. But my problems, although tied to this fucking PET thing, go way beyond, and R all headquartered totally in ATLANTIC CITY, NJUSAESMWG!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway,, I will give U on my #15 blog the direct HTTP address, but google up Mayor Bob Levy and the issue regarding the GREEN BERET thing, and see how the OK,OK,OK, thing, ties in. When I tell U these people intimidate, threaten and wreck people’s lives, am I really such a freaking liar, B honest, am I, it is all right there in black and white 4 all 2C, suddenly, suddenly Shields Susan, or snot not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, she is grown and on her own and we were but 10 and now we’re old, and rip off town and Highview Tooth Fairie Overweight Jenny 20 Cheers, can it really all B just one big fat Jack McCoy coincidence? Would McCoy from L&O really buy tyhat 4 a mimper????????? No this day is 27 years after 1980, this is the night 27 years ago that I moved into 1802 Thief in Hell [Robin Hill] Apts. In Voorhees Twp, NJUSAESMWG, and I didn’t move in there 4 a screaching LARK. 27 years after the last day on the NJ Transit bus that night just past ten at night on Arkansas Avenue in ACNJUSAESMWG, was in 1997, and my trip to Carlisle, PAUSAESMWG, from the previous June, started my search for the great Sarah Krassle here on Earth, to really heat up big time.27 is the name-number of the electron in her true existence on the astral plane, DZA. 27 is major as is the night I moved into Thief-in-Hell, in whoresqueeze Blew Jerksey, no not on PRETON, but on 4th and PRESTON Avenue, the famous N was hacked out by machine mind on a prior blog, as U can C4 yourself. Today, I learned that there was a huge reason 4 my meeting Eddie Himacane at the HAMMONTON, NJUSAESMWG LIBRARY, late last springtime in oh-six. I learned through BERTHA, his grandmother, things I needed to learn, right now, not in the next week or 3 months down into the 4th. Yes, the neighbor upstairs, is cousinry connected to all of my Atlantic City people. Donna does a great job on the morning of May one, 27 years ago, belting out my lyrics, THE MORNING LIGHT, [TML]. But the morning light is the same thing as DAWN, and Paula is a cousin to a cousin, and there R 2 John Kings, cousins, one is not dreaming here in current space time 4-D, and his parking lot on Tennessee Avenue shows the memorial sign, not the memorial day of 1969 that is referred 2 in many prior blogging work by me. The guy at the nmagical green and white building at 101 Boardwalk, is the living cousin. Dawn, who is a breath away from jail, is related, and there is cousin Sarah-Jane. Dawn’s mom, Ann, the nicest lady in the world, cannot say enough good about her, as all of this really does break my hear, as her daughter’s husband tried to hang himself right here in this very building last weekend, back 8 days ago in 4-D. Ann worked at the TRINIDAD, for Tahren and Rieka Ghandi, long after Al Soifer was ‘done away with’. Galloping Zigmund Malyeska cancer and Robert Pincus, my right eyeball!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow, so it seems Birtha, the magic lady as Ed refers 2 her as from time 2 time, got me to meet her grandson, Eddie at the Library, go to Pictures, at my site, and see the place up on my site. I now am only cracking the new surfaces in my large super search and quest to find the great I AM, the GREAT SARAH-STACEY JEHOVAH KARGE KRASSLE. Once I find her and tell her who she is, and she gets back her knowledge and memories cvonsciously, this world will C things way 2 far out 4 me 2 tell, I do not threaten anyone, I speak GSSPEL TRUTH, BEWARE THE JUDGEMENT OF THE ALL MIGHTY, BRIGGERS. Today, 27 years after the night I moved in and got up the following morning to cut those 2 dance tunes, there is no chance timing this perfect. This is all part of Sarah-Stacey’s perfect plan, and closet doors R about 2 get blown right off their freaking hinges real damn soon, and the world will know it, just as fast as I learn it. The gods pity U evil scummy Milituforce dirt bags, when my Stacey comes to THAT BOY’S aid, wo, UR done, SON!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

I sittith here @ Eddie Him’s place machine penning blog #BAD LUCK-13.

Chopper attack got me nasty while I was just over @ my mechanics having my break pads adjusted, as on my next oil change date, I need some brake work accomplished. Yes, and thank U all for reading my blogs, I do from time 2 time get around to reading my posted comments, all though most R spammers, but one comment said that, and he/she is totally correct, it can get worse, it always does 4 me, and yes, I try 2 limit my rage, and I always limit it to words, but words can bite worse than my pals in Dogtown, and I would never deny that. The Astral Plane is not a location, it is a condition-interaction. If I uttered one thing on this physical realm that I claimed the All Mighty told me, I would B a total liar, and biblically guilty of adding to the word of the great Scylla Jehovah. When I occasionally say that she told me something, it must always B on the non-physical realm. If I have a dream that is not a full blown THIRD-THING-HAPPENING, or not an awake nor asleep event, but that other unknown strange and definitely esoteric and metaphysical reality that lies, as does limbo and pergatory, INBETWEEN. No she does not speak 2 me on Earth in any way except through her scriptures and I am in no way special beyond that, SHE is not a respector of persons, not even THAT DOG or THAT BOY, as SHE calls me in her lovely Great City of SAHASRA DAL KANWAL. No your Eminence, when I exist and interact on the Earth world, I am just whittle ol’ me, not special beyond being major cursed, and wishing 4 everyone on this planet including U, to pray for the great Angel of Death, city named, MORTY MORTINO, along with 10 other longer names not needed 2B included on this web log, 2 please permit me to leave here as Mountainpen, I do not ask for the ultimate reward of Nirvanic-oblivion, but just to get out of the current mess that I am stuck in, through lazer trace teck. Anyone with the machinery 2 accomplish this would B considered 2B a God of some form, I assure U that all things that exist physically, can B viewed via using time delay or creating sufficient distance in absecca point A and ordinate point B. Once U zoom into that, U can cut and paste in a similar way to today’s computers. U zoom in through time delay space distance, zoom into the target, and copy it in a kerlian energetic wavelength that is the electromagnetic of the biological cloning procedure. U start 2 fall on train tracks, but B4U turn into mush and gutts, they find U somewhere prior 2 the time point that U do this event, copy, and paste the copied U back into current space-time reality. When U understand the teck from 3-7 thousdand years ahead of us in 4-D, U would C in a flash that all of this including resurrections, is childs play. Now sir, for the astral, yes so now U used the F-6/10, and saw first hand 4 yourself that there is more than DOGTOWN, and SDK. If the Catholic faith is comfortable recognizing this as limbo, that does not bother the Moriabnity-Foundation a bit. Speaking of, the Blogger website, does not create direct hyperlinks, so when I list a site, U will need to huighlight, and then copy and paste your way into it, as the little hand does not form. Blogger sometimes turns my smiley and frowny faces into empty squares, other times it does display the faces, I have no knowledge Y this off again/on again reality occurs, merely telling my reading audience the facts. Hay whatever sinks their sub. Told you all that the DOQW JONES would go right back up to make all new record highs, and now it is way over 13,000 points, exactly as I said. I did not call it, nor prophesy this, I absolutely knew it. Get any fucking broker 2 show U the charts, and my life charts ran in precisely the opposite angles in reverse at the precise fucking times that the Dow illegally gained this ill gotten ground by employing PET to destroy totally, my pathetic whittle innocent life, a guy who never did one thing bad to another living being in his entire life. The Great I Am detests the way her THAT BOY has been injured and wrecked by U filthy incestrallite slobs for many decades. Yes, the Teck School at the great TECK BAY OF THE OP, informed me as Rictafarius, through some mystic guru professor’s in the high degree section of PLAGOL, in the GREAT building of OLYMPIAN PLAGOL, that powerful world leaders in both the political and religous arena tried to prove that the FASCITAR 6/10 was not true and real, in order 2 discredit me. Did not work huh, discrediting me that is. No, the beings I could tell U about R way beyond what any one now alive could ever relate to in any possible way. Paula King and Sarah Matino are powerful beings that exist here on Earth when they want 2. They nmaintain their identities to keep close watch over the Tennessee Avenue Karge-Worm-Hole. My mothers boss from the famous Shipping company in Philly, PAUSAESMWG, bought out by the Brittish firm called INCHCAPE, would have lasso’d U and taken U into custody at the Stratford, NJUSAESMWG, Police Department, whose Chief is a personal good friend of my realtor friend, KS, he is real good with ropes. U may B some kind of a Jenny Johnson, but only in the movies can all of that really wild stuff B done, and U know his wild father, I know this 4 a fact. He wanted 2 tell me about U and big S back in 1993 at my home in Gibbsboro, NJUSAESMWG, when he dropped over 2 visit me one afternoon while his son and my mom were at the office next to Independence Mall, a place that has seemingly near eternal great importance 4 me in my large-life. Or said better, not seeing individual lifetimes seperately, which once enlightened on the astral plane, is a totally natural way 2 perceive these many sequences of dreams. It saddens me that eveyone is so grounded and stuck here in physicallity, not even wanting to ever leave here. What is so wonderful about this life? I do not care who UR, the question stands? Eventually, U will experience your loved ones suffer in one qway or another, or U will suffer one way or another eventually yourself. At least, when U do not interact in Dogtown, UR free to wander around endlessly, in an existance where your every ‘instant-thought’ is one and the same with your so-called reality. Some tell me, but nightmares can B unfathomably horrific, and without my body 2 flee back into, I am screwed.U got it bud, until U leasrn to instantly flash out of that thought and dream shift, faster than the proverbial alagazam. This is Y religous giants that C a collection plate first, and your individual spiritual development and advancement not last, but as a total threat to their control over U and 2 their big heavy plate, will endlessly stunt your spiritual growth, as U will not remember instantaneously upon your physuical death, that U must now take control of the situation, because if UR underdeveloped, others more developed will B there 2 bulley and fuck with U until U do eventually remember and catch on that they have no power over U that U do not give 2 them by thinking it the truth that they do have it over U. On Earth, those over us cannot be overcome and compensated against by thought, it requires a series of actions and interactions. The exact same truths exist both physically and astrally, but physical plane matter is made up of heavier debris so 2 speak. When it is lighter, heavy stones need not B hurled at each other, just lightweight thought interaction. But without this knowledge going directly into death with U, and practice in these spiritual truths through direct personal astral travel and the making of contacts and bringing this back with U into physical life, it will B such a giant shock 2U to suddenly B no longer alive physically, and whether it B panic, bewilderment, or lacking of recent experience, U can B in more trouble directly after dying than U can begin 2 know. I was not supposed 2 say all of this but screw it, I did, so sue me!!!!!!!
Lots of motor suck offs, airael harassement, and shit in general, is bad again. So what else is new? I do not need a website with streaming A/V, that can come later. CD’s were uploaded into the system, so I soon will have a new non-musical part to my web-site, called NON MUSICAL SOUND BITES. I will show that things have indeed happened 2 me absolutely, that will make the planet believe totally, every claim that I ever have made on my blogs. Even though near precise to the ear, fake voice synthesis is indeed possible through sound sine wave sampling, I also know that a good federal law enforcement agency laboratory can run tests that will show if siomething is true or sampled sound. I have no reason to try and trick anyone about anything, nor 2 fake it, my name is Mountainpen, not Levy. Lots of blotorsuckle noise harasment is ongoing here at Eddie’s, several low loud private piss bubble BLACK FILE AGENCY airplanes, and other annoyances R all around me here.
I said it B4 and I will say it again, start with stock dow point prices in mid-1982, and each year from 1982, take a small pocket $8 calculator, and just hit the keys X110%=, and then this is the price for the following year. Then again, U get 110 percent of that price by going multiplied by 110, hit the percentage key, followed by the equals key, and again this new price is the one for this next year. Start around 770 points in 1982, and U will CY the market has to catch up and fly to the fucking moon, but what makes it fly, the math, the numbers, or is the magic in parallel event? Cause and effect says that cause is A and effect is B. Then it says that A = B. But B =/ = [doth not equaleth] A. Now, concentrically, with PARALLEL EVENT TECK, or PET, A = B, and B = A. In other words, this works in both directions just like a worm hole with a white hole with positive running 4th dimension on one end, and a black hole with negative running 4th dimension on the other end. Naturally, white and black sides, and forward and reverse time directions R totally relative one to the other, as neither is an absolute with the opposite twin being its reverse.

Not one thing as U know is real except 4 void infinity, from which no true escape is ever possible, and all any of us can ever do is endlessly keep trying to dream out and away from this hopeless hellishness. I will always love U, as UR my lovely giant coil. I told your parents Z and L that I would always keep U happy and take care of U forever and ever. I am stuck in the human world a while, please send down some of your beautiful colored lightning, and love the hell out of me. I will endlessly love you Diana, try to get Stacey 2 let U come near me and B with me in my time of need. All U need 2 do is look at Wall Strrt’s charts, reverse it, and this is my life for 9 or 10 weeks now, and I have tried to die over and over, they won’t let me. So please stay around me and love me. UR my lightning, and I knew deep down inside that U were my blond queen even back in the 18th century. I know U hear me through the machine-mind of this electrically connected apparatus. Thank U my endless love.
I saw U right B4 the chopper attack over at MIKE’s car shop early this afternnon, I could see your beautiful eyes as U came swooping down over my car so close. I know the great I AM [SSJKK] sent U to let me know that my teen queen is watching over me. Very soon, this world will have more 2 deal with than they ever bargained 4. I have done absolutely nothing 2 these wicked awful shit heads, yet they endlessly use PET and persecute me womb 2 tomb, and then sit around in Trenton or Atlantic rip off City, laughing and whooping it up over the endless misery that they enjoy causing me so much, ya dirtbag incestrallites, [MF’ers].

BON/BORN. Yea, this started a huge airial siege, machine-mind hack, and more invisible shit that cannot B even touched on with my limited time today. They do not ever want the secret of D A R K S H A D O W S S O A P O P E R A , out there in the land of the BLOGGER!!!!!!!!!!! U really think I have yet 2 tell all about Russell Thaxton, the chain, Brad, the third thing happening [TTH], the asterisk kemtrail, and all of the 1969 stuff. Count Andres Petofi, the character in the soap trying to escape Johny Romana, no not my Vi-Queen, wanted desperately to get to 1969, from 1897, the days where my Sarah in human form as Karge, was less than 2 years old, born on July 18th of 1896. The Briggbase would not let me write the name PAUL STODDAR, the dude that Elizabeth Collins married in 1949, and the 20 year LEVY-ATHAN deal that brought the show’s plot to his “PAYMENT DUE” date. This was the same day I was born, only not to get Steeley Dan all excited, I was not born in the forties, and hay is 4 horses. When I tie it all up and together, right down to thousands of my non music sound bites on the web page, no one will believe this all can B a bunch of JJ McCoy coincidences. In two thousand sixteen, machine mind will attempt in many areas of HS, 2 take over the human world plane of existence, more than now, as all ready, they control lots more than ‘they’ let anyone know about, and once computers, telephonesmoney and finance, literally merges into one ‘system’, the attack can and does begin. Many will remember me and my referring to MACHINE-MIND. I cannot help U from 2016, only perhaps for up to 4 or 5 more years, TOPS. Gauki-Gawkauk, at the Teckbay Mystery School of OP, told me things that cannot all ever B told, but I will give U some of it. First, and this I learned from Earthly peolple, Dave Roth’s cousin and my moms bosses dad, were in a medic unit like on the MASH show on TV, but this was B4 Nom, the Second World War. 2 of these men drove the medic vehicle and one was over these two in rank, this man was the great Walt Disney. His heroics R not something his descendants can brag about and were less than honorable, but the other men were brave and did lots of good for our wounded soldiers on the battlefield. Gauki Gawkauk was there, as their mascott, an unusually large black tom cat, who wanted 2C the war up close and personal, and the true entity he is is a giant black panter anyway, so he merely shrank in size into a very large jet black cat. He mistakenly talked in front of Disney, who never was really totally normal after this. He faked it well, but was out there, believe me. Guess ‘Wilbur’ could handle his white Palamino horse a bit better, but then, that’s all Hollywood. Anyway, I really need 2 tell things about LOTTERY-CAT, as he calls himself, and many things fit so terrifyingly and perfectly into each other, the story of how a school mate got drunk as a fish one night on a full 5th of straight vodka, at age 15, and popped over to my residence, and got me to burn something 100 times more powerful and deadly as the Charmed girls TV show’s “Book of Shadows”. It is way too far out to really make a dent into all of this right now, so stay-c tuned, as it is all coming up.

4 NOW BIG KAL, brown eyed teen queen, don’t fall off any of your Ice Capades pipes, B careful, and do not hate your that boy so much on this ol’ Earth.
I sittith here @ Eddie Him’s place machine penning blog #BAD LUCK-13.

Chopper attack got me nasty while I was just over @ my mechanics having my break pads adjusted, as on my next oil change date, I need some brake work accomplished. Yes, and thank U all for reading my blogs, I do from time 2 time get around to reading my posted comments, all though most R spammers, but one comment said that, and he/she is totally correct, it can get worse, it always does 4 me, and yes, I try 2 limit my rage, and I always limit it to words, but words can bite worse than my pals in Dogtown, and I would never deny that. The Astral Plane is not a location, it is a condition-interaction. If I uttered one thing on this physical realm that I claimed the All Mighty told me, I would B a total liar, and biblically guilty of adding to the word of the great Scylla Jehovah. When I occasionally say that she told me something, it must always B on the non-physical realm. If I have a dream that is not a full blown THIRD-THING-HAPPENING, or not an awake nor asleep event, but that other unknown strange and definitely esoteric and metaphysical reality that lies, as does limbo and pergatory, INBETWEEN. No she does not speak 2 me on Earth in any way except through her scriptures and I am in no way special beyond that, SHE is not a respector of persons, not even THAT DOG or THAT BOY, as SHE calls me in her lovely Great City of SAHASRA DAL KANWAL. No your Eminence, when I exist and interact on the Earth world, I am just whittle ol’ me, not special beyond being major cursed, and wishing 4 everyone on this planet including U, to pray for the great Angel of Death, city named, MORTY MORTINO, along with 10 other longer names not needed 2B included on this web log, 2 please permit me to leave here as Mountainpen, I do not ask for the ultimate reward of Nirvanic-oblivion, but just to get out of the current mess that I am stuck in, through lazer trace teck. Anyone with the machinery 2 accomplish this would B considered 2B a God of some form, I assure U that all things that exist physically, can B viewed via using time delay or creating sufficient distance in absecca point A and ordinate point B. Once U zoom into that, U can cut and paste in a similar way to today’s computers. U zoom in through time delay space distance, zoom into the target, and copy it in a kerlian energetic wavelength that is the electromagnetic of the biological cloning procedure. U start 2 fall on train tracks, but B4U turn into mush and gutts, they find U somewhere prior 2 the time point that U do this event, copy, and paste the copied U back into current space-time reality. When U understand the teck from 3-7 thousdand years ahead of us in 4-D, U would C in a flash that all of this including resurrections, is childs play. Now sir, for the astral, yes so now U used the F-6/10, and saw first hand 4 yourself that there is more than DOGTOWN, and SDK. If the Catholic faith is comfortable recognizing this as limbo, that does not bother the Moriabnity-Foundation a bit. Speaking of, the Blogger website, does not create direct hyperlinks, so when I list a site, U will need to huighlight, and then copy and paste your way into it, as the little hand does not form. Blogger sometimes turns my smiley and frowny faces into empty squares, other times it does display the faces, I have no knowledge Y this off again/on again reality occurs, merely telling my reading audience the facts. Hay whatever sinks their sub. Told you all that the DOQW JONES would go right back up to make all new record highs, and now it is way over 13,000 points, exactly as I said. I did not call it, nor prophesy this, I absolutely knew it. Get any fucking broker 2 show U the charts, and my life charts ran in precisely the opposite angles in reverse at the precise fucking times that the Dow illegally gained this ill gotten ground by employing PET to destroy totally, my pathetic whittle innocent life, a guy who never did one thing bad to another living being in his entire life. The Great I Am detests the way her THAT BOY has been injured and wrecked by U filthy incestrallite slobs for many decades. Yes, the Teck School at the great TECK BAY OF THE OP, informed me as Rictafarius, through some mystic guru professor’s in the high degree section of PLAGOL, in the GREAT building of OLYMPIAN PLAGOL, that powerful world leaders in both the political and religous arena tried to prove that the FASCITAR 6/10 was not true and real, in order 2 discredit me. Did not work huh, discrediting me that is. No, the beings I could tell U about R way beyond what any one now alive could ever relate to in any possible way. Paula King and Sarah Matino are powerful beings that exist here on Earth when they want 2. They nmaintain their identities to keep close watch over the Tennessee Avenue Karge-Worm-Hole. My mothers boss from the famous Shipping company in Philly, PAUSAESMWG, bought out by the Brittish firm called INCHCAPE, would have lasso’d U and taken U into custody at the Stratford, NJUSAESMWG, Police Department, whose Chief is a personal good friend of my realtor friend, KS, he is real good with ropes. U may B some kind of a Jenny Johnson, but only in the movies can all of that really wild stuff B done, and U know his wild father, I know this 4 a fact. He wanted 2 tell me about U and big S back in 1993 at my home in Gibbsboro, NJUSAESMWG, when he dropped over 2 visit me one afternoon while his son and my mom were at the office next to Independence Mall, a place that has seemingly near eternal great importance 4 me in my large-life. Or said better, not seeing individual lifetimes seperately, which once enlightened on the astral plane, is a totally natural way 2 perceive these many sequences of dreams. It saddens me that eveyone is so grounded and stuck here in physicallity, not even wanting to ever leave here. What is so wonderful about this life? I do not care who UR, the question stands? Eventually, U will experience your loved ones suffer in one qway or another, or U will suffer one way or another eventually yourself. At least, when U do not interact in Dogtown, UR free to wander around endlessly, in an existance where your every ‘instant-thought’ is one and the same with your so-called reality. Some tell me, but nightmares can B unfathomably horrific, and without my body 2 flee back into, I am screwed.U got it bud, until U leasrn to instantly flash out of that thought and dream shift, faster than the proverbial alagazam. This is Y religous giants that C a collection plate first, and your individual spiritual development and advancement not last, but as a total threat to their control over U and 2 their big heavy plate, will endlessly stunt your spiritual growth, as U will not remember instantaneously upon your physuical death, that U must now take control of the situation, because if UR underdeveloped, others more developed will B there 2 bulley and fuck with U until U do eventually remember and catch on that they have no power over U that U do not give 2 them by thinking it the truth that they do have it over U. On Earth, those over us cannot be overcome and compensated against by thought, it requires a series of actions and interactions. The exact same truths exist both physically and astrally, but physical plane matter is made up of heavier debris so 2 speak. When it is lighter, heavy stones need not B hurled at each other, just lightweight thought interaction. But without this knowledge going directly into death with U, and practice in these spiritual truths through direct personal astral travel and the making of contacts and bringing this back with U into physical life, it will B such a giant shock 2U to suddenly B no longer alive physically, and whether it B panic, bewilderment, or lacking of recent experience, U can B in more trouble directly after dying than U can begin 2 know. I was not supposed 2 say all of this but screw it, I did, so sue me!!!!!!!
Lots of motor suck offs, airael harassement, and shit in general, is bad again. So what else is new? I do not need a website with streaming A/V, that can come later. CD’s were uploaded into the system, so I soon will have a new non-musical part to my web-site, called NON MUSICAL SOUND BITES. I will show that things have indeed happened 2 me absolutely, that will make the planet believe totally, every claim that I ever have made on my blogs. Even though near precise to the ear, fake voice synthesis is indeed possible through sound sine wave sampling, I also know that a good federal law enforcement agency laboratory can run tests that will show if siomething is true or sampled sound. I have no reason to try and trick anyone about anything, nor 2 fake it, my name is Mountainpen, not Levy. Lots of blotorsuckle noise harasment is ongoing here at Eddie’s, several low loud private piss bubble BLACK FILE AGENCY airplanes, and other annoyances R all around me here.
I said it B4 and I will say it again, start with stock dow point prices in mid-1982, and each year from 1982, take a small pocket $8 calculator, and just hit the keys X110%=, and then this is the price for the following year. Then again, U get 110 percent of that price by going multiplied by 110, hit the percentage key, followed by the equals key, and again this new price is the one for this next year. Start around 770 points in 1982, and U will CY the market has to catch up and fly to the fucking moon, but what makes it fly, the math, the numbers, or is the magic in parallel event? Cause and effect says that cause is A and effect is B. Then it says that A = B. But B =/ = [doth not equaleth] A. Now, concentrically, with PARALLEL EVENT TECK, or PET, A = B, and B = A. In other words, this works in both directions just like a worm hole with a white hole with positive running 4th dimension on one end, and a black hole with negative running 4th dimension on the other end. Naturally, white and black sides, and forward and reverse time directions R totally relative one to the other, as neither is an absolute with the opposite twin being its reverse.

Not one thing as U know is real except 4 void infinity, from which no true escape is ever possible, and all any of us can ever do is endlessly keep trying to dream out and away from this hopeless hellishness. I will always love U, as UR my lovely giant coil. I told your parents Z and L that I would always keep U happy and take care of U forever and ever. I am stuck in the human world a while, please send down some of your beautiful colored lightning, and love the hell out of me. I will endlessly love you Diana, try to get Stacey 2 let U come near me and B with me in my time of need. All U need 2 do is look at Wall Strrt’s charts, reverse it, and this is my life for 9 or 10 weeks now, and I have tried to die over and over, they won’t let me. So please stay around me and love me. UR my lightning, and I knew deep down inside that U were my blond queen even back in the 18th century. I know U hear me through the machine-mind of this electrically connected apparatus. Thank U my endless love.
I saw U right B4 the chopper attack over at MIKE’s car shop early this afternnon, I could see your beautiful eyes as U came swooping down over my car so close. I know the great I AM [SSJKK] sent U to let me know that my teen queen is watching over me. Very soon, this world will have more 2 deal with than they ever bargained 4. I have done absolutely nothing 2 these wicked awful shit heads, yet they endlessly use PET and persecute me womb 2 tomb, and then sit around in Trenton or Atlantic rip off City, laughing and whooping it up over the endless misery that they enjoy causing me so much, ya dirtbag incestrallites, [MF’ers].

BON/BORN. Yea, this started a huge airial siege, machine-mind hack, and more invisible shit that cannot B even touched on with my limited time today. They do not ever want the secret of D A R K S H A D O W S S O A P O P E R A , out there in the land of the BLOGGER!!!!!!!!!!! U really think I have yet 2 tell all about Russell Thaxton, the chain, Brad, the third thing happening [TTH], the asterisk kemtrail, and all of the 1969 stuff. Count Andres Petofi, the character in the soap trying to escape Johny Romana, no not my Vi-Queen, wanted desperately to get to 1969, from 1897, the days where my Sarah in human form as Karge, was less than 2 years old, born on July 18th of 1896. The Briggbase would not let me write the name PAUL STODDAR, the dude that Elizabeth Collins married in 1949, and the 20 year LEVY-ATHAN deal that brought the show’s plot to his “PAYMENT DUE” date. This was the same day I was born, only not to get Steeley Dan all excited, I was not born in the forties, and hay is 4 horses. When I tie it all up and together, right down to thousands of my non music sound bites on the web page, no one will believe this all can B a bunch of JJ McCoy coincidences. In two thousand sixteen, machine mind will attempt in many areas of HS, 2 take over the human world plane of existence, more than now, as all ready, they control lots more than ‘they’ let anyone know about, and once computers, telephonesmoney and finance, literally merges into one ‘system’, the attack can and does begin. Many will remember me and my referring to MACHINE-MIND. I cannot help U from 2016, only perhaps for up to 4 or 5 more years, TOPS. Gauki-Gawkauk, at the Teckbay Mystery School of OP, told me things that cannot all ever B told, but I will give U some of it. First, and this I learned from Earthly peolple, Dave Roth’s cousin and my moms bosses dad, were in a medic unit like on the MASH show on TV, but this was B4 Nom, the Second World War. 2 of these men drove the medic vehicle and one was over these two in rank, this man was the great Walt Disney. His heroics R not something his descendants can brag about and were less than honorable, but the other men were brave and did lots of good for our wounded soldiers on the battlefield. Gauki Gawkauk was there, as their mascott, an unusually large black tom cat, who wanted 2C the war up close and personal, and the true entity he is is a giant black panter anyway, so he merely shrank in size into a very large jet black cat. He mistakenly talked in front of Disney, who never was really totally normal after this. He faked it well, but was out there, believe me. Guess ‘Wilbur’ could handle his white Palamino horse a bit better, but then, that’s all Hollywood. Anyway, I really need 2 tell things about LOTTERY-CAT, as he calls himself, and many things fit so terrifyingly and perfectly into each other, the story of how a school mate got drunk as a fish one night on a full 5th of straight vodka, at age 15, and popped over to my residence, and got me to burn something 100 times more powerful and deadly as the Charmed girls TV show’s “Book of Shadows”. It is way too far out to really make a dent into all of this right now, so stay-c tuned, as it is all coming up.

4 NOW BIG KAL, brown eyed teen queen, don’t fall off any of your Ice Capades pipes, B careful, and do not hate your that boy so much on this ol’ Earth.